How do we get our message out to more than just our little circle?
There are many Conservative talk shows and blogs that we can listen to or respond to. But the readership, viewership is limited. In many cases we end up preaching to the choir. How can we expand our message? If we can do that it will make world of difference.

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  • That is what I was saying you can by Topix forums they are numerous (every city and town seems to have one) and you can respond to the topics or make up one.  Also, mainstream media like on-line newspapers, cnn, and yahoo, etc..  People comment there on stories but you have to sign up and you do not have to sign up on Topix cites.  Trust me when you post on these things I mentioned above do not use your real name because you are now dealing with whole public and lots of ignorant Obama Zombies and people thay may cause trouble fory ou.  Very very good question you are alright in my book Abrams.
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