I’m going to ask a Question to the Tea Parity members. I have written our Senator from the state of Wyoming but I don’t seem to get a very good answer.
Obummer wants more money to spend, has anybody up in Corrupt DC ever ask him why he needs more money to spend. Make a list and produce it to the American people, and allow the American people to say “Yes or No” about this so called revenue increase with raising Taxes on everyone.
Some how we are allowing 600 people that can’t seem to get it’s head out of the sand in telling the American people what’s good for them and what’s not.
Not any of them could ran a lemonade stand and make a profit.
I’m still trying to find out they need more money for “What so they can give it to the people hoe wish to kill us” or to more bankrupt green energy companies. Or maybe to pay back his Union buddies that got him elected Illegally.
Can anyone tell why?
Just because this Butthead won the election doesn’t mean he should get his way. He’s like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way. Has anybody looked the Healthcare bill that was passed and see just how many taxes are in that bill “21” to start with, and not one of those taxes help the American people. No not one.
All of them “STOP DIGGING THE HOLE DEEPER” as for the debt.
Of course these people that make billions of dollars have stuck their foot in their mouths a few months ago. You take actors, athletes just how many jobs have they produced. All they know how to do is get in trouble and get their hands slapped.
I’ve taken sometime and thought about what happened in Newtown and it saddens me very much. We ask ourselves “Why” and the only thing that I can come up with is our Judicial system, and the bleeding hearts of America. I guess I could go on about this problem but I would be blowing smoke to the wind. At what age to we start teaching our kids and grandkids right from wrong. Theirs 3 things that parents are forgetting to teach kids today. Manners, respect, and be polite towards one another specially towards adults.
To be completely honest I seat back and think about our freedoms and they are being taken away one by one, and wish to ask the people of America just how many freedoms do you have to give up before “We the People” wake up.
We try to elect people with some brains to go to Corrupt DC but somehow on the way they seem to lose their brains. All they want to do for so many years is TAX and SPEND our money on stupid things. We could stop paying taxes like so many of them and see if they have enough jails to lock 300 million people up. Or better yet try to elect people with common sense and spend the taxpayer money right.
Like I have said in this blog I just blowing smoke to the wind because they in Corrupt DC will never listen to anything I or any American has to say about what is going on. Even thought they are being paid by our tax dollars.
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