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November 8, 2012

Dear President Obama:
Dear Representative Cuellar:
Dear Senator Cornyn:
Dear Senator Hutchison:

We the undersigned oppose the proposed UN Arms Trade Treaty. We call on the president and Secretary of State not to sign the Treaty. We demand that the UN General Assembly not approve it. And we ask our Senators to reject the Treaty if it is signed by our president.

The majority of American citizens will not recognize any UN control or accept as American law any terms of any treaty which in any way conflicts with or in any whatsoever is contrary to the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of The United States of America. Any attempt to remove or diminish those rights by means other than Constitutional Convention and ratification by two thirds of the states will be met with fierce resistance and nullification by individual states. Congress must understand that the American people will draw a line when it comes to the Constitution. We know the federal government has no authority to alter the very instrument our founding fathers put in place to protect Freedom from tyranny by government. Therefore, it defies logic to believe that the government would attempt to do so. That would constitute a breach of oath and an act of treason placing the government on the wrong side of our most fundamental law and most Honored institution, the people's Constitution.
I posted this because it is time people "honestly" thought if they will or will not stand for freedom. Many say "I will never give up my guns "when in fact they would jump through hoops for anyone. There is one very basic "truth", when a citizen of a nation gives up the right to defend themselves they have simply accepted eventual tyranny and slavery. Freedom and Liberty are not a gift, they must be fought for and protected. Any civilization or individual not willing to sacrifice all they have to be Free will never know or keep their liberty. If Americans ever allow their right to protect themselves by use of weapons to diminish it will spell the end of Freedom in the United States. Note I used the phrase, "allowed to diminish". I did it because if the right of manufacture is taken away or burdensome taxes are allowed to be placed on these tools of Freedom it is the same as giving them up. In this modern era citizens should be demanding rights to weapons outside the common rifle. Our founding fathers made the right to own arms an unalienable right to protect Freedom from the federal government not for hunting or home invasion. "The right of the people to own and bear arms "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" that statement makes this right permanent and not subject to any government authority or treaty. It is up to Free People to decide if they and their children will know Freedom or if they will surrender their ability to live without fear of tyrants in control of their government. The highest law of America, which can never be taken away, guarantees this right and only the people can throw it away. You must decide, Live free or _______________, it is up to you to fill in the blank. Never before has it been as important as it is today in America. Every veteran who ever fought for our nation has answered the call, will you?

Art Phillips
Legal, Loyal, Law-abiding, and God Loving, American Veteran and Patriot
No Regrets, No Remorse


Mr. Art Phillips
225 Brian Drive
Pleasanton, TX 78064

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  • Mr. Phillips, I have offered my service to the People, to vote for me as United States Sheriff, by writing me in on their ballot. With total disregard. I stand by the Constitution wholly. I will fight to my death for the People, God and Country. I will not surrender, and I damn sure will not be bought off. No Politician would ever again trample on the Constitution nor our Rights and Liberties. I would love the opportunity to take these Constitution trashing, traitors and gun grabbers Down. America cannot fall to these Radicals in the White House. I have offered my service to the People so as to keep their blood from being spilled by unnecessary force, such as a Revolution.

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