I came across this article about a company called    Scytl    which are from Spain. Guess what King Obama set it up so these folks count our American votes, & even more interesting, no paper trail, no pesky records!




if you read the above article after checking the link you will begin to understand that the election is a sham. No wonder they appear unworried in the Obama kool-aid world of hate for our great nation of laws & freedom, they already put the fix in.


I called & sent an email to my Washington elected asking why a nonAmerican company would be put in charge of our most important election, funny how not one response come back from anyone.


Would the teaparty nation consider this as an open invite to ask some questions? As always our media will not. What about it fellow Americans would you like to think your voice & peaceful actions, & vote still matter or are we to far down the rabbit hole to never return?


I will never give up on my beloved America & have posted & sent this to everyone, what will you do?

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  • This idea that SCYTL will be counting our votes is totally absurd and dismaying to me.   Obama knows well that he cannot win on his dismal record for the past 3.5 years.   So he is resorting to anything he can to try and sell us with his slick ortory that this firm is on the up and up and that we will be getting a fair vote count.    Wellllllllllllll........on the surface it appears to be something that has merit.   HOWEVER................with the "reported" information that George Soros might be involved either as a contributor, investor, or whatever......it doesn't matter.   George Soros cannot be trusted with anything - anytime - anywhere.....!!!    We do not employ foxes to guard any hen houses - period.....!!    So that in itself negates any validity that SCYTL has anything to do with a valid vote count.   George Soros and validy do not equate.   Should not be used in the same sentence.   

    Look folks.............lets all get on this issue, cause I for one do not want to wake up on November the 7th listening to the news and wonder what in the hell happened.   We have to defeat Obama and defeat Communism and rid our country of these influences.   We "THE PEOPLE" are stronger than this to allow our country to be taken over by the likes of Obama and his socialist propaganda.    Let's...."JUST DO IT."

  • I wrote to the vote counting company in Spain to express my total disdain for them being a partner with our USA and states to count our votes for President in the upcoming election on Nov 6th.    Here is the link to their email address.   I encourage all of to flood that firm with emails expressing the fact that we the American People can and have handled the voting count issue and will continue to do so.   We do not need the likes of any foreign company or firm to delve into our voting issues period.....!!


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