Welcome to the Tea Party Richard Cruikshank. I’m a World War II veteran. I was a combat rifleman in Germany. What I saw will never leave my mind.
How conservatives and liberals can be brought together and proceed in a positive direction is the only solution for America. I’m a nonconformist. I refuse to conform to the establishment. You could say the same for hippies, but I don’t fit that mold. I’m a traditionalist, which fits the conservative mold. Yet I fit liberalism’s mold in that I advocate freedom.
Terms stigmatize us, deprive us of our human means of coping; turn us into animals jumping through the establishment’s hoops. The answer is traditional values and principles that liberate the individual. Let the world never again see the ghastly things I saw.
In A Miracle that Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap: Principles of Freedom 101, we read that there is a natural aristocracy among men. “There is also an artificial aristocracy, funded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents . . .” Fundamental to America’s problem is the fact that Europe’s artificial aristocracy has moved to America.
The natural aristocracy Jefferson referenced and sought, and which typified the Founders’ philosophy of social justice today’s liberals hold dear, requires authority to possess virtue and wisdom enough to manage society’s main concerns, which is not the case. That which we believe to be serious attempts to remedy the problem, such as the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act, like so much that Congress does, only succeeds in camouflaging the problem. Congress has been working on making the income tax fairer for a generation. It has become more unfair than ever. While you served to protect us, the nation has never been more divided. The system in place encourages division, in fact, what is the system’s main purpose: to divide and conquer. May the best man win, at the moment, Republicans, this is only going to bring us further division. Unless we the people change, we’re going to slip and fall into moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy.
There is a right way to go about the solution and a wrong way: listening to the authorities. The Constitution was written for you, not government. Rest assured, the solution will favor government and steal your rights if you listen to authorities. It never fails. At this very moment, the people of Arizona are in a fight for their life, the courts against them. In Nazi Germany, the courts were against the Jew’s right to life. I saw, first hand, what the law can do to people. It is unbelievable! America’s legal fraud is America’s biggest threat of all. We cannot afford America’s system of justice. The Constitution makes government your servant, not your master.
The first step is to change the flawed system of justice in place that has unconstitutionally woven itself into the fabric of society. We the people, must expose it for what it is, a judicial conspiracy to turn America into a totalitarian dictatorship.
The grassroots of America is made up of individuals with individual needs. With the corrupt system in place now, it is necessary to join with the group that best fits the individual’s needs, such as the NAACP or a union. The Constitution the Founders’ created called for a balance of power. America’s government has conspired to defeat the original purpose under such names as “civil rights,” the “fairness doctrine”: income redistribution, and “racial profiling,” as exhibited in Arizona, all of which shell games such politicians as Obama, Pelosi, and Reid now claim government’s duty to the people, are leading America up a dead end street. Obama doesn’t worry about a Republican controlled House. He has the courts and executive privilege to lead America to the point that his is our only answer: a socialist dictatorship.
I’m way ahead of the American people. In 1975, at age 49, my life was over. I was at a jumping off place. I could either soar with eagles or fall into the abyss. I blamed government for all of my woes. I was determined to get my pound of flesh from the IRS. I studied my constitutional rights with a vengeance. Everyone thought I’d flipped. The IRS called me a Fifth Amendment freak. I battled the IRS through the courts and lost. Then I went to the press with the court record. An investigation found that the IRS was lawless. The IRS ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.
In 1975, like America’s pioneers, I departed the “old world order.” I sought a new identity. I went to sea for two years. I was strictly on my own. I returned captain of my ship.
Having found my true identity, I found the right mate. She is my fourth wife.
Together, Karen and I have led a diversified life.
Throughout the remaking of my life, I was in a fight for justice.
The next step in my life, in 1999, Karen and I sold out, retired, and hit the road in an RV, to enjoy being as free as birds. Home was wherever we were.
While traveling, I was conscientiously thinking about serving humanity. I was seeking a place to call home, a place where I could concentrate on developing my writing talent and spread to the world the lessons in life I’d learned.
We arrived in Shady Cove, Oregon in the spring of 2001, a place we could call home. I proceeded to write my memoirs. On this November 7, 2010, I’m still at it.
When I departed my old life in 1975, in search of a new destiny, I surely found it. My intended life has become reality. Karen and I are now living in our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. The picture is of our home on Christmas Day 2008.
I served my country honorably. Instead of adhering to the Constitution, the people we entrust to governing use the taxpayer’s money to pay veterans off. The authorities were of zero help in redirecting my life; in fact, doing everything they could to see that I was unsuccessful. Incidentally, the frauds in control fear veterans most of all.
Numerology gave me a numbered path of destiny. 1 is the pioneer; 2, the pairing; 3, diversification; 4, justice; 5, freedom; 6 conscientiousness; 7, seeking answers; 8, assuming power; 9, selflessness.
Each of the cycles lasting 9 years, the last selflessness, and then returns to 1, at age 85, every day is a new adventure for me. It all began when I studied my Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.
We all start at immature levels of ego functions. We have a sense of security based on how much we feel in charge of our lives. We want to keep the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate things to keep everything just right. We need to keep this allusion for security purposes. If new information comes in, we can act defensively. We don't want information that rocks the boat. In my case, it did not end well. I found myself out of business and my second wife divorcing me.
The cutting edge of science says that beyond the local forces of gravity and electromagnetism is a nonlocal force: universal consciousness. We are conscious of as much as we allow, and unconscious of much more, I find. What happens is that as we go through life’s cycles, we can develop a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, at first unconsciously, and everyone has a different way of reacting. When we can step back and look at our higher self connected with the Higher Law, that’s when need becomes strength.
Inexplicably, before I departed, if anything could go wrong it did. After departure, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right—when I went strictly on my own. If it worked for me, why not everyone? Change is inevitable. Here America sits at a jumping off place.
The stars say I understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized; that I’m able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in my life and others lives; that there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission I must fulfill (page 409, Astrologer’s Handbook). We are created to cope. I could be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. I’m the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way (page 343, The Rising Sign).
Individuals born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer to humanity, the sign of brotherhood, spilling out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy, the sign America was born under, the authorities would just as soon you didn’t know that.
It is always darkest before the dawn. Now taking place in the world is a shift to the inner connection that gives us a sense of well being no matter what's going on out there. We have to make that opening on the inside. As you get in touch with your inner energy and start to get in touch with your higher self you will be guided intuitively. You will energize yourself and uplift everyone who comes into your life. The Tea Party is associated with a groundswell destined to lead the American people to a world at peace. I thank you for serving your country.
As for "we should be committed to making our government uphold our Constitution,". I have some toughts on that. Only a small fraction of the world's population live as well as average Americans. Many Americans view that as greed. Obama thinks our Constitution is flawed.
"Greed," the thing that advanced worms to man: natural law, never mind that, to many, man is above natural law. Man has advanced to a level above God; at least the God we are told about.
Along with many others, I have imagination. I don't call it greed; I call it resourcefulness. Some of us are more resourceful than others. Our Constitution doesn't have one word in it that supports those lacking in resourcefulness. Is that a flaw?
Yes, I'm sorry, as well, that the American people have stooped to the ideas corrupt politicians have put in place.
mom passed away in 07 at the age of 97 and i am just now going through boxes of her things that have been in storage for years. but i have found 2 military issued pocket bibles, the covers are army green issued by the whitehouse in 1941 and signed by FDR and also a infantry journal dating 1942 . i would like to donate these items but don't know where to go . thought maybe you could give me an idea . thank you jim email me at cochranj34@yahoo.com