You all need to be paying close attention to the Middle East, the @#$%%^&^@# in the White House, and Leah Lax's post on Mr. Netanyahu and his comments she has translated from Hebrew.
There has never been a time in our history where a sitting American President has done so much to belittle, downgrade and arrange for the destruction of not only an ally, but a vital partner with spiritual equanimity such as Isreal represents, and shares with us.
If Isreal is relegated to it's pre-1967 borders, as recommended by the Usurper in the White House, it will be destroyed in short order, and Obama and his international handlers will have won, while the entire rest of the world will have lost. Big Time.
To not understand the implications of "losing Isreal" is to have completely lost all moral bearings, and the lessons of history. The cries of "KILL THE JEWS" ring out all across the Middle East and everywhere the Islamic heathens dwell, and our "president" is advocating for Isreal to commit suicide.
Message to "BeBe"---YOU'VE GOT MORE FRIENDS THAN YOU MAY KNOW. I, for one, stand solidly with you.
God Bless