I was a combat infantryman in Nazi Germany in World War II. I was aboard the first troop ship to return to America. The people of New York City gave us a glorious welcome. When World War II ended, I was on the high seas heading for the invasion of Japan’s main island. Soon after two atom bombs were dropped on Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we were the first American troop ship to enter Yokohama harbor and disembark. After 1-1/2 years in the ETO, I remained in the Army of Occupation in Japan for seven months and returned to boom times in America. World War II ended the Great Depression. What went wrong in America? What made us look to government for help? Had the American people seen what I saw, they would not be looking to government for help.
Last night I viewed History Channel’s presentation on religious cults, including Jim Jones’ cult. Jones was a guy who thought the world was against him. He was a socialist, one of those who felt that the Battle of Armageddon was nearing and he was going to help it along. With the jig about up for him, he shot a congressman investigating his hidden religious cult empire, shot himself in the head, and saw to it that his hundreds of followers died with him. Is that what you want? Stay the course and that’s what you will get.
Liberation Theology is along the lines of religious cultism. It’s a Christian movement connecting Jesus with social injustices. It began in Catholic South America. The Vatican rejects it as Marxist. Black Liberation Theology emerged in the United States on July 31, 1966, when an ad hoc group of 57 black pastors, calling themselves the National Committee of Negro Churchmen (NCNC) bought a full page ad in The New York Times, to publish their “Black Power” statement. Black Power pastors include Chicago’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright, South Chicago Community Organizer Barack Obama’s pastor for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America. Black Muslims also immerged in Chicago during this period. Since 1978, Louis Farrakhan has been the leader of the reconstituted Nation of Islam. American hate monger Farrakan loves Obama. He calls him our savior. During this period, Obama was Acorn’s lawyer. His associates still include SDS bomb throwers. Here is another wolf in sheep’s clothing. America has the Sword of Damocles hanging over her by a thread.
Religious cultist Obama is out to transform America. Cool cat Obama, hero of the “under-privileged,” this pot smoking hippie original goes far out of his way to circle around Islam’s holy war, which is against everything America stands for. History Channel reminded me last night the shocking truth about cool cat Obama.
It reminded me of a Tea Party member, a veteran, who does not like the connections I make and told me so in no uncertain terms. For the past nine years, I’ve been writing and rewriting my memoirs. The events of my life keep making more connections. My life is nothing like I thought it was when I was younger. Experience has been a good teacher.
Obama’s transformation would have been seen by early Americans as treason, in fact Obama is what got the Tea Party started. I’m a generation ahead of the Tea Party. In 1973, I studied my Constitution, not academically, but with the thought of using it to demand my rights, actually, in reaction to civil rights activists—like those above named South Chicago folks, those with the “preferred” rights, according to the activist judiciary. Naturally, I got nowhere. America’s corrupt legal institution does not protect fundamental rights. It protects the government entitled. Community Organizer Obama doesn’t have answers; he talks in riddles. Being a capitalist, I’m resourceful. I used the court record to hang the IRS with its own rope. They ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post. And now I’m government entitled. Live and learn. Obama’s shell game now is helping me at your expense. Remember, the Lord helps those who help themselves.
Here’s the truth of the mater. At the dawn of civilization, which began in Persia, star gazers invented the zodiac, a circle divided into 12 sections, like a clock telling time. Each of the 12 sections lasts a little more than 2,000 years. The zodiac tells us that Jesus appeared at the beginning of the sign of Pisces. The nature of Pisces, according the ancients, “desperately wants to do the right thing but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” I read this in Astrologer’s Handbook.This fits with the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus told his disciples that before the cock crowed they would deny him three times. Add to this that the Magi, three Persian astrologers, were led to the birthplace of Jesus by “The Star of Bethlehem.”
Jesus was not a Christian. He was a nonconforming Jew, a troublemaker for Jewish leaders. When he turned over the moneychangers’ tables, the source of the leaders’ wealth and power, that did it. I’m not to blame, not anymore than I’m to blame for America’s black slavery. I’m not a Christian. I accept what Jesus taught without the doctrines and dogmas. Remember that the doctrines and dogmas once tortured and imprisoned heretics, the earth was flat and it the center of the universe, and we endured the Christian Crusades. I accept the Constitution as written, without the late interpretations thereof. I was created with a mind capable of thinking. I can’t say the same for a great many of my fellow Americans.
A mind capable of thinking does not demand that anyone think the same as he or she thinks. Many Americans can’t accept this. They know what’s best for everyone and they’ve got Obama to make us accept their way. Jesus said to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. From where do those above named South Chicago folks get their notions? You don’t get it? I’ll tell you. From special interests with their hands out for the money others earn, and more: for the phony money government prints. I refer to said notes saying we owe that much. Nice work if you can get it. I didn’t fight for this. Every American now owes more than $42,000, and you know without asking who benefits.
I read here that a school boy who was flying the American flag from his bicycle, in honor of his veteran grandfather other veterans, was ordered by a school official to remove the flag, by reason that the American flag was offensive to some people—those followers of South Chicago Obama. It might cause racial tensions, which could cause harm to the school’s children. The American flag stood for nothing.
At my school, the American flag was flown and we repeated our Pledge of Allegiance first thing every day. We were proud of our America and my generation won the war against tyranny. Obama apologizes for America. We are going to see much of this kind of manipulating in the months ahead, Black Power at voting places, and such, Obama looking the other way. This is a fight to the finish. Look out Tea Party! An evil omen is lurking in the shadows. According to cool cat Obama, we’ve nothing left in America to fight for. He is fighting control of our southern border. This is no man’s land.
I’m suspicious. It isn’t right for a Tea Party member to tell me he does not like my connections without letting us know his ideas. This self-righteous silencer hiding in the shadows told me I misquoted the Bible. What is his objective? Jesus said: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are raving wolves.” Let them who attempt to silence us come forward with their ideas. Jesus said: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”