Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man

4063939223?profile=originalWords can not express my disdain for the reprehensible behavior of VP Joe Biden and his Democrat co-conspirators. At a gathering of mostly black civil rights leaders Biden strategically launched a nasty false narrative for the sole propose of ginning up racial hate and division.

Republicans are requesting that Americans show an ID to vote, which is only common sense. This vile little man, Joe Biden, characterized the Republicans' identification requirement as racial hate and an attempt to block blacks from voting.

As my late mom would say, adding yeast to his lie, Biden claimed Republicans have tried to curtail voting rights 83 times this year.

Biden's accusation is absurd; a self-serving evil lie conceived by a deviant mind. Insidiously, Biden's game plan is to rip open and pour enough salt into old 1960s civil rights movement wounds to motivate blacks to flock to the polls in November to vote against their perceived white racist enemies.

POLL: Should Voter ID be required in every state?

I refuse to give Biden's “hate speech” a pass by chalking it up to politics as usual. Stoking the flames of racial hatred for political gain, polarizing Americans along racial lines is serious business, irresponsible and extremely dangerous.

Biden and his fellow Democrats cavalierly throwing “race grenades” whenever it serves their political purpose is a slap in the face to Americans, black and white, who suffered, sacrificed and died to bring us to where we are today; a black man occupying the Oval Office.

My 86 year old black dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus was very active in the early civil rights movement. Dad knows the price that was paid to win blacks the right to vote. Upon my four siblings and me reaching voting age, Dad stayed on our case. “Today is election day -- make sure you vote!” Dad instilled in us that voting is a duty and a privilege of being a citizen.

And yet, Dad's Democratic party people are attempting to devalue the right to vote by giving it away to anyone they believe will vote Democrat, regardless of their legal status. The Democrats' propensity for voter fraud cheapens the value of every American's vote . This is why Biden and the Democrats vehemently oppose voter ID.

Meanwhile, rather than challenging the Democrats' absurd claim that Republicans are trying to keep blacks from voting, political know-it-alls advise Republicans to concede the point. They say Republicans must convince blacks that they are not racist by lightening up on requiring blacks to show an ID to vote. Surrendering to the Democrats' ridiculous claim and pandering in accordance to it is sickeningly immoral and cowardice.

By the way, as a proud American who happens to be black, I am extremely insulted by the Democratic Party's entrenched bigotry of lowered expectations. While Americans are required to present an ID to complete a plethora of daily transactions, Democrats are saying presenting an ID is too challenging for us blacks. We're special...a bit slower than other Americans. With friends like the Democrats, blacks do not need any enemies.

In regards to national race relations, America has come a long way, baby. Older Americans have powerful memories, deep scars and countless stories of Americans behaving at their best and worse in our struggle to achieve Dr Martin Luther King Jr's dream. I am talking much blood, sweat and tears.

And yet, Biden and the Democrats have callously tossed hard-fought national race relations on the alter into the fire to be burned as a sacrifice in worship of Obama and furthering their socialist/progressive agenda.

There is talk of Joe Biden running for president in 2016. The last thing America needs is another vile little man in the Oval Office willing to fuel the flames of division and racial hate, pitting Americans against each other for political expediency.

As my patriot brothers in New Jersey would say, “So you wanna be president Joe? Forget about it!”

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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  • let and his trophy wife go to mexico to reside with the rest of the cast offs

  • 4087034880?profile=original

  • During the 2014 presidential  debate, Biden and Ryan debated. While Ryan was speaking, Biden made dozens of facial contortions like a circus buffoon. Biden was born for this part.

  • He is a hero to the libs. He is a major reason Obutthead has not bees removed with extreme predjudice. He would be as bad as a president. No one wants him either.

  • Lloyd...I so admire you...hope all is well with you!!! What an awesome post and oh so true....real Americans have no problem with color, ID or compassion....character is what matters and it is sorely lacking in this current regime!

  • Pretty simple isn't it?  Those of us who are honest and want things to be above board have no problem showing our identifications and registration cards.  It is the frauds and cheaters who protest against voter registration.  They have to cheat to win.

  • God bless you and your's Lloyd: excellent article, and thank you so much.

  • Because he's right Lloyd Marcus is now on my 'Hero List'. Guys like Biden possess one immutable character trait aka 'covert hostility', i.e. smiles big, shakes your hand, all while concealing a dagger behind their back. Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Holder, and Boehner are contagious suppressive anti-social individuals screaming for quarantine aka "Supermax Prison." Find out more about "The Cause of Suppression" and stop them before they get into office...Semper Fi Nam 66-67

  • The only animal on earth that has a eye ball bigger then it's brain is a Ostrich! But after seeing and hearing Joe Biden talk and act one has to rethink the word ONLY ?
  • If, during the last Presidential election, voter i.d. had been required and voting machines had not been hacked, Obama would never have won the election.  The only reason they keep hollering "racist" whenever somebody calls for voter i.d., is so the Democraps can continue their fraudulent voting that has only grown over the years.  They also 'fix' the voting machines to "flip" the votes of Republicans, with the same outcome - the 'loser' is elected, and if there are questions, they refuse to offer up the source codes, which is the only way fraud can be detected.  I will NEVER vote by machine again' I'll just take my chances with paper ballots.  But voting by machine, especially if it comes from the company Soros owns, is a sure certainty that the election will be 'fixed.'

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