Is this not disgusting?
In March 2011, we are told, America has no choice but to raise the debt ceiling. This idea of no choice began at the end of the Bush Administration. We were told that we had no choice but to bail out the frauds responsible for the economic crises. How stupid! Next it will be the states that can’t control spending that we bail out, and for the same stupid reason. Would you buy a million dollar home when you didn’t have the money to buy a shack because you could borrow the money? That’s exactly what a lot of people did. Should they be bailed out? It’s a disaster, they tell us.
We are told that we must balance the budget by cutting who knows what? I’ve offered the idea that we should phase out government entitlements. I received one favorable comment. Not one Member of Congress has had the courage to offer this as a solution. What does that tell you?
In several of my blogs, I’ve offered that we should do away with the income tax and the IRS, and valid reasons for it. I’ve received not one favorable comment. Congress is against it. What does that tell you?
Your government has in every way put itself higher than God, as well as the law of all times. I’ve written many blogs about my idea of God and the workings of the universe. I’ve yet to receive one favorable comment. What does that tell you?
As our representatives in Washington have yet to offer any real solution to government overspending, everything I’ve written is worthy of serious consideration. As usual, all Washington talks about are the symptoms of the problem Washington caused. I’ve not heard this from anyone: under no circumstances, should the debt ceiling be raised. All I’ve heard is that ceasing to overspend is totally out of the question. It tells me that the American people are out of control, and unless the people demand that their government cease now to raise the national debt ceiling we don’t have a chance of saving our precious freedoms.
How do you know what will happen if we cease now to overspend? I tell you that in the end your world will be better beyond your wildest imaginations. And if you don’t get real, you will be asking for another Dark Age.
I hear that the Tea Party wants a balanced budget amendment. We cannot afford to wait for a balanced budget amendment. That takes a lot of time. America is a disaster waiting to happen for the simple reason that no one has the courage to do the only thing that can prevent disaster: stop overspending now, no matter what happens. Get hold of your representative today and demand it.
I was here when the world watched Germany go bankrupt. Nothing was done to stop it. I was here when Hitler took control of Germany. Nothing was done to stop that madman. I was here when Hitler’s armies crushed nations east and west of Germany. Nobody did one thing to stop him. England was under German siege when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. No matter what happened, the American people united.
America has not won a foreign war since World War II, and we’ve lost the war on poverty, too. One would think we would get real, but we have not. We are flat-out losers and yet we are not ready yet to say no matter what we’ve got to get spending under control. Unless we face the facts now, folks, it is all over for America. We won World War II and then we let what could have been the greatest advance in human history slip through our fingers. Here we sit on the brink of disaster with no answer, while the Obamas, making a mockery of our plight, make merry on our money. How can you do this to our children? What are they to do after you lived your good life on borrowed money and are dead and gone. When they are struggling under the debt you left them, what are they going to think of you when they look at your President and First Lady?
Thanks for your thoughful comments. Let my say, though, that I do not think the only thing to do is raise the debt ceiling. I invite you to read "The Lesser of Evils."
Good post here Joseph.
And you may be right that theonly thing to do is not raise the debt ceiling under any circumstances.
I definitely agree with you about the IRS. The 16thAmendment should be repealed.
But, at the same time, I wonder if CAUSING a bankruptcyis not a little like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Admittedly, Congress and the Administration havebecome addicted to their credit card, and cutting it up would be a properresponse for any responsible household. Only, we are not dealing with just ahousehold here, but something much broader.
Yes, we do need to strongly encourage our Lawmakersto get spending back within our means, but we cannot forget that there is stilla wolf at our door. And, I will even agree that that is of “our own doing” inthat “we” allowed a wonderful opportunity to put a good fix on things slipright through our fingers, but, that chance, unfortunately is long gone.
I say we must “strongly encourage” because, short ofopen rebellion, that is just about all that we can do. And, open rebellion isjust what that wolf is waiting, hoping, preying for. Yes I know how to spell“pray”, and I know the difference, but I think the way I did it here conveysmore meaning. They need to become aware, and unquestionably convinced, that weare now, and will remain, aware. Some seem to be heeding the warning sent outin November. Now we need to get rid of the rest: those who are too set, tooself-assured, or too ignorant to change their ways.
Even after that household has cut up the card, itmust still spend many budget cycles choosing carefully which bills get paidthis time and which need to be let go for a month. Yes their credit stillcrashes, but that just makes it harder to borrow more and does not require afiling of bankruptcy. My folks did it a few decades ago. ALL spending becamediscretionary spending. We had to do without some of the things we wanted, butwe did not lose what we already had. And we eventually recovered. Incomecontinued to increase while the level of indebtedness slowly decreased.
I think we need to do something similar to that here.Yes, reduce the spending, but mainly just by freezing it at current, or 2009,levels. (Don’t forget that a very large part of the last deficit was theNON-stimulus Bill. That was a “mistake” that does not bear repeating.) Oureconomy, despite the sad shape it is in, continues to grow slightly.
And, I think it would be far more beneficial if wewere to take a very hard look at the Foreign Invasion our Nation is currentlyexperiencing. And to do something harsh about that. Just think what it would belike if 12 - 20,000,000 persons of Foreign Citizenry were no longer allowed tooccupy jobs they are not legally qualified to be in this Nation TO occupy.15,000,000 out of work U.S. Citizens might just be able to find some employmentand get off of unemployment. That would almost be like adding two dollars backinto the treasury for each one of them, one they did not need AND one thatcould be put to better use. AND they would also be paying taxes. Eliminate this99-week B.S. and get things back to where they were at least. That, in and ofitself, would probably eliminate any deficit woes and might even put us on track to wipe-out the National Debt.
I'm reminded of the Tree of Knowledge. The proverbial Tree of Knowledge, of Good and Evil, a good Christian reminded me, tells me other than it tells Christians, apparently. I've never heard my idea expressed by a Christian, in fact by anyone. It's a perfectly logical idea. I often wonder why I've not heard anyone else express it. Perhaps it is because the orthodoxy has brainwashed us. Since the orthodoxy has backed us up to a cliff, best we start looking within for answers. I’m prompted to write a blog on my idea of the Tree of Knowledge.
Yes, our government needs fixing; as does our "free markets". Many are not free anymore and are controlled by oligopolies. The two are related