Letter to John Boehner


I just sent a letter to John Boehner. If I disappear, you'll know why. Just send mail to Frank at FEMA Camp. If you want to comunicate with him, his address is  Speaker.gov

Here's the love letter I sent him.

Mr. Speaker, I just read that you and your cronies are planning to drop the Fast & Furious case. How dare you do that to We, The People? Holder and Obama should have been held in contempt, at... least, many times over. They both should have been impeached. Both of them have spit on our Constitution, disobeyed legal orders, refused to obey laws they don't agree with, the list goes on and on. Do not think for one minute that We. The People will forget what you have done (or failed to do) this November.

The man in the White House is a liar. According the Constitution, he is not even eligible for that office, since his father was not a US Citizen. Minor v. Happersett (1874) gives the definition of Natural Born citizen. I'm sure you are aware of this Supreme Court decision. It confirms Vattel's Law of Nations definition that our Founding Fathers were familiar with. Lest you say that any citizen can hold the office of the President, read the requirements for members of Congress. They must be "citizens" of a certain age. The only mention of "Natural Born citizen" is in the requirement for President. By failing to properly vet Obama, we had Obamacare shoved through with no GOP input. We had billions of dollars wasted on shovel ready projects that didn't even have shovels. The only thing the "stimulus bills" stimulated was the wallets of Democratic political donors. Americans are being raped, and you, Mr. Speaker, are standing by and watching it happen. Occasionally, you talk tough, but what have you DONE about it?

Shove Fast & Furious under the rug and watch what happens this November. We, the People want Representatives in Washington that actually represent us. Too many of them are worried about keeping their jobs. If you would worry about taking care of your constituents instead of yourself, you would never have to worry about keeping your job. Obama has awaken the “Sleeping Giant” and we will not go back to sleep. We, who love this country, will fight for it. We will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that we take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that we will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Citizen on which we have entered: So help me God. Sound familiar? That is basically the same oath you took upon taking office. I am willing to die to protect my country. Are you at least willing to honor your oath to protect it?

Frank Barnett
Albuquerque, NM

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  • YES SUSAN   and when we do get them all out WE NEED TO SET TERM LIMITS on congress and Senant as well as there are for the PEES

  • AMEN!!!! GREAT letter How does one start a petition and have it sent certified mail to make sure he gets this letter. Becauce he has to sign for the letter

  • Frank Barnett..excellent letter. I am in total agreement with you. It's time for BOTH parties to leave DC. BOTH are corrupt to the core and have sold out the American people to the global elites. This is our country, We have a constitution that they have used to wipe their butts with, we are a sovereign nation not an International banana republic...it's way past time to take it back. And another election with an establishment puppet is not going to change a thing...

  •   Not On My Watch he isn't! I will Guard my Post until properly relieved until then his Brown Shirts can kiss their Arses goodbye!!!!!You know that so called Act that he instituted under the noses of supposedly bright minded individuals. So much for that Theory huh???? These are the Stewart's of our Nation? What a Joke!

  • The O wants to disarm all of the gun owners in America so it will be fairly easy to take us over when our guns are gone.The 2nd ammendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms.I think the founding fathers seen that there would be dictators who  would come and try to take America over by force.If you have guns oil them up and lay by ammo and if you dont have a gun I suggest you get one and much ammo.and prepare for the comming dictator who would enslave all the caucasin peoples in America,

  • Well said Frank Barnett you have hit the nail on the head.I too feel the same and I know there are thousands out there that feel the same also.

  • If thing continue down the horrid path the criminal usurping Communist Obama is taking us, you are most likely to have LOTS of company in the FEMA camps.

  •  I sent something along the same lines in a reply to a Speaker alert notice that i got via E-Mail and guess what? I didn't hear back and I'm still here Standing. But I would willing to sign my name to any Document that reminds them on to whom they have "Pledged Their Allegiance to serve" just like my Fore Fathers did without any reservations.

  • I proudly endorse your letter.  For too many years now the Republican Party has been run by a bunch of wimps who are afraid of a few words of criticism.  At the same time our troops are facing real bullets.  I ask these wimps, has it done any good trying to appease the Democrats?  They continue playing you for the suckers you obviously are.  If you fought a tenth as hard for truth as they fight for lies they would have been vanquished long ago.  You are selling our country down the drain with your fear of being vilified by the liberal press.  Year after year you sell us the lie that we need to donate and fight for the good of America.  Can you tell me what the difference is in your promising we conservatives the same thing year after year if we will support you, and the Democrats selling the Blacks the lie that if they will vote for them, they will give them everything.  I for one have been told this, election cycle after election cycle, and have nothing to show for it is frustration.  Every election you tell us we have to go with a middle of the road guy who isn't afraid to reach across the aisle.  It's all a bunch of B.S.  We need leadership and the bunch of wimps we have for "leaders" are a joke.  We don't believe you any longer and your time has run out.  You are nothing but Democrat Stooges who cower in fear, afraid to stand toe to toe and Duke it out.  If we go down fighting so be it, but you are not even fighting and the Dems are laughing themselves silly for being able to pull the same garbage year after year, and having you all fall for it, like the suckers you are.

  • i call the wh once a week,and this is exactly what i say,i like to voice my opinion,1st obama is ineligible to be president as his father was born in kenyan,making him ineligible to be president,2nd oboama ignored a georgia supreme court subpoena{treason}3rd obama sent throops to afganistan without congress approval{treason}4th he has a s.s.# card thats a fake{treason}5th he has a live birth form,which is not a legal birth certificate{treason}6th all oboama records are sealed and spends millions to keep them hidden/sealed,we like to know a little bit about the person we are voting for,we sealed records we can,t do that{treason}.and i call each one of my local politicians every week,and tell them the same thing,i also tell them,i don,t want to hear your opinion,i am a legal tax paying american citizen.and all i want you to do,is pass my comments on to mr politician.and i tell them i am taping all this,works every time.god bless sheriff joe and cold case posse,chuck norris,and all american veterans/citizwns.one nation under god. p.s. and i told each one of them,i am going to call all the politicians top to bottom,every week,until ovomit is indicted and put in prison

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