I am an American!

Many have been concerned that my posts are dangerous and warned me I go too far.  That just is not true, truth is, I don't go far enough.  I am an American citizen.  I owe my respect and Loyalty to God first, my family, country and Constitution.  I owe not one thing to the Federal Government, not respect unless they earn it, and not my Loyalty.  The Federal Government owes its citizens respect, and Loyalty as well as obedience.  I am an American and I will say what I feel is necessary to our Federal Government when it has become corrupt and acts against the best interests of our nation.  When my actions here or anywhere else in the US becomes dangerous there will no longer be an America.  I am an American and I live the values of Honor, Duty, Loyalty, Morality as well as my faith in God almighty.  If what I have done for my country and my fellow man makes my life dangerous because of people we have elected where do you think we are?  I am an American, no apologies, no regret and no remorse!


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  • thank you for the post  art ,well said

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