So you want to bring UN troops on American soil to monitor our elections? Well I hope you are ready for the response they will get in every county in this nation. You will spend the rest of your life apologizing. Those who are not placed under citizen's arrest and put in county jail will likely go home in a body bag. Is this what you are hoping for, in case you did not know, it is
not legal for foreign troops to operate on US soil, even with your permission. Don't bother looking it up, it is the law because the American people will make it so. Just remember, Jackass, the people who make things happen in this country are against you and all your Islamic criminal friends. Every man who has ever fought for this country will be outraged by the sight of any foreign uniforms on American soil. That outrage will turn into rage and your UN friends will be in grave danger. Obama you need to pull your head out of your ass now and then, a little air might kick start that pea brain of yours. Then again, not!