Has anyone wondered what was before the Big Bang? From nothing you get nothing. Here’s a fit that you don’t hear. You be the judge. The time-space universe is events and the time it takes to get from one event to another. The Big Bang commenced with time in a millionth of a second and millions of events in the space the size of a pinhead.
If you want to know about something you examine the parts. That’s what quantum physicists do. What they determine is the beginning of our reality, a dimension of infinite possibility and an observer. Our minds interact with matter to form our reality. An idea, having no form by itself, but giving figure and form to shapeless matter, becomes the manifestation. Plutarch (40-120 A.D.) “And God said (Gen 1:26), Let us make man in our image.” Our image?
Who or what was the original observer? Some say there are parallel universes. Where is your consciousness? It is in a state, without boundary. You set the boundary. If you were a passenger on a plane that went down, let us say in northern Canada, and it was a hundred miles to the nearest town, I dare say your conscious awareness would immediately expand.
When I was 49, I made a clean break with my past life. When I departed, everyone I knew thought I’d lost my mind. Numerology tells us the number 1 represents the pioneer striking out alone seeking the experience that will establish its distinct identity. In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, the number 7 being my “Path of Destiny” number, “You psychically separate the true from the false and can discover and reveal some of the mysteries of life to a waiting world.” Also, the number 9, the highest number, represents selflessness, a love for all. “It desires to apply its energy to universal service. It bestows an impersonal but just view of life. This is the artist and thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge to the rest of the world.” I’m in my twilight of life. My aim is to share what I’ve learned.
I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising. Astrologer Jeanne Avery: “He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.”
On the day of departure from my old life in Texas, Good Friday 1975, the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified, found me arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. Quite an event when you think about it, the first day of my new life. I went to sea. During my two years at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, one being my own. Saving lives is what Jesus did during his time on earth.
I wasn’t a Christian. Strange that I would find Jesus involved in my life. But I had studied the U. S. Constitution before my departure, during which time I felt that voices from the past were speaking to me. I felt a bigger than life calling. Coincidentally, on July 4, 1776, America’s Independence Day, America was born under the sign of Aquarius. Astrologer Jeanne Avery speaking of Aquarius, “He can brand himself a maverick or an oddball. He screams the world, ‘Don’t fence me in.’ The universe is his playground.” Whatever, upon my departure from my old life, I was reborn. Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence, wasn’t a Christian. He believed in nature’s God and natural law, one nation under God.
Curious of what Jesus said, I turned to The Gospel According to St. Matthew. In Chapter Two, I learned that the three wise men followed the Star of Bethlehem to the place of Christ’s birth and worshipped him. The three wise men were Persian astrologers. In the beginning of civilization, Persian wise men drew a circle and divided it into twelve equal pie shaped parts, giving each part a sign, one being Aquarius. They called it the zodiac.
Kings were advised by wise men. King Herod called upon the Persian wise men to tell him where Jesus was so he could worship the new king of Jews. Joseph and Mary escaped to Egypt with Jesus, we read. King Herod killed all the babies in Bethlehem two years and younger.
In Chapter 6, we read that Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount, said “in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Earth and heaven are places. Where is the kingdom of God? Is God way out there somewhere in the vastness of a place called Heaven? If so, how could we know God and his plan for us? By reading what Jesus said, instead of listening to someone tell me what he said, I question the idea that only a privileged few know God’s plan for us. Religious authorities tell us we are sinners. We must beg forgiveness in order to get to Heaven, and leave a donation before we leave our place of worship. Sounds pretty commercial to me.
The Bible tells us that Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables in the temple. The money changers were exchanging silver and gold coins for worthless temple money so the faithful could purchase a priest blessed animal to be sacrificed, thereby giving the donor a heavenly address when he died. What’s the difference in any faith based idea with nothing substantive to back it? It is OK if you call it a religion. Any other remedy with nothing to back it is against the law.
The benefactors of buying your way to Heaven took Jesus to the Roman governor, who washed his hands and let the priests have their choice, Jesus or a convicted murderer of who to be crucified. The priests shouted “Jesus” and the crowd yelled the same. So why am I a sinner? Why should the authorities speak for me? Christianity is not a good fit for me. But you go ahead and believe I’m a sinner. It doesn’t bother me. I know I’m not.
Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it unconsciously absorb the thoughts of others. I would add the orthodoxy’s ideas. As a rule, we read, they don’t have strong willpower. I recall that Jesus told his disciples that before the rooster crowed, they would deny him three times. Yep, they were Pisceans.
Astrologers tell us that the Age of Pisces is now ending and being replaced by the age of Aquarius. We read in Astrologer’s Handbook that individuals born under this sign of brotherhood and fraternity have for their symbol the water-bearer. The sign of Pisces has for its symbol two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. Jesus said we are our brother’s keeper. What that means is a matter of opinion, which I don’t share unless you are speaking in spiritual terms. Christian Obama and his government dependent following calls it collective salvation—or after me you come first. The courts refer to it as “preferred freedoms.” We have treated our brothers very badly. To be fair, we must now redistribute. How generous Obama and his brethren are with other people’s money. It is almost too much to bear. Who need enemies when we have Christians like these. Arizona is asking how we exist on what good Christian Obama leaves us.
In The Physics of Consciousness, quantum physicist and brain doctor Evan Harris Walker said, “the structure of the universe finally comes around to the same result (the result I see, too). Whether to understand the interconnections of will, to understand the most basic facts in quantum theory, or to discover the beginnings of the Big Bang universe, each path leads to the fact that there must exist a supreme Consciousness out of which everything else springs. . . “Faith was never meant to be blind faith.” In truth, we are learning at last “wonders hidden in what you already knew.”
On the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and archetypal patterns of human history and biography.” In the book, we read, under World Wars, Cold War, and September 11, and therein under the The Saturn-Pluto Cycle, that in November 2008 to December 2011 that the alignments of those planets are square. When square, it means widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation. Obama was elected in November 2008.
I was born with Saturn trine Pluto. That is the very best of alignments. Astrologer’s Handbook: “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these laws consciously or unconsciously.”
Last February, I decided to start my own Web site. I’ve since entered 57 blogs and received over 4,000 comments, most decidedly favorable. You wouldn’t think that, not with my far-out philosophy. A new energy is building. You know what happens when the potential reaches a certain point. Lightning strikes. Be prepared. Your world is going to change so much that you would think you are on another planet.