It is time to act!

I have been following this outragious administration for over two years now and found it wanting. I believe Mr. Obama gave his solem oath to defend and protect the Constitution of The United Stated which he has failed miserablely in fact he is trying to destroy our Constitution. I believe it is time to recall this enemy of the United States for failing to fulfill his obligation to the American people by keeping his solem oath to God and Country.
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  • That is what the world keeps saying that Jesus has been replaced, however, I think is a poor attitude to take. One day soon Jesus will come for his own chosen people and then it will be to late for the ones that believe Jesus has been replaced. Jesus has not been replaced by anyone he is soverin. I am an old man and seen a lot of things, I have a degree from a liberal collage. My professors tried to convince me that God is dead, the were wrong. I know personally that God is real and exist and no amount of talking will ever change my mind. the Muslims will never change my mind and convert me from my beliefs. I am not usually one to preach, but I will stand up for my beliefs.
    Where do I go to read your Blog Mr. Smith I would be happy to read your Blog.
  • "Who Is Our Lord" is a blog I wrote. They say united we stand, divided we fall. Thanks to America's obedience training, George Soros has replaced Jesus.
  • I know who my true Lord is and his name is Jesus Christ. If I can find the book "Who Is Our Lord I will get it and read it.
  • I suggest that your read "Who Is Our Lord."
  • Mr. Smith
    I say Hear! Hear! Lets start now we have two of us.
  • It is comforting to know that the American people are at last waking up to what Roosevelt did to my Constitution, and your Constitution. Obama told us he was going to follow Roosevelt's legacy. He told us he was going to transform America. We weren't listening.
  • Mr. Smith
    Thank your for your comment. What you say may be true. However, let it be known I did not vote for Mr. Obama and I try to make it my Patriotic duty to vote thes bastards out of office who do the things to us. I am not a seeker of power as many of the ones in office at this time and these professional politicians should be kept on their toes by people such as you and me. I still say lets through the bastards out of office!
  • Obama is keeping his "solemn oath." The American people or not. Long before Obama took office, my Constitution was eliminated by the U. S. Supreme Court. Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, and his brothers on the bench in agreement, declared, "Property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end."

    Roosevelt: "The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the Court in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the court." And so we did. Property is only a means.

    I repeat, to save the Constitution, ever since Roosevelt, under the guise of a tax to perform an honorable duty, government has been preying on human weakness. Obama is merely following the Roosevelt legacy. Do we, the people, really want a change? We keep voting the same politicians back in office who believe in redistribution of America's wealth. If we didn't want it, do you think they would be doing it? Our highest moral is to be happy.
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