Is Abortion a Health Issue or is it Murder?

I heard on TV tonight that Abortion is a health issue.  The killing of an innocent unborn baby who can be seen wiggling around in the mother's womb by the use of modern equipment is a "health issue" believe it or not.   Is there any hope for these misguided and immoral people.  It is time for the Pro-Lifers and the Conservatives to call it like it is and stop fiddling around with semantic BS.  ABORTION IS MURDER!  The perpetrators will answer to God for doing it and for supporting it.  They would be well advised to get a head start, now, by getting on their knees and praying to God for mercy and commence doing penance while they still have a chance, i.e., before they pass on.  Each and every individual, male and female, is responsible for their own decision and their resulting actions.  It is currently popular to blame the other side for having opted for abortion.  That goes for both sexes.  Misguided people should be reading the true blueprint for living given to us by God, and that is the BIBLE!  The Bible always shows us the way in which we should live and respond to the world around us and in doing so we benefit all including ourselves.  People need to stop lieing to themselves and face up to the truth. 

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