Obama, the brain, against advice, places jobs ahead of investors. In the picture you see the most powerful lawyer in America, put in his high office by Barack Obama, another lawyer. Tea Party members, if you are going to do any good , you should be aware of the root cause of the division in America. Patrick Henry was speaking to the Tea Party when he declared, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
Freedom is not automatic. A few questions: Why is America forced to borrow money from China? Why is government spending out of control? How can government know who is entitled to receive and who is obliged to pay? Does government lose control or do we, the people, lose control if America goes bankrupt? You know the answer. Why do you allow it?
Neither the vote nor my Constitution gives Obama authority to hand out taxpayer money for his political advantage, nor does Congress have the authority. However, my reading of the Constitution doesn’t agree with government’s stand. Does might make right? In my view, the bigger they are the harder they fall. I’ve written a book about that. In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 will be available at Amazon this June—just in time to see your country go down the tube.
Do you know that if you have a legitimate personal stake in the outcome, you have the authority, as a taxpayer, in your Constitution to demand to be heard in a meaningful place in a meaningful way? Your government and courts, by hook and crook, in order to rob you and hand out your money for its own power and control, have taken that right from you without an amendment to the Constitution. Everyone who pays income tax has the constitutional right to take Uncle Sam to court. You’ve given up that right by allowing your government to take the stand that the voters and representatives of the people have the unquestionable authority to determine taxing and spending policy. In Flast v.Cohen the Supreme Court did not agree with government. It agreed with me.
The sole reason your government is bankrupting the nation, turning America into a slave state, is your ignorance of the law. They say that ignorance of the law is no excuse. A professor of law set me straight in The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. Edward S. Corwin’s famous essay was published in 1925, in the year of my birth. In 1925, unconstitutionally, America’s elected representatives authorized the IRS to examine your personal records if it suspected that you might be cheating on your taxes. The Fourth Amendment doesn’t allow the IRS to make fishing expeditions. Not only did your elected representatives violate your Constitution in this case but went on to write into law that the only way you could question an IRS fraud was to take the matter to court. Everything your government has done, and is doing, is for a political reason—for its benefit and your expense.
Having said this, in my tax case before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Court asserted: “Despite the fact that the amount of taxes owed by the taxpayer may be less than the amount the United States must spend to collect that amount, this is a case in which the excess should be expended to validate once again the legitimacy of the income tax.” The expense was the cost of government lawyers to fight me. The facts don’t bear out the decision. And keep this in mind, taxpayers pay—and by law—not only to defend their rights, but pay their oppressor’s legal costs as well.
Obama decided, on mere whim, that we taxpayers should pay for contraceptives. Good luck to the Catholic Church on going to court. The Church is going to pay its legal cost and the government’s legal cost. Your government will drag the case out for years. It’s bound to be a loser.
Obama took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The law is based on reason. What possible reason would Obama have for forcing taxpayers to pay for people’s contraceptives? I learned from Professor Corwin, “It is customary nowadays to ascribe the legality as well as the supremacy of the Constitution—the one in truth, but the obverse of the other—exclusively to the fact that, in its own phraseology, it was ‘ordained’ by ‘the people of the United States.’ (that is, my Constitution was held to be sacred.) The two ideas are thus brought into play. One is the so-called ‘positive’ conception of law as a general expression merely for the particular commands of a human lawgiver, as a series of acts of human will (nothing sacred about it); the other is that the highest possible source of such commands, because the highest possible embodiment of human will is “the people” (not the makers and keepers of the law). With this in mind, “The Ninth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, in stipulating that ‘the enumeration of certain rights in this Constitution shall not prejudice other rights not so enumerated,’ illustrates this theory perfectly except that the principles of transcendental justice have been here translated into terms of personal and private rights (that is, the individual’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness).”
“Thus the legality of the Constitution, its supremacy, and its claim to be worshipped, alike find common standing ground (legal standing in a court of law) on the belief in a law superior to the will of human governors.” It doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to figure this out. You have the God-given and constitutional right to challenge your government on its frauds against you.
The American people have never been in Obama’s plans. Typical of Chicago politics, in every instance you can name, Obama has favored those who favor him, and imposed illegal and lawless acts against those who oppose him.
Now, as for the income tax and government lawyers, Black’s Law Dictionary, under lawful: “A further distinction is that the word legal is used as the synonym of ‘constructive,’ which ‘lawful’ is not. Thus ‘legal fraud’ is fraud implied or inferred by law, or made out by construction.” Hitler was legal. Legal is merely the form of law. In order to be lawful, the law must also include the spirit of the law—in other words, long standing ethics and morals. This is totally missing in America’s representation, and in America’s lawyer’s interpretations regarding income tax.
America’s government would not be so rich and powerful if it adhered to the Constitution. It would not be so hated by many other governments. The American people would not be subjected to hard times, and wars to end hard times.
I acted as my own lawyer, while the taxpayers paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to government lawyers fighting me in court. It’s the same as the taxpayers paying Al Capone to fight the law.
Although the law supports me, all judges and lawyers, in what they call “bootstrap cases,” frown on my representing myself. They give themselves credit for knowing the law far better than I could possibly know it. Why? God created me with reason. They go to law school; I go to God. Fundamental to the law is reason. Think about this. It was lawyers that decided black people could be slaves under the law. What could be more unreasonable? When you have lawyers for friends, who needs enemies? They are currently turning the American people into tax slaves.
I was before the tax court, three district courts, the court of appeals and the supreme court, all for naught, except that I acquired the court record—an absolute fraud—which I presented to the news media. The court record showed that the tax court ruled in my favor. The IRS “mistakenly” violated the tax court’s order, and all the other courts looked the other way. It’s all in the record. The IRS couldn’t hide the truth. Those bandits were forced to admit to the press that they made numerous “mistakes.” If you or I made the same mistake, it would be called obstruction of justice.
America’s lawyers have legalized the greatest fraud of all times, thus giving Obama all of his power. The answer is as simple as falling off a log. You are getting from Obama the law of Chicago gangster Al Capone. He got his power by taking from some and giving to others. Ironically, hypocritical lawyers sent Capone to prison for failing to report income.
By studying my Constitution (in the county law library), and acting, I received magical power. I went to the law books and learned the law I needed. The Department of Justice lost its case against me. The DOJ does a better job of covering its sleazy acts than enforcing the law. If a layman can beat them at their own game, the DOJ must not have much to offer the American people.
Obama, Capone style, appointed DOJ’s Holder. He appointed the boss of the IRS, Timothy Geithner, who failed to report income for taxation, and who was detained for questioning by New York police on February 24th, and released after giving evidence about many high level financial criminals, friends of Obama and his mafia gang.
Think about this: America’s taxpayers got zip from my effort, but miraculously, all of my dreams have come true. What it is going to take to turn the ship of state around? You have no idea of the power you possess. It is all explained in great detail in my book.