Herman Cain’s “Plantation-free” Candidacy

By John W. Lillpop

Among the Christian faithful in this nation, Americans of African descent are among the most fervent followers of Jesus Christ. These highly-spiritual and devout people believe in the Holy Bible as the word of God, and long for the Redeemer to come again, this time to gather his sheep for the great day of judgment and the eternal glory at the right hand of God that is to follow.

Regrettably, these soulful Christians have been sold into a new form of slavery by left-wing politicians that claim to be advocates for the faint-hearted and down trodden, but who are unwittingly, or otherwise, serving as agents of he who worships the darkness and scorns the light.

Its called dependency. Liberals wheel and deal in this commodity with greater skill and less moral conscious than Mexico’s drug barons who thrive on the misery and ruin of drug-addicted victims.

Americans of African descent are manipulated into non-thinking zombies by liberals who care not one whit about anything other than raw power. The faithful victims are fooled into believing that government handouts are a path to freedom and independent living, when the exact opposite is true.

Liberals live and die on the notion that people of color must be wards of the state, just to survive.

Getting that notion embedded in the minds and spirits of the black community is the main political strategy of the Democrat Party, including Barack Obama.

However, let not your hearts be bothered, brothers and sisters, for there is a politician, a brother as it were, who believes in Jesus Christ and His Good News.

His name is Herman Cain, an exceptional American of African descent. By sheer coincidence, Cain is a candidate for the presidency of the United States.

Oddly enough, Cain is not a wild-eyed, God-hating liberal who mocks the name of Jesus at every opportunity and who regards true believers as mindless pagans.

Indeed, Herman Cain is, himself, a disciple of Lord Jesus and a conservative advocate of Christian values.

Herman Cain respects the sanctity of human life and vehemently opposes the wanton murder of the unborn.

He believes that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God (the only eyes that matter), and will fight tooth and nail to block the gay movement from further eroding this nation’s spiritual health.

Herman Cain takes the Gospels seriously and strives to live his life in accordance with Christian principles.

Herman Cain believes that evil not only exists, but that Satan and his angels will do anything to disrupt the faithful from communing with the Lord.

Herman Cain would NEVER march off to a Muslim nation and declare defiantly that “America is not a Christian nation.”

Such words are blasphemy of the worst sort and Herman Cain would never take Satan’s side against the Lord.

Herman Cain offers people of color emancipation from the slavery of dependence on god-less liberals who lust only for personal power.

Herman Cain: Rejoice, for there is a Disciple of the Lord at hand!
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