Any group fighting for the Constitution and freedom must adapt itself to the demands of political warfare. It must self-train its troops for a war that could last a long time. Remember one thing: CONservatives have proven themselves incompetent to fight political warfare because they cannot adapt to reality and utilize tactics that work! Posting amateur polls will not lead to accomplishment of your stated objective, neither will the coining of another petition ever work. Do you assume that most members of this group share ideology or even know anything about political warfare? If you do make such assumptions, you are wrong and are inviting more embarrassment by ill conceived half-measures. This seat of the pants methodology is too familiar within CONservative and pseudo-conservative circles. Its either ad hoc polls or insanely derived petitions, thats all sad CONservatives ever "think " of (or so it has been for the past 50 years). But there is always the very ignorant assumption that such feeble activities will be seized upon by enemies of freedom in Washington, who will then quiver with fear and modify their authoritarian behavior. Who are you kidding? Such assumptions are adolescent fantasies of adults who know nothing about politics. What value are attractive faces if there is no imagination or political savvy lurking in the brain pan behind that cute smile? Such amateurish brain freezes are common to people who occupy political leadership positions within Conservative organizations. They know nothing about politics, psychology or promoting ideas. What does all this mean? Just another soon forgotten train wreck by very low caliber CONservatives. CONservatives drive away intelligent people with their bizarre attempts to fly by the seat of their yoga pants. Herein is a true example of how dumbed down CONservatives really are. Its shameful.There is one clear definition of intelligence accepted by all scientists: "Adaptation is a true sign of intelligence." There is no adaptation by CONservatives. They still all revolve around two ill gotten brain farts conceived over 50 years ago, then they do it again. There is no effective resistance to the police state in America if anything happens to Trump.
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