The more we know, we discover as we age, the less we know. There are many subtleties in life that come to light as we grow older.


I live with a new age. Heisenberg’s  uncertainty principle, quantum mechanics’ basic principle, is the realization that attempting to measure the absolute position of a subatomic particle leads to increasing uncertainty. The movements  in nanotechnology are impossible to pinpoint.  The experimenter cannot measure more than one quantum variable at a time.  The old guard says pay no attention.  The microcosmic has nothing to do with our world.  We are self-contained. It is a ploy to contain us within the limits of the orthodoxy of lawyers, scientists, and theologians.


Today’s orthodoxy of intellectuals extrapolates the idea from advancing technology that we are coming to a time when we will operate like machines—one worldwide tribe of mindless monkey-men.  This orthodoxy of intellectuals has been moving the world for a century toward their perfect solution—now one single mind ruled by computers.  I got the whole story from a documentary I downloaded yesterday, Transcendent Man.   Actually, it is a throwback in time, back 25,000 years or so, to our more animalistic state, when we lived in caves.  Everything the intelligentsia can do, including  collective salvation Obama, such as curtailing oil well drilling, and setting up penalties for coal burning power plants, everything the intelligentsia and Obama can do to shut down America’s economy, the latest word for Marxism in the movie is now “singularity.”  In demonstration of singularity, the movie shows a star filled sky and then zooms in on one star until the whole screen is white, to give the viewer the allusion that Transcendent Man speaks for the laws of the universe.  Jeanne Avery, a member of both the American Federation of Astrologers and the International Transactional Analysis Association, who lectures, teaches, and conducts workshops both in America and abroad, has a totally different view of the universe than does Transcendent Man.


Speaking of the stars, and I don’t claim to be representative of the one and only law of the universe, just by coincidence, I was born in the month and year, September 1925, that Heisenberg published his uncertainty principle.  And just by coincidence, when I was born Saturn, the learning planet, was in its best alignment with Pluto, the generational planet. Astrologers call it a trine.  Astrologers say the configuration meant that I would likely be interested in science and would know the subtle workings of the universe; and according to Jeanne Avery, that I could bring back information that has been lost for centuries; that I could be the forerunner in setting style; that I could know where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit.  So who is this “transcendent man?”  He is the self-contained,  all-meat computer nerd of the 21st century, one of those quaint, out-of-date people who believe there is no Higher Law; there is only their law.


Keeping in mind Transcendent Man’s one star in the heavens, Marxism, the good news: I was born with Aquarius on the rise, meaning that as I grew older I would become more Aquarian.  Coincidentally, on July 4, 1776, the day America’s Founding Fathers declared their independence from England, the planet Uranus was on the ascendant of the astrological chart, meaning the United States was born under the sign of Aquarius.


Coincidentally, my ruling planet, Uranus, had transited to a position in my astrological chart, in my forties, that indicated a big change was coming. My business enterprise went on the rocks. My wife divorced me. I challenged the IRS and went to the county law library to study my constitutional rights and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court. This make a lot of coincidences in my life, and what has been going on in the world during my life.

We read in the Declaration of Independence that we hold these truths to be self-evident: “that all men are equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.  .  .” In U. S. courts today, I can tell you from personal experience, the right to government entitlement supersedes the right to exist on the fruits of one’s own labor. It is Marxism, the one star in the heavens that counts in the United States of America.  


Before the South lost America’s Civil War, African Americans were owned by whites.   The Constitution is whatever the courts say it is.  But, since the law is based on reason, the United States is a lawless renegade, a throwback in time to the law west of the Pecos.  In the United States today  it is the law of the jungle, the group with the most political power favored, may the best man win.  


Political expedience has been favored since the signing of the Declaration.  Political expedience favors government entitlement.  America, the leader of the free world, is bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally.  Thanks to America’s leaders, and their entitled pawns, it looks as if America problems will be solved by relegating America to the third world and China to the world’s leading economy, a fitting end for people who depend on government, don’t you think?


Not  so with me.  If life could be any better, I don’t know how.  I challenged the above mentioned unholy frauds. With the law, I beat them. It is awesome to think that when I took up “my Constitution,”  when I turned to man’s “Higher Law,” the background of the Constitution,  I turned from loser to winner.  When everything should have gone wrong, you might say, everything started going right.  


I’ve named just a few of the coincidences in my life that made me a believer in miracles.   The Constitution tells us we are capable of being self-governed. If not to anyone else, I proved it to myself.  The caretaker state is man’s doing, the Piscean state, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  The so-called Islamic Brotherhood has the collectivists  all coming together for a a great and glorious common cause: Socialism. Lost in the wilderness of their own doing, it’s the expedience of our leaders that has driven us to this low point. 


It makes no difference whether one is a Christian, Muslim or Jew, my truth comes from within me. What did Jesus say about brotherhood?  He told us to beware of raving wolves in sheep’s clothing.  It is up to us to point the world away from the birds of a feather collectivist inspired, power based Brotherhood—toward the Age of Aquarius, an age of true brotherhood.   


Jesus told us, “In earth as it is in heaven . . But seek ye the kingdom of God.”  The kingdom of God is to be distinguished from the kingdom of heaven.  The kingdom of God is individual.  This I tell you is God’s truth. Believe it. I’ve lived by my belief. I know the truth will set you free. Believe in your sacred self.  We have no idea of the power that lies within us, but I promise you we will.   We are going to change the world, for we are moving forward with the highest force in the universe, God’s law, the opposition with the ebbing tide.  Long live the Tea Party.







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