I have recieved corespondance from democrat senator kristen Gilllibrand and democratic congressman paul tonko regarding my insistence that something be done about the actions of attorney general Eric Holder.
Both of them state that they understand my concerns about A G holders lack of cooperation in the Fast and furious operation investigation. Senator Gillibrand stated that she supported and voted for Senator Cornyn's amendment to the FY2012 Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill ''wich would prohibit Department of Justice finds from being used knowingly transfer a firearms to agents of drug cartels where U S law enforcement personnel are not continiously monitoring or controlling the firearm"
Congressman Tonko states that he is closely monitoring the issue and will keep my thoughts in mind shoild consideration of the attorney Generasl's record come for consideration before the house.
These reply's do not do much to contribute to anyones peace of mind when you read through and try to cut through the doublespeak that is so prevelant in polotics