Conservative blogger Brooks Bayne and 8 other individuals have offered $10,000 to anyone who can verifiably produce Obama's college records. I assume this would include transcripts and financial aid info.

Why can’t we concerned citizens add to this "bounty"? If, for example, 10,000 people donate $10 each we would have a total bounty of $110,000. Obviously this is a much greater incentive for someone to break rank and produce Obama’s college records and a small price to pay to remove a malignant mass. A reputable organization such as the Tea Party would be needed to ensure total transparency with this effort. Any thoughts?

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  • Dennis-the key word would be "verifiable". This could be done by analysis of the documents corroberrated by college faculty and administration testimony. $100K+ is a lot of incentive. However, I don't personally have the skills to orchestrate such a campaign. If anyone out there does (Tea Party?) please speak out.

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