Satire By John W. Lillpop
While the Anthony Weiner scandal was deadly serious and cause for grave concern, it is nonetheless hysterical to hear Democrats scream foul about morality and decency. Both subjects have all but been eliminated from the liberal vocabulary, especially since the perverted administration of Bill Clinton.
In fact, comparing the case histories of Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton helps to place the weiner crisis in perspective.
To wit, unlike Bill Clinton, Weiner did not:
* Lie under oath about a sexual relationship with a subordinate (Monica Lewinski) on government property (The White House).
* Discuss military matters on the telephone with a member of the U.S. Congress while receiving oral sex from an intern (Monica Lewinsky) in the Oval Office.
* Leave a foreign leader (Yassar Arafat) waiting in the Rose Garden of the White House while engaging in sex with the same intern.
* Sexually assault (allegedly) a volunteer worker (Kathleen Wiley) in the White House.
* Rape (allegedly) an associate (Juanita Broderick).
Furthermore, at least Weiner had the good sense to resign, albeit with pressure from Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other feminists just now discovering the wild, wonderful world of morality!
Obviously, Clinton’s sexual transgressions have nothing to do with those of former Rep. Weiner.
But watching liberals gag on their own words while feigning outrage over the sexually explicit nature of Weiner's e-mails is the most entertaining theater seen in Washington, D.C., since Clinton’s impeachment in December of 1998!