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  • I mean no offense but are we not talking about the richest 5% paying their fair share of taxes as opposed to sheltering their tax burden so as to not pay their taxes? Does being rich automatically mean you don't have to pay taxes because you are a person of means? If the wealthiest 5% paid what they actually owed in taxes, would they suddenly be poor? I'm not talking about Robin Hood, I'm talking about no loop holes, no free rides. I pay my taxes.
  • So the rich have not been paying their fair share of taxes because of tax cuts. Now the rich divert their money into foreign accounts so they can continue to pay less than the average man. That leaves the rest of us picking up the tab. Taxes or not, the rich never pay. Sounds like there is no way out of this mess for me. The rich get richer, the poor get nothing
  • Let the tax cuts expire for those making over $250,000 a year. We are talking about only 2% of the population making more than that. The rest of us get to keep our tax cut. Bush set up the tax cuts to expire anyway! He didn't make them permanent because they added too much to the deficit!
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