Does anybody out remember Desert Storm and the road to Bagdad? Seems the Liberals do that’s why they don’t want to bomb these idiots that are killing people.
If Butthead had Ba—s he would turn the B52’, B1’s and the B2’s loose and show Isis what are military is capable of doing. In fact he should turn the Air Force and the Navy loose and this Crap would be over within a week.
It’s time to stop play with all these Terrorist worldwide and put them all out of business. A good terrorist is a dead terrorist, only then can the world live in peace. Anyone that wishes to support these people please give them a one way ticket over there so we can get them all off the face of this earth.
Butthead won’t do that because those guys are his buddies and he doesn’t wish to hurt them. He doesn’t know anything about the Military or how they work. It’s called turn them loose and get out of there way and let them do their job. History of good Generals attack so you don’t lose men on the battlefield. Sure people are going to get killed but its better off them than Americans here in the USA. Turn the Air Force and the Navy loose and don’t stop until they wave the white flag. Total surrender that is what it’s going to take worldwide in order so the world can live in peace.
History does repeat itself of course the schools to not teach it anymore by not teaching it. It will come back to haunt them. Look what happened in the 1930’s with Japan and Germany they ran wild because the American people didn’t want to get involved. It took Pearl Harbor to wake the people of America to wake up. Do we have to have another 9/11 before the American people wake up to what is happening.