I accept responsibilty , I can blame no other

I, one of the people, take responsibilty for allowing a gov to grow out of control. I take responsiblity for having been negligent in my duty to this country, to freedom. I take responsibilty for the economic crisis. I take responsiblity for having been lazy and slothful, wanting Big Bro to fix all the problems of our nation because I did not want to be bothered. I accept that responsiblity and I own this crisis. I can blame no other, no politician, no lawyer, no immigrant, no white, no black, not God, not you. I, one of the people failed in my duty to protect and defend our nation! Having accepted that responsibilty and aknowledging my own failure, I will do all that I can do to restore America, Freedom, so that future generations will be insured a free and strong America.

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  • Yes, it is time to be the solution! Suck it up all, find you koohanas! This was never going to be easy, this day was coming, this day was coming because we let it come. We saw years ago it was coming and we chose to ignore it. Too much effort to be bothered. Now, damn it! Lets fix this! This is not just about us, this is about generations to come! We , we must insure their freedom and their nation! Did any really think that gov was just going to hand it over to you on a silver plate? Not a chance! There is a battle ahead, a real battle, a difficult battle, one that we must engage in! Future generations are depending on us! Will you just give up and let them be born into slavery?

  • Me too, lets be the solution !
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