Is it possible that the Shadow Government is purposefully confounding the Federal Government in order to destroy the Middle Class?  And why would they want to destroy the Middle Class?  Is it because the destruction of the Middle Class is an express train to the establishment of a One World Government?  Why is Washington so intent on playing the blame game instead of implementing the several hundreds of solutions that taken together will solve the economic problems of the USA?  Is the blame game a smoke screen which is causing confusion and is obfuscating what is really going on behind the scenes?  Why are the Republicans and the Democrats afraid to implement the many and varied solutions that will solve our economic problems?  Why are they afraid of allowing the "other" party to make some solid solutions come to fruition?  Why are they at each others throats?  Are they unwittingly being dis-unified to create a smoke screen of confusion and chaos on purpose?  What is the Shadow Government doing behind the smoke screen to our country?  Most Americans are willing to give credit to both parties regardless of who brings to bear solid solutions to our economy.  At this point in time there has been discussion after discussion and the leadership is well aware of the many and varied things which need to be done to reverse this economic depression.  Why won't they implement these well known and well discussed solutions?  Is it a conspiracy?  It may very well be a conspiracy to undermine the Middle Class.  They talk and talk and talk and talk but don't do a darn thing to solve the problems.  They know how to fix the economy.  Are they afraid to fix it?  Who are they afraid of?  What group is causing them to have a paralysis of analysis?  If our politicians are incapable or afraid of resolving the problems because by doing so their careers are in jeopardy or they simply lack the leadership skills to coordinate all of the solutions and bring them to bear, then the answer is simple, i.e., VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE.  In that way they can balance the fear of the Shadow Government against the fear of being voted out of office and I would bet that under this kind of duress they would  be motivated to solve the economic problems currently bringing this country to iis knees.  We have had enough of this blame game nonsense and the unending lack of solutions.  The time for solid well thought out economic solutions is NOW!  If the unemployment rate goes up to 11 + percent we will have another depression otherwise currently being called a double-dip.  If you have paid attention to all of the economic debates on TV even as simplistic as they are we know that even these simplistic economic solutions taken collectively will create growth, increase tax revenue, reduce unemployment, solve the housing forclosure problem, etc.

We need to support honest, descent, God-fearing, patriotic, unselfish, intelligent, politicians who believe in and trust God and who support the Constitution of the U.S.  And by the way, we the taxpayers who voted, did not vote for a Shadow Government who remains hidden behind the scenes and who has an inordinate amount of political power which is being used to drive their hidden agendas and not being used for the good of the majority of the citizens of the USA.  We need to send a message to those shadowy people who make up the behind the scenes Shadow Government to take a hike and take their hidden agendas and shove them up where the sun doesn't shine.  By this time I would think that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of this BS.  If you want to understand what is happening turn to the Creator and pray for enlightenment and you can bet that these Shadowy and unfortunately influential people don't want you to do that.  PrayER leads to enlightenment and these characters want you to remain confused and in the dark.


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