by Doreen Virtue
From the Angels:
"We aren't that difficult to hear, if you will listen for
Angel Messages with an open heart."
Most of
the time, we are closer to you than you can
imagine. A whisper, a thought, is the only signal
we need from you to get a conversation started.
We have enormous respect for what you're
going through here on planet Earth at this time.
We never seek to interfere with your lives, only
to bring you blessings of insights and new ways
of looking at yourselves."
Not everyone "hears" angelic voices as an
audible sound. Many people receive divine
messages through nonverbal means such
as visions, feelings, or a knowingness.
Hearing the voice of an angel is called
"clairaudience," which means "clear hearing.
" Their voice may sound like your own or it may
sound different. The voice can emanate from
within your body, within your mind, or sound
as if it's outside your head. When an angel
warned me that my car was about to be stolen,
his voice sounded as if he were talking through
a paper towel tube, just outside my right ear.
An hour later, when I found myself in the middle
of a car-jacking, the same angel guided my life-saving
actions by speaking to me through an inner voice.
While receiving the angel messages in my book,
"Angel Therapy," I heard the words both inside
and outside my mind.
You might hear a faint voice and wonder what it
said. In such cases, go ahead and ask your angels
to repeat their message. Say to them, "A little louder,
please." The angels appreciate your feedback,
as they want to deliver clear and understandable
Angelic voices are consistently loving and supportive
, even when they warn us of impending dangers or
wrong turns. As a psychotherapist, I was trained to
believe that hearing voices was a sign of insanity.
Yet, the voice of the ego is the only source of
"insanity." Ego voice messages are always destructive
, abusive, and impulsive. For example, the ego may
try to convince you that you'll fail. The ego also
changes its mind constantly, so it will tell you to
do one thing Monday, another thing Tuesday,
and a completely different thing Wednesday.
If you listen to the voice of the ego, your life will be chaotic and fear-filled.