i said we have been had by boehner

I just finish reading the bill that was agreeded to on friday night where we have been told that 39.5 was cut from the budget and that would educate to 80 billion over time.  Guess what that is not true we have been decieved, lied to and hood wink.  Please do not take my word for it but go and read it yourself.  The 39.5 billion cut, included the previous cuts for the budget extensions, however, worse fact is the 39.5 billion cut is made up of money not spent in appropiations and will only be a one year savings, no to years savings.  i said boehner has to go, he is the old rihno and has sold the tea party and all the people that voted for republicans in 2010.  He has been theere to long, believes he can pull the wool over our eyes, howevwer, the internet makes it possible to really know what is going on.  We need a leader that has back bone, the repoblicans caved on friday, boehner will cave on extending the national debit levrel and will cave on the 2012 budget because he is part of the problem that got us here.  We need a leader, someone who has firer in their stomach, a person who will do what the tea party wants and that is to stop spending.  The usa is running out of time, we are on life support and i do not see any republican doctors coming to make us well.
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  • The Obama Budget Speech.  Now Mr. Russell we have the bigger potatoes and Obama on the record.  I will NOT agree to Tax Increases for 2012.  Obama said 2 more years of Bush Cuts and I will hold him to it.  Meaning to raise the Income Tax it would be after November 2012.  If he wins on that platform well then the country has gone way too left and class warfare is on and Socialism is coming and all bets are off as all remedies must be considered.  If Boehner agrees to any Tax increases in the upcoming Budget for next year then he should have his Boehner cut off because the parts next to the Boehner would be gone. That is when Shutdown is an option and maybe a necessity because the President went against his word and it could become a Bush 1 Read My Lips thing.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • If the polls would have said 2 to1 to blame the Democrats for a shutdown then I say shut it down if we don't get 61 billion in cuts.  Originally we wanted 100 billion then settled on 61 and got 39 in the deal not bad for one third of the control and not the Presidency. If the Dems refused to give us at least 33 billion (one third) I would say shutdown because the public would view them as unwilling to deal.  Perception is key. That is why Ryan aimed high in the budget plan for 2012 so if we get half that ain't too bad then win in 2012 and get the whole pie and leave the Democrats the meager crumbs. Be patient.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • Remember what happened in 1995.  We won big in 1994.  Gingrich got the majority of the blame for the shutdown.  Clinton got relected.  Be honest, after getting just 43% on the vote in 1992 did you think he was a 2 termer. The concept of Government Shutdown scares the middle and we need to win the middle.  The latest polls before the deal were leaning slightly against us for the blame.  As I said before, rule one, do not do anything that could benefit Obama.  Politics is like sausage making.  You don't want to know the process but the end result could be tasty.  Our goal is the big salami in November 2012 that is the finish line and if we win we can tell the liberals what to do with the salami.
  • I totally disagree with you on shutting down the government and blame the republicans.  The republicnas mad a promise to the american people for our votes and that was to cut 100 billion from the budget, than reducted to 61  billion and landed up at 39.5 with 3/4 in savings from accounts the money has be authorized and not spend.  This will only be a one year savings if we get it.  This is a different time and the american people voted in november soundly with one message, stop the spending,  boehner and republicans have not got the message and to break a promise is business as usually.  We are in a debit crisis, and it seems that no one really cares.  The republicans should have drawn a line in the sand and said we want the 61.5 billion in acurate budget cuts and if not shut down the government and that would have sent a message.
  • Like I said before I am not Boehner crazy and prefer Ryan but over 60 billion in cuts would have  probably never passed the Senate and a definite 100% Obama veto. Obama set a trap by not passing a full Budget we did not fall in it.  The Government shuts down the main stream media blames the Republicans. A big gamble.  Obama gets reelected in 2012 and the Senate does not turn and lose House seats.  We need those independents that are scared of a too right government in 2012 to leave Obama because we are the best of a bad lot like they thought Obama was in 2008.  Compromise and politics go hand in hand when you do not hold all the cards.  It sucks but be patient can't over gamble on peanuts need to roll the dice more on debt ceiling and next year Budget.  Also, we paid the troops and the majority of America knows it.   A 2012 sweep is crucial.  If we fail to get the Presidency especially and the Senate (If we win the Presidency the Senate is a lock too), then all bets are off. Anything goes.  Hardball and revolt to the max.  If we sweep. We got the cards and offer token symbolic crumbs at best and get at least 95% of our way.
  • i feel the same way about McConnell, he has been in office for 26 years. i want vote for him again. hope we can find another Rand Paul
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