Twitter Responds to Actress Stacey Dashs Endorsement of Republican Mitt Romney


IT'S #ISUPPORTSTACEYDASH; I forgot the "e"; sorry y'all!

Actress Stacy Dash recently tweeted an endorsement of Mitt Romney! Were she White this wouldn't even rate a second glace at the screen.

 Predictably the Limiting Left in our community attacked her mercilessly, high lighting yet again the need  to steal away from liberalism at warp speed!

Sick references to her ethnicity and personal life flooded into her Twitter account but she's not backing down.

The tragedy is the same Negroes ( yes I typed the other N-word ) always crying about " liberation " and " civil rights " attack a Black woman for exercising her right as an American to support the candidate of her choice.

For the record, any alleged Black man who publically denigrates a Black woman the way some of these hate-tweets read needs to be horse whipped- period!

If we can't respect each other HOW can we demand others to do so?

#ISupportStacyDash is the hash tag liberty loving tweeters can add to their tweets.

Stand up for Stacy and political freedom!

Romney 2012.

CAP BLACK THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE INVITES YOU TO JOIN HIS HERO-WEEN GOTV FOR MITT OF STEEL, MITT ROMNEY! http://moveonup.ning.com/profiles/blogs/happy-hero-ween-gotv-for-mi...

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