Carl Ichan was on CNBC-TV this evening.  His advice is as follows and it should be heeded by the Administration because he knows what he is talking about when it comes to money, investment and the economy. 

He stated that the Administration needs to stop, repeat stop, scaring the hell out of Corporations which has the effect of a state of paralysis.  In other words, they are afraid to do anything, i.e., any investing like building factories in the U.S.  This anti-business attitude of the Administration is a wet blanket on the economy.  The Obama Administration needs to encourage industry, develop incentives of various kinds which will result in Corporations investing in the U.S. instead of moving overseas.  Investment incentives, tax incentives and incentives for Corporation to repatriate back to the U.S., in other words, bring back the money to  the U.S. and the will to invest in America. 

The Administration believes that Corporations will automatically do this when they see a demand for their products.  This comes down to the question as which comes first, i.e., the chicken or the egg.  They have already failed to develop investment activity with this wrong-headed philosophy.  They need to try the Reagan economic philosophy which is to INCENTIVISE (encourage) industry to invest in America and to STOP SCARING THE HELL OUT OF THEM WHICH RESULTS IN NO INCENTIVE TO INVEST IN THE U.S.

CARL ICAHN KNOWS WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THE ECONOMY GOING AGAIN.  THE PROBLEM IS THAT HIS ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS ARE THE OPPOSITE  OF THE SOCIALIST SOLUTION WHICH THE DEMOCRATS AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION BELIEVE.  He states that the Democrats are nice people and are sincere in what they propagate but they don't understand that their Socialist agenda simply will not work.  (The use of the word Socialism is mine and I am paraphrasing his remarks.)

I personally believe that the Socialists embeded in the Democratic party and some also buried deep in the Republican party know all of this.  But  their agenda is to bring the U.S. to its knees so that they can remake it in the image and likeness of the Socialists utopia.  What they don't understand and don't want to believe is that this Socialist Utopia will end up be a Socialist Hell on Earth.  Apparently they have never read or understood the truth as to what results from Socialism or Communism.  They still believe that Socialism and Communism was never really done correctly but when "they" implement it THIS TIME it will work for the betterment of mankind because they will implement it correctly and not make the mistakes of the previous attempts in history.  This time they will establish a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and everything will work out just fine.  WILL IT?  IF THEY BELIEVE THAT THEY WILL ALSO BELIEVE IN THE TOOTH FAIRY....YOU THINK???? This is an arrogant and thoughtless view which indicates a lack of understanding of incentives and the desire of productive people to keep the production of their work efforts.  They don't understand and refuse to understand that when people have no incentive to keep the fruits of their great and creative efforts they won't bother to get out of bed in the morning except under the duress of a gun barrel pointed at their face as occured in Communist Russia for 70+ years. 

Carl Icahn's view of economic sucess is not Utopia and may not always be fair but it will create enough encouragement and incentive that people will want to produce and cause society to progress onward even though it  may not result in Utopia on Earth, but it will result in a solid and good standard of living for everyone.  Under Capitalism in the U.S., in years gone by, even the poorest were better off than their counterparts in other countries.  The only UTOPIA THAT EXISTS, KNOWN TO MAN, IS TO BE WITH HIS MAKER IN HEAVEN.  God has created Utopia in heaven and if we adore, honor, praise and humbly thank Him we end up in the Utopia of Heaven.  Unfortunately, there will never be a UTOPIA on Earth except (and that may be shaky exception) for the 3 % who would control the Socialist ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!  But they may be surprised to find that the population will only cooperate under duress (that is looking down the barrel of gun) with their vision.  Any one who ever visited Communist controlled East Germany back before 1989, especially, East Berlin (which was the showcase of the Communist/Socialist world) will testify to the truth of the fact that Socialism/Communism is a tragedy of the first order.  Shortages of everything including and most importantly food is the end result of a system that provides NO INCENTIVES and confiscates the fruits of labor for redistribution without compensation.


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  • I wish it was this simple. As we sit home frustrated by all BS surrounding us, money is moving from our pockets to fund green projects for utility companies. There's money already building to fund industrial projects, the problem is we supposedly have no money. I have no problem giving tax breaks to companies that hire a large number of unemployed , but I am completely against giving any money to anyone else.
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