It's now being reported that Iran will be putting at least one warship close enough to the United States shores that will enable it to attack this country in a number of ways, most preeminently with what some fear to be an EMP device that would effectively cripple this country, leaving our defense and communications capabilities deaf, dumb and blind for all intents and purposes. You won't even be able to start your car if it has any on-board computer OS, as all post-1975 vehicles do in some fashion. This should be a startling wake-up call to any and all who still doubt the seriousness of the intentions of this Kenyan usurper to weaken and cripple this nation economically and militarily, as he has done absolutely NOTHING to ameliorate the weapons-capabilities of the Iranian madman and his mullahs, and allows him to saunter about IN OUR OWN COUNTRY to spew his Islamic filth, while actively plotting our destruction. (Thanks to Patriot Action Network for the original break)
"The Navy of the Iranian Army will have a powerful presence near the United States borders"
More of Obama's brilliant! sagacious! hope! change! post-American foreign policy. The man is a disaster. And America is in trouble.
Our enemies know they have a friend in the White House. He will do nothing in response to this unequivocal act of Islamic imperialsim and aggression.
Iran planning to send ships near U.S. waters CNN International
(CNN) -- Iran plans to send ships near the Atlantic coast of the United States, state-run Islamic Republic News Agency reported Tuesday, quoting a commander.
"The Navy of the Iranian Army will have a powerful presence near the United States borders," read the headline of the story, in Farsi.
"Commander of the Navy of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran broke the news about the plans for the presence of this force in the Atlantic Ocean and said that the same way that the world arrogant power is present near our marine borders, we, with the help of our sailors who follow the concept of the supreme jurisprudence, shall also establish a powerful presence near the marine borders of the United States," the story said. The reference to the "world arrogant power" was presumably intended to refer to the United States.
IRNA cited the force's website as saying that the announcement was made by Adm. Habibollah Sayari on the 31st anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war.
Iran's president goes on offensive
U.S. Defense Department officials had no immediate reaction to Tuesday's announcement.
Video from CNN (has an ad at the beginning):
1. NY Times Nick Kristof...WHO CARES if Mahmoud Ahmandinejad (promounced- Madman I'm-a-nut-job) "lacks charisma"?!! He doesn't lack gall-n-guts...and he may not lack WMDs!!!
2. Fellow Patriots- PRAY! make phone calls, emails, faxes,
This is an act of war! PRAY! PLEASE!
-Admin II Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.
"Disobedience to tyrants is Obedience to God."
-Benjamin Franklin.