Just Why DO I Say That Election '12 Won't Matter?

I've been harping on this for some time, and for a number of reasons, one of them being that there will be an uprising/upheaval that's been planned for some time by BHO and his fixers...part of that is already being born out by the statements lately from Occupy Wall Streeters on their plans to violently disrupt the Nato Summit scheduled for this spring in Chicago.  One of the other reasons is because of Congressional testimony regarding how the elections can be fixed by computer programming  that you MUST spend 11 minutes to watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONOBWuPjFWE

This is information that was sent to me from Steven Pattison who writes extensively at the Post-Email -http://www.thepostemail.com/  There is much more that we will be talking about on Tea Party Radio-Founder's Quest: The Seigfreid-Toepfer Hour with co-host Peggy Burgess tonight.  Join us @ 9 pm EST at www.blogtalkradio.com/teapartyorg or listen in and call to join our discussion on your cell phone @ 646-200-4032.  Click on the radio-link on the Command Page for a list of FM stations nationwide if you prefer.  Just BE THERE...this is serious and dangerous stuff that's going on, and you aren't going to hear about this in the MSM, or most any other place.  The first step to reclaiming this nation is INFORMATION and AWARENESS.  The better informed we all are, the more prepared we will be to confront this criminal enterprise known as the de-facto Federal Government, and most specifically, the Obama Administration.

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  • When ballots fail .......................................


    The voters know that they have been cheated !

    Well you know where that goes....

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