I'm An American- Not A Skin Tone ( Explained )

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I'm an American- not a skin tone!

I am not an outcast. I am not a political prisoner. I am a patriot who has loved this country since child hood and has only asked that government and bias get the Hell out of my way. (*pardon the profanity ).

I don't want special rights I want equal rights!
Don't hand me vulgarity; violence; no family unit and one party membership and tell me that's progress.
I am an individual. I am part of many groups but remain myself throughout. 
Eye sight tells you I'm Black!
Insight tells you everything about me.
This isn't a speech, I'm not preaching I'm just setting the record straight,   
This is my affidavit for the ages, submitted as a free man who knows freedom is equal to how hard you fight to preserve it,
Brief remarks by Nadra Enzi ( Cap Black, The Hood Conservative ) on his political philosophy,
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper
http://paper.li/f-1349949651 Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog
 http://capblackhood.blogspot.com/  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 

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