I am very conflicted by the discovery and the ramifications should they be verifiable, because the implications are profound. It also presents the members of the 1st Congress in the traditional role of a politician instead of as a more virtuous noble character. It is not unusual when doing this type of research that you will stumble across other things unlooked for. This case is no exception, I discovered several exceptionally well researched sites claiming disturbing things relating to the 13th amendment. There is overwhelming evidence that in 1819 the 13th amendment as ratified as the Titles of Nobility Amendment. The evidence is  compelling as it is reflected in the historic records of Colorado and Wyoming, Maine, The British Museum (particularly disturbing)and many other sources that in or around 1876 it was thrown away and replaced with what is represented as the 13th amendment. Some evidence shows the currently accepted 13th amendment as the TONA and the current 13th amendment as the 14th amendment. One shows the previously stated order with the 15th amendment in agreement. There are many questions as to the legitimacy of the ratifications of the 16th and 17th amendment. The records of the states are in conflict

What is readily apparent is the respect and deference paid to the documents is not reflective of their actual treatment . The claim of Rule of Law is only that, there is no respect or belief that the people and government stand as equals before the law and they never have.


This link will take you to a site that raises issues with the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th amendments. What becomes clear is Congress does not believe the amendment process is important. If an inconvenient conflict arises the Constitution stops being the supreme law of the land

The language of TONA which the call the original 13th amendment bars Hillary Clinton from ever holding office and her time as Secretary of State was in violation of the law

As there was no penalty attached to a title of nobility or honor in the Constitution as originally ratified, the Original Thirteenth Amendmentwas proposed in December of 1809 to institute penalty for accepting or using a "Title of Nobility or Honor" to set oneself apart from, or superior to, or possessing of any special privileges or immunities not available to any other citizen of the United States, and to eliminate the widespread use of "emoluments" as bribery and graft of the legislatures and judiciary used to further the causes and positions of"Special Interests". It was an attempt to keep politicians and civil servants "Honest" in their service to the citizens.

As noted in the discussion 69 in Article 1 of the Constitution, the original Thirteenth Amendment, was ratified in 1819, adding a heavy penalty upon any person holding or accepting a Title of Nobility or Honor, or emoluments from external powers by making that person "cease to be a citizen of the United States" and "incapable of holding any Office of Trust or Profit under the United States". This Amendment was proposed, properly ratified, and was a matter of record in the several States archives until 1876, by which time it was quietly, and fraudulently deleted,



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