How to deal with the US DEBT

   The US is on a path to total destruction. Debt never produces wealth just the other way around. Poverty is the result of debt. In America for a number of years the ruling parties have exported the wealth of this nation via debt to other nations. Simple said the way you grow a nation is to get a influx of ventrue funds. America is exporting it wealth. That begain in the late 80s with corperations. The problems in American came as a result of Wal-Street buying influence and deregulation the Banking industry that lead to massive fraud across the nation. So what must be done to bring America back to being a productive and weathly nation.

    Step ONE: We have to provide a path for US citizens to buy US Debt. This stops the wealth of the Nation from being exported. Allows the interest to remain in America. As the US government currently makes no interest on the Debt it is selling to other nations. The people buying US debt shall not bay any interest. I subjest creating a EEE bond that is sold at the Post office which is a face value demand bond. These bonds would in fact carry the same interest rate as US debt issues to overseas investors. Execpt that the interest is not payed in full to the people buying them. The interest is payed in the following way. 10 percent of the interest is directly paided into Social Security. The other 90 percent is retained by the owner and is paid at the time of redeemption.

     Step Two: require that with every purchase of any stock that 5 percent must be invested into debt retirement bonds. The debt bonds are a required purchase for all forms of transactions in any stock market. The debt investment is must be held for a certian period. These pay a interest rate that is the same as those paid to overseas owners. The execption is that overseas owners can't collect interest. There interest is retained in the bond pool and when redeemed the interest is simple applied to the debt. A US citizen can retain the interest. No Business party or corperations may retain the interest. The bond issue will pay US debt and there will be the 10 percent to the Social Security fund and 90 percent to the buyer.

      Step Three: Set up a bond EEE commission to manager the funds received. Allow the fund managers to invest the EEE funds for greater gains as backed loan insterments. The purpose is to creat a leanding pool that may make more money then just simple paying off the debt. Example company A offers to pay 3 points over the interest rate we are paying a overseas nation. If that creats jobs in America and also brings in a the same debt reduction. It is a wise investment. But it must produce Jobs in America. This commission can't not be approached in person and the government can't direct there activities period. They are a paid a flat fee and report to the GAO. There are retired bussiness professionals. And are appointed by congress, with the presidents approval. 

       Step Four: Require that all retirement funds and insterments in the US maintains a 5 percent holdings in dept EEE bonds.

       Step Five: Provide a path for the owners of EEE bonds to deposit there Bond interest into there Social Security account to increase the owners benefit amount. Also creat a path were people can invest in there account even if it is not interest.

       Step Six: Creat a new universial retirement account for the US public. Allow all people to elect to put a share of there money into the account. Require all bussiness to make the system election available to there employees and allow the employer to be able to also invest into his account. These accounts for a period of 6 years would be used to retire debt 25 percent. But draw interest. And the 75 percent plus interest is used to buy hard liquid assets.

Gold, Silver ect. This is not a mandatory system. But if you elect to join the system You get a 1 percent tax break for ever 5 percent of you income you put into the system.

        Step 6: Creat a whiplash system to punish any bussiness corperation that does not pay a mininum of 25 percent of earning on all gained income. Also creat a system to punish corperation of dumping work injuried employees on the SSI and SSD program and make them fund the medical and compensation for life.

        Step 7: Creat a 50 States Workmans comp program. Do not allow a single employer to be self insuried. Do not allow a single employer to even manage s care of the employee. Creat a Workmans comp insurance pool that is managed by the US Government and require the medical doctors to provide care as a requirement ot be allowed to practice in the US. They would get limited pay. The employers would pay not Just into from a fund. They pay directly and also receive fines determined by the number of people whom are hurt and also the record of not correcting work place problems that cause the problems. The current system allows employers to maintain a dangerious work place while making others pay for there lack of ethics. The insuance Fund would be used to compensate the injured worker. Government appointed Lawyers would repersent the injuried worker. This system would be used for all employees in the country ALL. 

        Step 8: Change the income tax system to a dual tax system. A flat tax for Citizens.  You know real people with teeth and skin. A pay as you purchase system. To reduce the IRS. And a secondary system to tax bussiness. Appoint IRS agents at large corperation to run a continious check on there reporting. Also appoint special IRS agents the do special research into fraud systems of companies. No taxes and the debt wil go up.

        Step 9: Cut the dead weight in state and federal governments and limit grow in the Federal And state government by a percentage of the GDP yearly. 

          Step 10: Do away with all federal retirements programs. I mean All. You can't pay people more then the rest of the nation and given them more benefits then everyone else and retain wealth as a nation. The math just makes it impossible. Also no retirement for members of either house and no cost of living increases for federal elected appointed or employeed employee. Cost of living increases allow the government to grow in unchecked ways. That is what has driven up much of the debt. As the Fat Government is depanding more and more. They are doing less and less. Simple becasue they Can. 

         So i have given you the answers to getting this nation back on track. What are you going to do now? Sorry for speeling mistakes, never was good at speeling. But I can think.   

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  • Also as the internet tax free sales system was allowed not to grow internet bussiness and to decrease the sale revenue across the nation it is time to due away with none taxed internet sales. Think about what that system does in reallity. It allows overseas investors to creat store and sale product and export our wealth overseas and not even be taxed on the profit. Undercuts all established businesses. And creats a system in which any big box company could in fact defraud the whoel system alledging a internet sale when in fact it was not a internet sales. FRAUD LEVELS off the chart.


    Also as the burden is now falling to the elders and the seniors to fund the public school system via property taxes.  In which they neither receive a direct benefit nor a indirect benefit. It is time to change the property tax system to exclude anyone from paying taxes for schools they do not have children in. Why are senior and the elderly paying for football stadiums and basketball games when they can't even pay for food or medicans. More over why does anyone think it is impropor for people raiseing children to pay for there childrens education.  And everyone whose child is in a public school should make there own election weather to be taught about God or not. The Government does not have any right unless you give it to them. Why would anyone send allens children to our public educational system and not understand that it is a form of tax to make everyone else pay for it. We need true pay go in all levels of Government and that includes Schools.


    As far as state schools go, Football cost you money. Coaches retire and get paid well. YOUR THE ONE PAYING THE BILL. Schools need to be schools. If a school is going to offer a sports activity the school needs to generate it own money to do that not strap on the feed bag.

    Sports is Entertainment not education. Not to mention that when a youth gets injuried playing sports it is the tax payer that foots the life long bill. As the schools nor state can't be sued. This is immoral and dumps thousands on the SSI program for life. So a bunch of wicked are being entertained by harm to children. Happens everyday and the TAX payer funds it.


    The real cost of a thing is the actually cost. Not the theory of the cost.

    It is time to made America proud and to become responsible. Responsible prople apply the taxes were they belong and also do not allow themselfs to be robed on every corner.


    Insurance for autos have become a problem in all states due to the allens in this nation and the fact they can't get D.L. or insurance. Insurance must be optional or all citizens weather on state or federal roads. The reason for that is it lowere the rates. The insurance companies now have a rigged game across the board. This reduces Law suits. Everyone is responsible for there own insurance, but if another driver  causes a wreak then you can sue him. The cost of insurance is directly tied to money paid for there secondary bond issue measures. Each state should be the bond carrier. Puts money into the state offices. Gets overseas underriders out of making Profit off every american.


    Every system in this nation has to be reworked. These different systems have a infection it is called corupted. So lets examine the whole systems how they actually work and why they do not work. Then lets make the systems work. Lets reduce overall cost and increase the overall function. And lets make the people of the nation the actually people that vote on the different measures to improve the nation.

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