Posted on Declaration Alliance-By Alan Keyes-On June 2, 2011:
“Markets Suffer Severe Drop During 1st Week of May.
Just weeks ago DAPAC reported on SEIU official Steve Lerner’s stated plans to crash the stock market beginning May 1. It now appears that Mr. Lerner’s plan may be playing out right before our eyes. It also appears he may be receiving help from none other than Obama friend, former Nazi henchman and current Marxist one-worlder, George Soros.
On May 1st, the SEIU joined hands with the Communist Party USA and the Maoist Progressive Labor Party (PLP), staging Marxist May Day parades across the country.
When market bells opened the following day, May 2nd, the New York Stock Exchange was limping along, struggling vainly toward the much promised recovery. That all ended nearly as soon as trading began. By Friday, May 6, some trade publications were describing the previous 5 days as “a week of carnage”!
In addition, George Soros’ Quantum Hedge Fund literally dumped their silver holdings, causing one of the largest silver price crashes in history. The market began following suit, and large scale dumps of most precious metals continued throughout the week, further depressing the already weakened market numbers.
All this forces the question, why is it that every time something drastic and disastrous happens in our economy, the names of Obama friends prominently pop up?
Audio files have recently been released which outline a very real plan to collapse the American economy – including crashing the stock market – in an effort to finally and irrevocably bring about the fundamental change, radical change, Obama promised.
This sinister plan apparently launched on schedule and ran through a tumultuous week, replete with a Cinco de Mayo and “Black Friday” commodities stampede. It was complete with rabidly anti-capitalist, pro-Communist “Red” parades co-sponsored by the SEIU and the AFL-CIO. The New York Stock Exchange plunged as planned all during the first week of May, with oil down 15%, widespread “commodities carnage” – and evidence suggests seditious the plan may go all the way to the White House.
Steve Lerner is well known in union thug circles as the guy who uses intimidation to ensure success. March 19, 2011 Steve Lerner met with Abby Scher of Brooklyn College CUNY, Gerardo Dominguez of the Mexican American Workers Association, John Atols of ACORN and a number of other openly Marxist, Obama-faction activists. Surrounded by fellow radicals, Mr. Lerner was unaware he was being recorded, and clearly felt comfortable enough to lay out his step by step plan already underway to “put a boot in the wheel” of the American economy – crashing the stock market and orchestrating a complete banking collapse – in an effort to force Marxism upon the masses. Full audio with transcripts of Lerner’s plot can be found on You Tube, at The Blaze website where this story broke, and all over the Internet.
Lerner identifies this as a union plan, presumably crafted by his long-time cronies at the SEIU, and he calls for the aid of other Obama-faction leaders and community organizers. But evidence suggests Lerner may already have the assistance of Administration insiders and the Community Organizer in Chief – Barack Hussein Obama.
White House visitor logs show that Stephen Lerner has visited the White House repeatedly over the last two years. At least one of these visits was arranged by the office of then White House Political Director Patrick Gaspard – one of Lerner’s previous SEIU colleagues and former leader of one of the most notoriously militant SEIU chapters. Gaspard, not coincidentally, is a close Obama advisor who is now the Executive Director of the Democratic National Party and a key player on Obama’s 2012 election team.
Obama made clear in a now infamous 2008 campaign rally that SEIU’s agenda is his agenda.
Obama led a SEIU member chant after recalling how he started his early “organizing career” with SEIU troops on the ground, and went on to declare, “Just imagine what we can do together. Just imagine a President whose life’s work is your (SEIU’s) work”! It seems we no longer need to imagine. The present occupant of the Oval Office has brought sedition to the presidency – the highest office in the land. Barack Obama’s own front group “Organizing for America” helped stage the recent Wisconsin “Days of Rage” protests that were notable for union-led violence, death threats and radical acts of intimidation, and now it appears he and his Administration may be connected to a far-left coalition actively plotting to collapse the American economy.
My friends, Stephen Lerner’s closed-attendance discussion at The Left Forum was not some simple academic and theoretical discussion of what revolutionary resistance might look like. It was a high-level presentation of a very real, well thought out plan for economic terrorism already in play, and a well-received recruitment call to leftwing radical leaders of other Obama-faction organizations to join him.
Stephen Lerner’s terrorist plans, and actions of incitement and enlistment are outright sedition, all potentially prosecutable offenses.
In normal circumstances, we could count on the Department of Justice to investigate and uphold the rule of law. But alas, as we have seen with Eric Holder’s refusal to prosecute colleagues, supporters and friends of Obama, including the election fraud and racist thuggery at the hands of the New Black Panthers, the once venerable DOJ is a rogue agency in a rogue Administration, and can no longer be trusted to do its duty.
Why have not the murky, possibly orchestrated causes behind the terrible economic crisis of the 2008 national fiscal collapse been investigated and disclosed to the nation?
No, we must instead call upon this 112th Congress, and demand an immediate investigation of Stephen Lerner, and all of those who participated in his conspiratorial call to anarchy, sedition and economic terrorism on March 19.
That investigation must include disclosure of all the participants and plotters lurking behind the scenes who are actively working to disrupt and destroy America – even if that road leads us to Obama billionaire funders like George Soros, and directly to the White House.
This is no longer a matter of speculation. The Marxist plan to smash our republic is alive and active within the corridors of power in America as never before. Their plans to launch their latest assault on these United States evidently launched, of course, Marxist May Day – May 1, 2011 – and have been sounded to their foot soldiers in a very real and potentially calamitous call as just the beginning of their designs to harm our nation.
I warned when Obama first appeared on the national scene that he was at the least an academic Marxist surrounded by radicals, and a menace to the security, sovereignty and prosperity of the nation.
Now there is evidence in abundance to confirm my judgment. We MUST force Congress to act NOW – before the evil forces that mean to destroy America are able to fully implement their plans.
The very survival of our country is at stake if we do not take seriously the threat within. I implore you, fax Congress TODAY.
Keep Faith,
Alan Keyes”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
The Stock Market Is Sending Three Bearish Messages-Posted on Money and Market-By Claus Vogt-On June 1, 2011:
Video: Three Warning Signs from the Stock Market-Posted on Money and Market-By Claus Vogt-On June 1, 2011:
Video: Here Comes the Next Wave of the Debt Crisis-Posted on Money and Market-By Bryan Rich-On May 16, 2011:
Video: Questions for Ben Bernanke-Posted on Money and Market-By Mike Larson-On May 16, 2011:
Video: Approaching Another Economic ‘Tipping Point’-Posted on Money and Market-By Mike Larson-On May 13, 2011:‘tipping-point’-45320
The Unstimulated Obama Economy-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On May 31, 2011:
Consumer Confidence Takes Surprise Drop in May-Posted on By Reuters-On May 31, 2011:
Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Two Years Ago?-Posted on Pajamas Media-By AWR Hawkins-On May 30, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Manipulation Behind Market Plunge!
Is the Fed’s concept of buying $600 billion of Treasuries just a smokescreen?
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!