I’d like to remind everyone this Independence Day, including agnostics and atheists, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, believed in natural law and nature’s God, without allusion to supernatural revelation. Also, I’d like to remind everyone that the cutting edge of science believes consciousness is elemental and universal, cannot be divided or separated, and is eternal—has all the attributes of “God.” Nothing can exist without consciousness. The Declaration states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” equal in what other than consciousness? Some of us are more consciously aware than others. You can’t change that. So much for socialism.
On this Independence Day, the President of the United States pushes collective salvation and welcomes the Muslim Brotherhood, after taking an oath that he would protect and defend the Constitution. We are witness to the fact that for twenty years The President’s minister was the Reverend Wright who “god damned” America. Witness Obama’s support of the making of a second Holocaust.
Can we, the people of the United States, so limit our conscious awareness that we can ignore “Higher Law,” the background of American constitutional law? We are presently being tested. Regardless of your religious faith, your Tea Party membership, or any other organized effort, at this point in time, if you are not willing to look within for your answers and act, Independence Day has no meaning. Right now, you are as good as a slave of the state.