Is Zimmerman Receiving a Fair Trial?

4063279151?profile=originalMy question is a matter of life and death for all of us. I have a court record that proves, beyond  question, that the system of justice in the United States is corrupt; that proves, beyond question, that the IRS perjured itself in court and obstructed justice; that America's elected representatives lied; that the Attorney General lied; that the press lied.  I took my evidence to The Palm Beach Post.  It was enough for this newspaper to investigate and print a front page story.  The above named admitted they were “mistaken.”  They did not admit that they lied and obstructed justice. By being “mistaken” we, the people, give our authorities a pass.  The U. S. Tax Court, three U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court heard the case. They all looked the other way. It is all revealed in great detail in the book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.

We have a double standard of justice in America. We don’t give Zimmerman a pass for mistakenly killing Martin. We may not even give him a fair trial. Why didn’t the police arrest Zimmerman? Why did the state prosecutor not allow a grand jury to hear the charges against Zimmerman?  What was Martin doing in a gated community? What did Zimmerman do to cause Martin to break his nose? Why are the nation’s notorious white and Jew haters not arrested for offering a bounty on Zimmerman’s life?  Why is Attorney General Holder making an independent investigation?  Why did the press deliberately distort the facts to make Zimmerman look like a white racist?  This is a case of Nazi justice.  

We try not to think about it.  We trust that good will win in the end.  That’s the way Germany’s Jews took it when Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the equivalent of America’s New Black Panthers—America’s  white and Jew haters—started persecuting them.  The same as in Germany, the American people are allowing a tiny segment of the population, aided and abetted by the President of the United States, to turn us all into slaves.  

Hitler was a human being with a narcissistic personality disorder, a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.  I was in Germany when I was nineteen, there to save the world from Hitler’s tyranny.  At age eighty-six, I see a repeat of history.  


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  • God bless you Americanmom.  It was American mothers that made the family America’s cornerstone. How dare the misguided belittle America’s mothers!  You mentioned the struggle of good and evil. Twentieth century sociologist Robert K. Merton is credited with coining the expression "self-fulfilling prophecy," and formalizing its structure and consequences. In his book Social Theory and Social Structure, Merton defines self-fulfilling prophecy in the following terms: when Roxanna falsely believes her marriage will fail, her fears of such failure actually cause the marriage to fail.

    The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true. The validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he or she was right from the very beginning.


    I was honest enough to admit to myself that the self-fulfilling prophecy fit me.  If anything could go wrong it did.  I knew that I’d been living a life that was wrong for me. The right life came without my knowledge or understanding. I was not aware until many years had gone by, and I decided to write my memoirs. That’s when it all began to come together, and unbelievably, with Jesus in the picture.  I was anti-religious.  Religious differences divide us—cause wars. I discovered Jesus without any religion. 


    Jesus wasn’t religious. He was not a Christian. He wasn’t even a good Jew. He called Jewish authorities hypocrites.  Jesus was a troublemaker.   It is so easy to think we suffer for our virtues. But not until we look deeply within do we realize that “we cite the actual course of events in our lives as proof we were right from the very beginning.”  Not until we admit that we suffer from our good intentions will we find that long before we become perfect we will we give up those good intentions and see them as evil. Jesus saved me from myself; he redeemed me as the person I was intended to be. He made all my dreams come true.  Jesus holds the key that will open the door to our future, if we will but see him for what he was: our savior and redeemer.  

  • For 18 years, I endured West Palm Beach, Florida. If you didn't have everthing secured, militant blacks would take it before you could snap your fingers. They patrolled my neighborhood, the best in West Palm. I lived on Barcelona Road. My home was broken into three times. My car was stolen out of my driveway. I was mugged in the mddle of the day in my front yard.

    The police caught the mugger 15 minutes after he mugged me.  I gave them the description of his car.  My wallet was on his front seat with $84 in it. I got my wallet back less my $84. The city put in a claim with their insurer for my money, which the police kept.

    The morning after the mugging the county jail called to tell me if I didn't want my mugger released I better be at his hearing and protest his release.  I was there and protested. He was not released.  He got two years.  The black militant and been in trouble with the law all of his life. He had already served two prison sentences, one for attempted murder.  Thee times and you are out didn't apply. 


    I was long gone when this black militant was reseased. I left on April Fool's Day 1999.


    What do the American people know?

  • God bless you for all the horrible things you saw in Germany under the evil Nazi's. We are in a stuggle of Good vs evil in our great nation and you are correct in pointing it out. Most people understand that we are all one, we all share blood somewhere in the history of man, yet the haters chose to try to divide us. The sad thing is the haters, the liberals, the commies do not seem to understand that we the people will all be standing in the same breadlines, we will all be wearing the work boots, carrying the shovels and working in the glug for the elites of the one world goverment they are putting in place. It is sad that in our nation FACTS are not important, questions are not allowed, and so few citzens care enough to do anything! Never give up on standing up to tyranny. Never give up on truth, justice, and the American way! Everyone makes a differance, always stand up against evil.

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