If we really want to be informed about the candidates, we should know first, do they believe in God, or do they think they will become a god, when they die, and rule a planet, and then marry a mother god, and have "god children".
The Founding Fathers, were all Godly men, and had come over from Britain, to escape religious tyranny. For example, Mitt Romney may have "christian views and possibly family values, but he does not believe in a all-knowing God.
Mormonism in fact is a cult, which has nothing to do with God Jehovah Shalom, creator of all things.
Anybody can say they are a Christian, and hold down a church pew, on Sunday, but, do they know what the Word of God says, and how it pertains to them, and do they have a world-view. Do they believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of the Living God? And if so, Are they Born-Again, by The Holy Spirit, and have they Repented of their Sin, and accepted Jesus as their :ord and Savior?
You should get the book, "The Kingdom of The Cults", from www.christianbook.com, and truly know what the candidates are of.
Also, check out the DVD's, that are at Compass.org.
A couple that really let us know what is going on, are:Artificial Intelligence and the Return of the Nephilim ( Nanotechnology and scientists trying to construct a third strand of DNA); End-Time Prophecy Deception (Satan's throwing more dirt and spreading more lies than we can keep up with); Satan's Top Two Cults (Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses; neither believe in The God of All Creation);Answers for Atheists, by Frank Peretti (Have you noticed that atheists are going on the offensive?); In Defense of Israel (If you want to really know what's going on in the world, watch Israel!); Here Come The Muslims, by Chuck Missler (We are in a world war and no one wants to admit it. But pretty soon it will be us vs. them. More facts than you can shake a stick at.); The Dangers of Evolution, by Kent Hovind ( Talks about the lie of Evolution. There is No fossil Record, because the world was not created over Millions of Years. God gave this planet to Adam, 6,000 years ago, and said to Replenish the earth, be fruitful, and multiply thy seed.
There were Dinosaurs here on the earth, from the time of Jesus, up to around the 1200's A.D., but they were called dragons.
From Compass.org, there is a DVD, by Bob Cornuke, that describes an expedition he went on, with Buz Aldren, in search the real Mt. Sinai, and they did find it, but it is not in the Sinai Peninsula, and there are the ritual ashes from the time of Moses, still there.
The Bible is The Holy Word of The Living GOD. There is only ONE GOD. GOD JEHOVAH SHALOM.
Everything that Obama has done, the Nazis did first. Obama is trying to be like Hitler, and in fact, he is an Anti-Christ.
He has done everything he can that is against God. He has no values at all, and is in fact, a muslim, and hosts muslims, on the weekends in private get-togethers.
He is really on the vergew of being a Dictator, and has gotten lessons from Hugo Chavez.
He has pushed all things for the Homosexual Agenda.
Did you know, that 90% of Hitlers SS troops, who were in charge of the concentration camps, including torture and gassing of over 6,000,000 Jews, were HOMOSEXUALS. Hitler had grasped the Evolution Lie, that said that only the White skinned people, were meant to live, and that all others came from apes, and are sub-human; This is the same as the Democrats are doing in the world right now.
The Democratic Platform is one of a Godless society, in which the government has complete control of everything.
Obama is pushing for complete equality of Gays, and yet, when a man and a woman get married, they are destined to be together, by God, and it is Until Death Do We Part; But with Gays, they will always have sex with over a thousand guys a year, and most of them, even if they have AIDS, will still have sex with other men, and will not tell them, so they will get aids from them, and they also will die. They have no morals, and life means nothing to them, because, even if they are infected with aids, they will still have sexual relations, and not tell the guy that they now have aids.
We could stop; AIDS from spreading, just by stopping Homosexuals from having sex with up to a thousand partners a year.
Just because they are married, does not mean that sex is between the two of them. I have a friend, who is Gay, and he had a party at his home, a number of years ago. He had four guys over there, and they all got drunk, and they all had sex with each other. I was there the next day, doing some Electrical work, and they asked me if I would like to hop into bed with them. Each of these guys had other partners, who did not come to the party, and some lived in Guerneville, Calif., and some in San Francisco.
A true Believer in Jesus, is a Follower of Jesus. The only person ('s) in the running, who have true values, are Michelle Bachman, and Rick Santorum. Remember, the Democrats are for Communism, which is against all gods.
Go says: If you are not for ME, then you are against ME; and if you are against ME, then you are for your father, the Devil, who is the FATHER of LIES.
Another place you can go, is Truth in Action Ministries, and get the DVD, titled: Global America, Rebuilding The Tower Of Babel.
Also, did you know that the Democrats were the ones that had the slaves, and they were, and still are the Ku Klux Klan. They have always been against God, and are in fact for making this country go bankrupt. The want a godless, one-world government.
Pay attention to the lasttrumpetministries.com. The Lion is the head of the Tribe of Judah, and about three months ago, radioastronomers heard a loud roar, like that of a lion.
If you watch the Word of God, and Prophecy in Daniel, Zechariah, Psalms, and Revelation, you will see that God's return, is really close.
If you have not accepted Jesus as you Lord and Savior, then you better, because he coming back any day now.
Once you are dead, it is too late.
If you are a Catholic, then Compass has a DVD called "What Catholics Don't Know", and also one called, "What Catholics Should Know".
Catholics sins have NEVER been FORGIVEN, because it is done by a Sinning Priest. It has to be done be the spilling of blood, by a SINLESS person.
Jesus was beaten and tortured, and then was hung on a cross, and then died there. He then went into Hades, and conquered Death, and then after three days, he rose from the dead. JESUS IS THE HOLY ONE< and THE SON OF GOD. Mary never was holy. There iis no Pergatory. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, before you die, then you will go to hell forever.