"Its Me or Obama"

4063481685?profile=originalThe drawing is a mathematically created image illustrating the process of beginning and end.

Santorum says, "It’s Me or Obama." I say, "It’s me or Obama."  Take your choice.  Santorum is a good Christian. Obama is a good Christian. For twenty years, his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, taught hate American values.  Birds of a feather flock together.  It's going to take more than a good Christian to beat Obama.   

I’m anti-Christian and pro-American. If America is a Christian nation, how can it be that I’m anti-Christian?  Well, Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was not a Christian. Jesus was not a Christian.  So we need to get the facts straight. Division in our thinking is sure to destroy us.  I’m anti-socialist.  The distinction is in values.  Many Christians are socialists, including the President of the United States.  Many Members of Congress are socialists and Christians.  The problem is power and control, Christian or otherwise.

The Constitution has become a historical document, its original intent gone with the wind; that is, American values.  The germ that destroyed American values and left us controlled by self-serving authorities, be they Christian or otherwise, is expedience.

American values include free enterprise and self-government, the arch enemy of authority bent on controlling us.  Socialism is collective will, self-government zero.  We humans were created with reason and logic; that is, my logic; your logic.  We are not herd animals.  Socialism is forced will—one suit fits all.  It is manmade, the replacement of God with earthbound authority.  It’s a shell game, Christian or otherwise.

Coincidentally, my stand fits the Aquarian personality. Coincidentally, weak will fits the Piscean personality.  We are leaving the Age of Pisces. This explains the world in turmoil.   Be prepared for what is to come.

In 1975, my life in ruins, but aware of my inalienable rights—they do not include a job or government entitlements—it so happens that America’s Constitution and inalienable rights fits my Aquarian personality.  In fact, the United States was born under the sign of Aquarius.

When I looked within; that is, found my Aquarian personality—found a bigger than life cause—failure turned into success.  By coincidence, we read in the Bible that Jesus opposed his earthly authority. His opposition brought about his crucifixion.  In the Bible, we read about the three wise men, actually Persian astrologers who followed the Star of Bethlehem to the Christ Child’s birthplace.  Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. His legacy remains.  The facts say it was not by coincidence that I found my Aquarian personality.

Jesus taught us to look to the kingdom of God for our answers. The kingdom of God is not in earth or in heaven, Jesus told us. God is internal, in the sense that God is boundless.  Consciousness is boundless.  God is universal consciousness; nothing could exist without it.  By rationalization, we limit our conscious awareness.  Thus, our thinking does not make the full circle of reason and logic.

The Bible says that we are from dust to dust, but that we possess immortal souls.  In other words, we are inextricably bound in the consciousness of the universe, and according to the latest science, down to the smallest particle.

We observe that everything in the universe has a beginning and an end. From our observation comes our reality.  The information that created the universe remains, says science, in our human case, our souls. Therefore, when you think about collective will think bigger than life and you will gain personal power beyond your wildest dreams.  

An explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation is discussed in great detail in my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. Look for it at Amazon in June.



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