My husband is a Democrat, I have friends who are Democrats. What I have to say is very important. Yes we have slightly different political views , key word being slightly. These Democrats are not at all happy about who is in office, nor did they vote for him! I know one person, whom at one time I called friend. He claimed to be a Democrat. Folks turns out he is in fact a Marx follower!
Democrats did not suddenly become "Aliens from Outerspace"! I fully believe that the Democrat party has
been infilterated , unknown to most Democrats. Divide and conquer can work for anyone, including us. How?
I go to lib sites which contain articles that implement a divide and conquer approach , attempting to get decent Democrats to believe consv are literally their enemy. I comment on these sites, an example:
I work to bring Americans back togather. You sir are what I consider a member of the third party. I think you spread ignorance to deceive Democrats who sir believe in the constitution , freedom, liberty and justice. You are the enemy sir and you are not a Democrat!
A comment from a Democrat to the same article I posted above comment to:
WOW Dude... I'm not a "right wing" guy... But seriously, shoot yourself in the face.