Jew Bashing

I have had several complaints about 'Jew Bashing' and I want everyone to understand there will be no hostile statements made against Jews ever permitted, in any way.

I understand in the heat of discussion words many times come out wrong. However, if there is ANY Jew Bashing statement on any page, erase those statements now, or your page will be deleted along with all your contacts.

Criticism is one thing, but general hostile intent is something completely different. The same thing goes to any race or religion. Don't bash.

Please remove all Bashing statements now.


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  • A President should never apologize for America. The World and especially the Muslim World views that as weak.  Obama's theme song should be I'm Sorry not Hail To The Chief.
  • You have made some powerful points. Lets remember the government was suppose to be us, however instead a few power hungry groups grabbed the nation long ago. Now, We The People must reverse the evil that was installed before us.  Fight On Patriot
  • Yes! We have some 'hard core' freedom fighters here. The Tea Party Army is growing very silently in the background. Soon, we will be able to take command of the vote and send to Washington (or send home) whom ever we want!  

    Fight On! 


  • Thanks for your E-Mail sir and it cleared it up.  I love the freedom on this site. The way Leah talks about Muslims (refreshing) I am suprised Obama has not shut it down and locked us up.  I would love to see a debate on TV between Leah and Weiner or Leah and Obama or Leah and Wasserman-Schultz (That catfight would be cool and the DNC would be exposed showing it is really the L (liberal)DNC.
  • I bash liberals and I bash enemies of Israel no matter what religion but it baffles me to understand how Jews can support candidates and liberal agenda who are clearly not friends of Israel. I call Chuck Schumer Schmuck Schumer as Mark Levin does.  I love Mark Levin and wish The Great One was President. To send me an E-Mail implying that I am a Jew basher insults me.  Banning me would be like banning Mark Levin.  I am trying to save Israel and most Christians in the South don't give a crap about Israel but I do and you call me a Jew Basher.  Thanks a lot.  I bash political correctness. Also, I tell the truth Jews vote two-thirds Democrat and voted that way for Obama in 2008 and can not understand why. 
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