Jobs Bill Force States to Surrender Sovereignty
Jobs Bill is not about creating jobs, but surrendering States Sovereignty. Under Sec.376, States receiving any Federal funding whether Medicaid, Medicare, Tuition, FEMA, etc. will now surrender its Sovereignty under this new Jobs Bill. Surrendering Sovereign Immunity allows states to be sued by anyone recognized by the Federal Government. Interesting that Hilda Solis has been advocating the rights of illegals and now this Jobs plan forces states to yield its sovereignty to be sued. It is also likely Labor Unions could invoke this requirement to supersede Right to Work and force unionization of state agencies and businesses. Is this a Jobs Bill or a Bill to expand Federal power via DOJ, DOL, and others members of the Federal Family?
(a) Abrogation of State Immunity- A State shall not be immune under the 11th Amendment to the Constitution from a suit brought in a Federal court of competent jurisdiction for a violation of this Act.
(b) Waiver of State Immunity-
(A) WAIVER- A State's receipt or use of Federal financial assistance for any program or activity of a State shall constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, under the 11th Amendment to the Constitution or otherwise, to a suit brought by
an employee or applicant for employment of that program or activity under this Act for a remedy authorized under Section 375(c) of this Act.
The States gave up sovereignty when they became corporations.
If you can't
stand by your "Oath" then you might as well fade away into the sunset because we know what you are promoting! Guess what it's not Americanism
Simple answer . Take no gov't money and build a strong citizens militia to protect your states soveriegnty . Have your county sheriifs on orders of your governor arrest all federal agents that try to enforce unconstitutional laws . Throw them in jail using NDAA as your authority .
Put thousands of American’s back to work my stopping the thousands
of jobs companies give to Canadian’s and other foreign nationals.