Khalid Sheik Mohammed who planned 9/11 is an American who attended college at North Carolina A&T. He was Radicalized while in college at North Carolina A&T. Prior to that he would have been considered "moderate". Khalid Sheik Mohammed ..... aka KSM is "NOT" an Arab. He is an African American. It appears many of the so called Muslums in USA are African American.
, So we have home grown American Muslums, who for the most part are African Americans.
Now we have an African American President who is African American who radicalized with hate for his country.
Obama could be a Serial Killer and the African Americans would vote for him just because he is 1/2 black. This is really pathetic on the part of American African Americans. They see no shame is their 95% suport of Obama.
They will never gain respect nor self respect till they wake up and denounce Obama for the Radical that he is.
I would support any African American who is President as long as he is a principled and devout American.
This is an American tragedy.
I balme it soley on the Democrats who have held the African Americans down and kept them in Gheto for all the years with no hope. Only to bring them out and offer them a beer on election day so they would come out and vote Democratic and then put them back into the ghettos. The really sad thing is this is true.
The Blacks have alway sbeen where the Democrats could "control them". a) either is gehttos or b) now in government jobs. Both let Dems control their lives.
African Americans deserve more than this. They deserve the opportunity that everyone has.