Kennedy Millionaires In Line for Taxpayer HandoutIf a line of people looking for a government handout had formed outside the Capitol last week – two prominent people named "Kennedy" would have been among those with their hands outstretched.Victoria Reggie Kennedy, wife of the late Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, wants $30 million more in federal dollars to help with the cost of a huge memorial to her husband, on top of the $38 million she managed to siphon off of budget lines such as the Defense appropriations bill.Further back in the line for a taxpayer-funded handout is former Congressman Joe Kennedy, who complains that this country doesn't spend enough on heating oil assistance for the poor -- when we're not funding shrines for his late uncle, of course.If you own a television in the Washington D.C. media market, you have seen Joe Kennedy thanking the people of Hugo Chavez's Venezuela and CITGO oil company for bankrolling a program to give discounted home heating oil to poor and elderly people in nine states here in America.You see, Kennedy actually pulling the hose from a big oil tanker from Venezuela to provide heating oil to a deserving family.The non-profit is called the Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program which, of course, has a website and a toll-free number just to remind you who's give you all that subsidized heating oil – 1-877-JOE-4-OIL.Any reasonable person looking at all this would have to ask – do these people ever talk to each other? Isn't there some break in the action at a Hyannisport touch football game or a big family gathering where they could compare notes about which Kennedy is getting how much from the U.S. Treasury?Maybe Victoria could scrimp a few million dollars on the Kennedy shrine – a towering pillar or two less – and ship the savings over to Joe. Or is Joe too busy making his deliveries of Hugo Chavez's oil for the TV cameras?One would think Joe would be trying to do anything to get a few million for fuel for the poor… before he goes begging to socialist dictators in Venezuela.TAKE ACTION: There's a very short window to stop this "shrine" to Ted Kennedy and prevent the $30 million of additional taxpayer-funding from going to fund this liberal pork-barrel project. Contact your elected officials in Washington right now and tell the Congress "no taxpayer funding for the Kennedy Shrine!"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------