“And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from one end of the earth even unto the other; and thou shall serve other gods” (Deut. 28:64). Toward the end of the Old Testament, the burden Habakkuk saw, which is now about to happen again, his prayer: “O Lord how long shall I cry, and thou will not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! (Habakkuk 1:2). I’m no Bible scholar, but these Bible prophecies keep coming to me.
A mysterious force has been leading me since the day of my departure from my old life on Good Friday, 1975, the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified. Jesus rose from the dead. I spent the first day of my new life in Miami, Florida, on Easter Sunday 1975. I’m not a Christian. For that matter, Jesus was not a Christian. I didn’t pray to Jesus. To the DOJ, I demanded my God-given rights. Jesus’s spirit came to me and changed my life to one that doesn’t get any better. America’s DOJ is a piece of crap.
Against the DOJ, I departed with a bigger than life calling, which I got when I studied my Constitution. I heard voices of the past speaking to me. That’s because I was about to act on my inalienable rights, which the IRS was violating. I was resurrected, and what a life I’ve lived! The story of my life is going to be published this June. In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 comes at a crucial moment in history. Once again, Israel is going to soon come to her defense against a hostile world. The Jews will once again serve another god, but not the god of radical Islam. No, that is not the way it is going to be. Jews will serve a god of peace. They will be led to the promised land, led by a god that will bring the end of the curse the god of Abraham has come to place on the world—a god Jesus, who was of no religious faith, came to reveal.
Ever since my departure in 1975, I’ve lived a charmed life. All of my dreams have come true. In my book, you are going learn the miracle my life has been.
The miracles are still happening. At this time, I have one to report. It happened only yesterday. My grandson passed. My daughter gave me his guitar. Years ago, I played the guitar, but not well. Some time back, my daughter asked if I was playing the guitar she gave me. I confessed that I was not. She admonished me. I started playing. Right away, I was playing better than I’d ever played. A year ago I bought a new Martin guitar, and not long after that an Apple computer that included a feature called Garageband. It allowed me to record in my computer up to eight tracks of music.
I play the keyboard. I could play my guitar, the keyboard, and sing on separate tracks. My wife gave me a banjo for my birthday to add to my Garageband. It has been fun doing Garageband for mine and my wife’s pleasure. The lady who cuts my hair also enjoys my music.
I got the idea of recording the O Brother, Where Art Thou? movie music. I was amazed at how well I performed with the O Brother bands. Yesterday I recorded a really fast instrumental and played my guitar with the music. After 15 minutes of practice, I was on the beat and made a recording. So Jesus turned water into wine. So what! I have a site on the Internet, Joe’s Garage Band. Listen to my latest miracle at http://joesgarageband.bandcamp.com/track/garage-band-jug-band
Who needs those hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing who have placed themselves in charge of our lives? Nobody needs them. They are parasites here to suck the lives out of us we were meant to live. You have no idea of our human potential. Read about me. I’m living proof that with Jesus in our hearts we can do anything we want to do.
We are entering the Age of Aquarius, a time when we become our brother’s keeper. Spread the good news. It is Jesus’s second coming. I’m one of his messengers.