forgery (190)

Where Is America Today?


Dear Fellow Patriots:

After conducting my own four year non-stop intensive/extensive research, I am now of the opinion that we have been experiencing a moral and spiritual crisis in America and are currently steamrolling into Marxism/Socialism and/or coming under Sharia Law and ultimately a One-World Socialist Government (New World Order) under the umbrella of the United Nations, which I believe has been in play for some time and are currently experiencing what I consider to be the final stages of that transformation process since the inauguration of President Obama.

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos and article and/or blog post say it all:  

Video: The New World Order Agenda Exposed!

Video: President John F Kennedy Warned Us In 1961 About New World Order and The Media!

Video: Breaking Point-25 Minutes That Will Change America!

Video: We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!

The post-constitutional president!…

Video: Former US Navy SEAL Ben Smith talks about the threats we face!

As a result, I believe that there is an urgent and time sensitive need for those of us that truly love this country and what it stands for to do what we must to help recover the truth about America’s Christian heritage and stop our country from becoming a Marxist/Socialist nation and/or coming under Sharia Law and ultimately a One-World Socialist Government before it’s too late for the sake of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and, most important, for those brave and courageous Americans that have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice to uphold and defend those freedoms that we enjoy, but sadly too many Americans take for granted.

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos say it all:  

Voices Without A Vote!

We Are The Resistance!

Although I am a registered democrat, on election day I decided not to vote for President Obama because I had numerous concerns and/or unanswered questions regarding what I saw as his lack of executive experience and seemingly shady background, to include his association with radical individuals and/or organizations (Tell me who you hang around with and I’ll tell you who you are!), which were revealed during the process of conducting my own extensive research and/or investigation into each Presidential candidate’s personal, professional and political background with the intent of determining who they were, where they came from and, most important, what they stood for as a means of educating myself prior to casting my ballot. What follows is a link to my extensive research and/or investigation:

After having some time to experience and/or evaluate his governing of our country, I am now convinced that since taking office this President, his Administration and allies, to include both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the Courts, with the help of the main stream media, have intensified their transformation of our country.  I believe that this transformation includes the destruction of our American sovereignty and capitalist system and the creation of a New World Order in which the U.S. plays a subservient role. What follows is a link to an eye-opening report that meticulously lays it out for us:

I also believe that in order for them to be able to finalize their transformation of our country President Obama must be re-elected in 2012 because the next step in the transformation process includes bringing on the next collapse that will be accomplished by suffocating and smothering our economy, which is already built into all the recent legislative reforms and regulatory changes that will take effect in 2013 or shortly thereafter. What follows are links to blog posts that give you a detailed picture of this disturbing issue:

Additionally, I also believe that part of their transformation strategy includes the use of Hispanics, African Americans, unions and our youth as pawns, with the help of the main stream media, to push their unrelenting racial and/or class propaganda as a means of dividing our country to the point of causing civil unrest and an uprising because this would allow the President to declare “Marshal Law”, as a means of completely doing away with our “Constitution Of The United States Of America” and/or “Bill of Rights”, and take over as our country’s dictator, which would be the final step in the transformation process. What follows is a link to a shocking video that reveals that President Obama justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians indefinitely and signed it into law under S. 1867 (National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)):

Finally, as an American I believe that I have a God given right and/or duty to stand up for and defend those rights given me under our “Constitution” and/or “Bill of Rights” and have chosen to do this under my “Freedom of Speech Rights” by laying out my numerous concerns, which are backed-up by what I consider to be reliable sources and posting them on my blog website as a means of getting the word out regarding those issues that I believe will ultimately destroy our Country and/or Republic. What follows is a link to a video that does a meticulous job of defining what a Republic is and/or is not:

Knowledge empowers all of us and this is the least I can do to hopefully help change our nation’s current destructive course before it’s too late because it has become quite obvious to me and many others in our country that the main stream media has deliberately and blatantly kept these pertinent issues from the American public as a means of helping this President, his Administration and allies to intensify their stealth push to transform us into a Marxist/Socialist nation and/or to come under Sharia Law and ultimately a One-World Socialist Government (New World Order) under the umbrella of the United Nations.  

I pride myself with loving my God, family, friends and country.  I am not a politician and thus am not known for always being politically correct because I call it as I see it. 

Those individuals that I am honored to call a friend know that I would never intentionally say or do anything that would hurt or demean anyone.  I have always preached to my own family and do my utmost to follow the rule of “filtering everything that comes from my brain through my heart before it comes out of my mouth.”   This rule has done me well for 66 years of my life and would highly recommend it to anyone who dares to share their own views with others knowing full well that they may not agree with them, but are able and/or willing to accept that by not taking it personal. In other words we can agree to disagree and that’s what makes America great.

I hope and pray that in time my concerns are proven to be unfounded and/or without merit, but if they are not-God Bless Us All.

4063359777?profile=originalNote: This was my blog that I drafted on April 26, 2009, which revealed where I believed America was shortly after President Obama‘s inauguration, to include my numerous concerns regarding what I saw then as our country’s future under this president and his administration-You Decide:

Where Is America Today?

4063359777?profile=originalNoteWhat follows are just a few of my numerous blog posts, along with other articles and/or blog posts and videos, listed by subject matter, which I believe support my Introduction statement above and lay out my ongoing concerns regarding what I see today as our country’s future under this President, his administration and allies, to include both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the Courts, with the help of the main stream media. My blogs are dynamic in that they are updated on a daily basis-You Decide:

Where Is America Today?

What follows is a link to my blog site Theme and Disclaimer:

“Food For Thought”

God Bless America!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Obama WILL Do Anything to Win!


What's wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 30, 2012:


by JB Williams, ©2012

Does the Obama campaign intend to cheat in order to keep him in the White House? Will all of the votes be counted?

(Oct. 30, 2012) — We are one week out from Election Day 2012 as I write this piece. Tropical storm Sandy has ravaged much of the north eastern sea board including New York, New Jersey, Virginia and the New England states. Millions are under water and/or without power. Officials are predicting up to 10 days to restore power and longer than that to get life back to normal in the affected areas.

I’ll come back to this problem in a moment…

The Obama campaign is in huge trouble, dropping 22 points since 2008 in early voting results across the country and running behind Romney 52-45% according to the most recent Gallup poll. If you think that they were not anticipating and preparing for a tough re-election bid after four years of disastrous administrative failures in every facet of the administrations responsibilities, think again.

At this point in 2008, Obama was massacring John McCain in early voting by a 55-40% margin, with 33% of voters voting early in both elections. McCain closed the gap to 3 points on Election Day 2008 and went on to lose by 7 points in the end.

If Romney really is ahead by 7 points at this stage of the race, Obama could lose big time on November 6th. However, there is no way to have any real confidence in the Gallup poll and even more concerning is the methods by which Obama has plotted to win, even if Romney and Ryan defeat him in the national popular vote.

The Plot for Victory

The Obama Camp has a plan that makes it all but impossible for Romney and Ryan to win. That plan includes four primary pieces of an overall strategy that combined, will make defeating Obama very difficult to say the least. Obama can win the Electoral College vote by winning twenty states. Romney will have to win at least twenty-nine states to defeat him. And then, the plot for victory is an unprecedented level of outright election fraud.

  1. Massive Fraudulent International Campaign Funding

          a) Hundreds of millions pouring into Obama from overseas donors

          b) Much of it from stolen U.S. credit and debit card numbers

          c) All of it in untraceable small denominations

          d) Or through “bundlers” with no clue where the money is actually coming from

     2.  Suppression of the conservative vote

          a) Blocking the deployed military vote known to break 80% Republican

          b) Sending bogus letters to Florida Republican voters telling them they are not registered to vote

          c) Intimidation practices by Obama groups like the Black Panthers

          d) Promoting no-votes or 3rd party votes within the anti-Obama voting bloc

     3.  Numerous methods of massive Democrat voter fraud

          a) Over 2 million new “temporary citizen” illegal alien voters via Executive Order

          b) Millions of DEAD and felon voters

          c) Temporarily moving Democrat voters across state lines to vote in swing states

          d) Foreign observers used to protect the fraudulent Democrat vote

          e) Duplicate voting by dual resident college students

          f) Thousands of Somali refugee voters with DNC “interpreters” driving them to polls

     4.  Corrupted voting machines and vote counting

          a) Rigged voting machines via SEIU machine maintenance contracts

          b) Boxes of fraudulent paper ballots in the trunk of union officials

          c) Foreign contracts for vote counting in parts of Europe

In a close race, reported by most polling services as neck-and-neck, any one of these acts of election fraud could change the outcome of the election. Even a dead Osama Bin Laden was able to donate to the Obama campaign, twice.

But combined, all of these tactics will most likely result in a stolen election. Meanwhile, as the GOP has not challenged any of these tactics in court to date, the DNC has hired hundreds of lawyers and brought in foreign observers told to “look out for right-wing election fraud.” They have every news room in America talking about Republican efforts to suppress the Democrat vote (READ: illegal vote)… That’s not all.

The Propaganda Machine

In addition to traditional propaganda from Hollywood, an endless list of left-wing 527 and PACs, the news media, academia and groups like AARP who have been scaring the elderly with false stories of Republicans tossing granny down the stairwell in the wheelchair for years, we have an entirely new level of insanity and evil in the 2012 election.

Take a moment to watch this Obama campaign video, with “greatest generation” retirees using Chicago street thug language to threaten voters if they dare vote against Obama. Or, how about this video of very young children who appear to be doped up on Ritalin and deeply indoctrinated by some form of mind control, chanting a Dear Leader Song. 2012 Obama propaganda tactics have reached a whole new level of perversion. If you wanted to see just how sick these folks are, there you go!

Well-known and once respected public figures like Morgan Freeman are out in force. Pop icons like Madonna are doing their part to sell global Marxism.

The Media

The American press is working around the clock “fact checking” everything down to Romney’s underwear size and old grade school flames. But on the mountain of evidence proving that Obama is not American, not black, not Christian and not eligible or even qualified to be local dog catcher, the media has conformed to or is complicit in a total blackout.

Tropical storm Sandy is dominating the airwaves a week ahead of the election, when in fact, Obama’s acts of treason in Benghazi is the most important story of this generation. Other than Fox News, not a single news room in America is even the least interested in reporting the flood of overt administration lies surrounding the massacre in Benghazi, a massive scandal of administration treason, treachery and cover-up that makes Watergate look like a picnic in the park — Which brings me back to the topic of Tropical storm Sandy and the impact it could have on the outcome of the most critical election in modern history.

Storm State of Emergency

In the next day or two, I expect the federal government to announce an interruption in the scheduled 2012 election, due to ongoing power outages and flooding in the North East which will make voting in the storm-affected areas difficult if not impossible.

This could take one of two forms. Either an all-out delay of the election, which would be very difficult to pull off with more than 90% of the nation unaffected by the storms; or, an extension of voting time frames for the storm affected areas, delaying the outcome of the election long enough for Democrats to figure out just how many votes they need to win, and where they need them to secure an Electoral College victory.

Now, in fairness, who could argue against giving people in the affected areas a chance to vote? Under the circumstances, it seems perfectly fair and logical to extend the voting deadlines out past the date when they can reasonably get to the polls and cast their ballots.

We are talking about the bluest states in the country. Frankly, most of the storm affected states would go blue for Obama regardless of how many manage to actually cast a vote. But again, in a close contest, every strategy is important and when pursuing global communism, nothing can be left to chance.

Obama told his people to get out there, get in people’s faces, do whatever it takes to win and that is exactly what he meant, whatever it takes. There is nothing Obama will not do to win, including ramping up race riots, class wars and even another 9/11 if need be.

Left wing-nut Frank Rich writes that “The Right will Rage if Obama wins,” as well they should. But it is left-wingers who follow Obama and Rich, openly threatening to “burn cities” – “kill white folks” and “assassinate Romney” across the web.

Obot’s claim that the GOP is trying to “steal the election by suppressing the DNC vote” — when in fact — it is easily proven that “right-wingers” only hope to suppress illegal fraudulent votes. Of course, since today’s democrats couldn’t possibly care less about the law, every vote is equal in their twisted minds, legal, illegal, live or dead voters, welcome all.

How to Stop It

If we still lived in a Constitutional Representative Republic, congress, the FEC, the DOJ, DoD, Secret Service, the FBI or the courts would have already put a stop to all of it long ago. None of them are doing anything to stop any of these crimes of high treason.

But since we now live in a temporary Marxist Democracy based upon left-wing mob rule under a third world legal system that would make Castro blush, the people will have to solve this problem themselves and they have only two ways of doing that today.

The people can simply overwhelm all of the fraud they cannot stop in this election, peacefully remove Obama & Co. from power and immediately begin to hold them accountable for their many acts of treason and treachery until all of them rot in a cell at Club Gitmo – (or) – they will have to do it via their Second Amendment Rights at some point before Obama & Co. show up to confiscate their weapons and ammo, sending them off to a re-education camp for people who simply cannot accept progress.

More than 40% of Americans will legitimately vote for these criminals. There is no way to guess how many illegal and fraudulent votes Obama will receive in addition to legit votes, and there is no way to know exactly what impact foreign vote counters will have.

Still, the only play for the American people right now is to do all that they can to overwhelm it all by such huge margins that if Obama chooses to steal the election anyway, it will be obvious to the entire world and what happens next will be completely justified under Constitutional Rule of Law.

Americans must understand what they are dealing with here, or they have no chance of defeating it. They MUST spread the truth about Benghazi, the real economy and Obama’s jihad against America from the Oval Office and they must preach truth to someone other than the choir.

They MUST vote heavy to remove Obama and then get directly involved at the local and state level to make sure that the many strategies for leftist voter fraud and suppression of the right vote are minimized, challenged on the spot.

No matter the outcome of this election, we are headed into deep uncharted waters here. It’s best that we enter those waters united and ready to meet the challenges, whatever they may be.  – It’s best that we prepare for the worst and pray for the best.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


America will March Through Flood Water, Sewage and hell to Throw Obama out on Election Day!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 30, 2012:


Will Hurricane Sandy keep voters from the polls?

(Oct. 30, 2012) — Hurricane Sandy is a bullish Hurricane, which is slamming the East Coast the week before Election Day.  It is painful, ugly and couldn’t be at a worst time.  Sandy is a vicious tyrant causing flooding and damage in many states.  It is not anything new however.  Americans are most familiar with how sewage smells, flooding and breakage looks because we have had to walk, swim and survive in it for nearly 4 years with Obama.  It has been a hurricane of lies, betrayals, Constitutional breaches and unfolding plans of destruction for America.  Where is FEMA for the people and our Constitution?

We are seeing an increasingly ‘desperate’ and ‘angry’ President. He is resorting to calling Romney cutsie Junior High names ‘Romnesia’ and hurling swear words at him. (Bull***)   Obama is being surrounded by the Zombies he himself has created that are now circling him with destruction on November 6th.

Obama’s collection of Zombies:

1) “I will force substandard and forced health insurance and care – Zombie”

2) “I will attack and punish the first amendment – Zombie”

3) “I will turn the military on the people and crush Miranda Rights – Zombie”

4) “I will create over 900 executive orders 7 ½ times more than all other Presidents combined – Zombie”

5) “I will crush the coal and oil industry – Zombie”

6) “I will destroy America’s lead and international reputation – Zombie”

7) “I will go to war with the Catholics and Christians – Zombie”

8) “I will assure in Sharia, employ Muslim Brotherhood and look the other way on radical Islam – Zombie”

9) “I will refuse the endless calls for help and let my ambassador and his aids be murdered in cold blood in Libya – Zombie”

Regardless of the weakly excuse or sound bite,  Obama has nowhere else to hide.  The Zombies and Goblins are in every room.  The Hurricane doesn’t even give him enough broken boards to hide behind.  He is standing in front of us all naked, as a traitor, coward and failure of a President.  He is shrinking smaller and smaller as the Wicked Witch of the East did when water hit her also in the Wizard of Oz.

The largest branch of Government is on call, Hurricane or no Hurricane, voter intimidation, games and threats, we are on deck and called to vote like a ‘Brave heart’ this election and boot this evil traitor out of the White House.  Let us ALL do it without pause.

Romney and Ryan have a bold, conservative and liberating plan for America and her people.  They aren’t perfection and we can all scream and yell about the details on the fringe, but they are the leaders that God has provided to give our country a real path for a comeback.  They have said what they support.  It is up to us to remind them of their commitment to the people, their word, our God and Constitution.  They must undo the health care bill, restore freedoms, pull back draconian regulations, build back our energy systems and create real jobs.

Americans haven’t been used to a Presidential team that leads, but rather destroys.  Now, we must reset our buttons, put a real leadership team in the White House and co-lead and make them accountable.

Join me each day for my national radio show from 7-10pm PAC:   Also,  join me live for election coverage on November 6th 7-10pm PAC.  We will get our country back if we all work together and vote right that day.”


Is Obama Responsible for the Four Deaths in Benghazi?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:


Do NOT Tolerate Our Lying Government Any More!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 28, 2012:


‘DREAMS’ FROM MY REAL FATHER” FILMMAKER: MY BANK ACCOUNT HACKED!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 30, 2012:


WEBSITE AND EMAIL ACCOUNTS HACKED?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:


Update on Mississippi Eligibility Challenge!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:


Barack Obama is Ineligible to be President, for He is Neither a “Natural Born Citizen” nor a “Citizen of the United States, at the Time of the Adoption of This Constitution”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:


The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Violates State Law!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 26, 2012:


The Tennessee Gulag!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 26, 2012:


Video: Do We Really Know Who Barack Hussein Obama II Is?


A Must See-2016: Obama’s America!


Video: The American Decline!-Posted on WinningOurFuture-On October 25, 2012:


The Socialist Democrats: An Election Primer!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On October 30, 2012:


Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80%; Spent 76% More on Foreign Aid Than Border Security!-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On October 2, 2012:


Obama Administration Aids Muslim Brotherhood With $1Billion of Taxpayer Money For U-Boats!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Tim Brown-On September 11, 2012:


Obama Approves $20 Billion In Assistance for Egypt & Tunisia!-Posted on Lisa Bryant, Voice of America-On May 27, 2011:




Obama allows 80,000 Muslim immigrants into United States!-Posted on Examiner-By GIL GUIGNAT-October 24, 2010:


GUESS WHO U.S. MUSLIMS ARE VOTING FOR: ‘Poll finds what they really think about Constitution, Shariah!’-Posted on BOB UNRUH-On October 30, 2012:


EX-ATF CHIEF CLAIMS 'FAST & FURIOUS' STORY DELAY!-Posted on The Washington Times-By John Solomon, The Washington Guardian-On October 30, 2012:


U.S. Troops in Mexico as Feds Aid Cartels!-Posted on The New American-By  Alex Newman-On October 5, 2012:


Obama Labor Dept May Delay Jobs Report Till After Election!-Posted Freedom Oupost-By Tim Brown-On October 29, 2012:


Left Wants Obama to Postpone the Election!-Posted on Todd Beamon-On October 30, 2012:




Bloomberg: No Thanks to Obama Visit!-Posted on Patrick Hobin-On October 30, 2012:


Video: Obama, “The Great Pretender”!-Posted Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On October 31, 2012:


Real War on Women: Obamacare Reduces Women’s Health Coverage!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Susan Michelle Tyrrell-On October 31, 2012:


Video: Halloween Parody on The Children of the Future!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On October 31, 2012:


Video: Bin Laden movie to be released just before election!-Posted on CBSNewsOnline-On October 5, 2012:


Video: Recordings of Benghazi Defenders “Begging for Help” are “Damning” But Obama Still Says He’s Offended!-Posted Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On October 31, 2012:


Video: Facebook Censors Special Ops PAC to Help Obama!-Posted Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On October 31, 2012:


MORE BALLOTS FOR ROMNEY COME UP OBAMA: ‘You want to vote for who you want to vote for’!-Posted on JOE KOVACS-On October 31, 2012:


RT News: Russians Overwhelmingly Believe Obama Would Best Serve Their National Interests!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-On October 31, 2012:


Why America May Reelect Obama!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By John Hawkins-On October 31, 2012:


BEWARE THE ‘LESSER-OF-TWO-EVILS’ TRAP: ‘Exclusive: How Founding Fathers would vote Nov. 6!’-Posted on David Kupelian-On October 30, 2012:


Vote For Leadership!-Posted on Hill Buzz-By TheTamminator // Hillbuzz-On October 31, 2012:


Black Bishop: 4 Reasons I Cannot Support Barack Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 16, 2012:


‘KING’ OBAMA AND THE FALL OF AMERICA: ‘Exclusive: John Griffing declares BHO ‘is the consequence of a nation without God’!-Posted on JOHN GRIFFING-On October 14, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:  


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Titanic II—Obama’s Second Term!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on June 15, 2012:


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


The real reason behind Benghazigate!


Middle East Analyst: U.S. Appeases Muslim Brotherhood; Syria in Possession of Missiles!




Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


Arming Our Enemies!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


Just Happened!


OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’


My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! (Part 1)




Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!




The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Has President Obama Gone Off The Deep End?


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and...


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


The Fightin Side of Me!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my fourteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

For your information, I shared the following recent revelations with him that I believe overwhelmingly support said request:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up.


On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.


On October 28, 2012, a heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in the Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon.


On October 28, 2012, an article and/or blog post and video revealed that, on October 26, 2012, President Obama was asked directly by a local newscaster whether help was denied when the Benghazi consulate was under attack and he equivocated and refused to answer the question twice, but we now know for a fact that President Obama received three emails that went directly to the White House Situation Room identifying the incident as a terrorist attack in progress and he watched live drone footage of the attack. 

Additionally, it was revealed that former SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were located in the CIA safe house a mile away from where Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans were, begged headquarters to let them help the Ambassador and the other Americans when no help was dispatched and they were told to “stand down” several times. They finally disobeyed this order, doing what Americans do best, which is to risk their lives to protect and serve and they paid the ultimate sacrifice.  


For your information, I have also sent similar letters to NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall, Congressman Martin Heinrich and NM Governor Susana Martinez.

Letter To Senator Bingaman:

October 29, 2012

The Honorable Jeff Bingaman

United States Senate

703 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3102

Dear Senator Bingaman:

On October 27, 2012, I wrote my fourteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I recently shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and much to my dismay, to date I again have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi. What follows are pertinent excerpts from said article and/or blog post:

“Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such [a] spectacular fashion that I believe people will go to prison.  This is impeachable.  The president might go to prison for this one,” he said.  “What’s happening in Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering.”

While politicians are known for twisting words into half-truths, Beck added that has never seen an administration persist in such a boldfaced lie when American lives are at stake, or seen a media so content to let it slide.

He continued, going over the newly-released documents that prove the administration was alerted to what was really happening in Libya before spinning a story about a YouTube video:

Now we have [the] beginning of the truth on Benghazi.  Five days into the Benghazi scandal, when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory…I told you that [Ambassador Stevens] was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya, and he was running guns through Turkey into Syria.  And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know, but that’s what happened.  And the White House knew…And while everyone else was arguing about whether it was a videotape or not, we were furthering the story.

Today we have evidence that is staggering.  We now have a memo posted [at] TheBlaze…to the White House two hoursafter the attacks began.  Last night on the TV show I laid it out again…exactly what happened, when.  At 1:00, or 12:54 in the afternoon on September 11, the White House was warned that somebody was watching the Benghazi safe house– and so you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house.  It is not.  It was a CIA safe house.  Now why, in the most dangerous place in one of the most dangerous parts of the world, on Sept. 11…why would he be at a CIA safe house? …We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. [Emphasis added]

Beck reminded that it has been widely reported that President Obama has a close relationship with the Turkish prime minister, before continuing:

An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested.  Now you tell me– why was the Turkish general counsel there?  …Why was it so important on Sept. 11 to go to the most dangerous city, into a CIA safe house?

An hour after he leaves, the fight begins.  We now know that the White House– somebody, the military, somebody, sent a drone.  So there was a live video feed of what was going on.  They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley, and they’re watching it in the Situation Room.  At 5:00 in the afternoon, Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States.  The first email comes at 4:05.  So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the Situation Room and everybody else gets an email saying, ‘Libya, the safe house is under attack.”  [Emphasis added]


Beck proceeded to read several more emails explaining how our personnel in Benghazi were missing and under attack, before he got to one time stamped at 6:07.  According to the memo, Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack and– though he isn’t sure– Beck said it’s possible that Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that we gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.

This is why the White House covered, because our ambassador was killed by [guys] we were running guns to, and we are stillrunning guns today.”

He then read an international report from Russia Today saying U.S. Stinger Missiles are in the hands of Syrian rebels, adding that the New York Times has also reported that we are using the Muslim Brotherhood to arm the rebels in Syria.

Beck concluded the segment:

“This president is on the wrong side.  It is so crystal clear.  You can at this point begin to make a case for treason, but let’s just take it one step at a time.  The President of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.  They lied to you and said, ‘this might be a video, we don’t have all the information, the information is still sketchy, it’s confusing,’…We now have the documents that came into the Situation Room saying, ‘There’s an attack, they’re watching.’  Then, we have the documents that we had a live video feed in the Situation Room, so they could see that there was no protest.  Then there are the documents– and there’s now 13, with this new one– there’s now 13 different documents saying it’s a terrorist attack, and here’s the group that’s doing it.  And they lied to you.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the newly-released emails by saying there was “all sorts of information” coming in at the time.

Watch the entire clip, via TheBlaze TV, below:



On October 28, 2012, an heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:  

“As the catastrophe in Benghazi continues to unravel it becomes ever more obvious that Charles Woods, father of slain, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, is asking a question that is not just personal; it is vital to the entire nation.

Daniel Halper, posting in The Weekly Standard yesterday, related Mr. Woods’ description of what went on as his son’s coffin was delivered stateside from Libya. The return of the four bodies, as you will remember, was employed as a reprehensible photo-op by the president and Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Woods has very clear recollections of the event. Mr. Woods reported that “…she (Mrs. Clinton) did not appear to be one bit sincere—at all. And you know, she mentioned that the thing about we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video. That was the first time I had even heard about anything like that.” More damning still was the “sympathy” the president extended: “When [Obama] came over to our little area at Andrew Air Force Base he kind of just mumbled, you know, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he could not look me in the eye. And it was not a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry, you know, that your son died,’ but it was totally insincere, more of whining type, ‘I’m sorry.’ ”Mr. Woods added that the apathetic handshake the president offered felt like he was shaking hands “with a dead fish”. Mr. Woods has since moved on to radio (interview with Lars Larson) and television (interviews on FOX with Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity) in attempts to get his question public traction. The “mainstream media” is, as usual, providing cover for the administration on this breaking news.

Mr. Woods’ question becomes even more compelling in light of information that has broken since. According to the most recent news, denials of help came from official sources that knew, in real time, that the attacks were terrorist attacks. Right then and there. Despite this C.I.A. requests for assistance were not only refused once but three times. Both the military and C.I.A. were ordered to “stand down”. There was military assistance available a mere hour away. The violation of the diplomatic compound took place over a period of seven hours.  David Petraeus, head of the C.I.A. has released an unequivocal statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.” The C.I.A can only be stopped by the White House.

The scandal is spreading by the second and now engulfs the State Department, the Department of Defense, Mrs. Clinton, Leon Panetta and last but, certainly not least, the president. What we also know is that Mr. Woods’ son, Tyrone, lost his life because he chose to ignore orders and tried to help. Tyrone Wood was not in the diplomatic compound, as his parents had been told; he had been a mile away. He had heard the early gunshots and he and fellow ex- Navy SEAL Chris Doherty rushed to help despite the order to stand down. An unconfirmed source, a former Lt. Colonel who had been a Spec Ops dispatcher during Desert Storm, took a risk by telephoning The Rush Limbaugh Show on Friday. He was nervous but so outraged by the lies he couldn’t stand by and say nothing so he delivered “inside baseball” information. The president irrefutably knew what was happening.  Despite feeble excuses that there was “too much information to wade through quickly”, this caller reports that consulates are rigged to bypass any such information glut. He reported that when a consulate is under attack, their communication warning system is directly linked to the White House and is “faster than instant messaging”. Records are automatically made of such communication. According to the caller, it is the job of the high-ranking individual receiving such messages (always a Lt. Colonel or higher rank) to immediately notify the president that a consulate is under attack. In person. There is an automatic default system in place to send help. The president is not required to give such an order for aid. But an order would be required to override what is already in place.

So, who did make the decision not to save Ty Woods or the other Americans who died under siege? It seems undeniable, no matter how badly one may want to spin a prettier picture, this is malfeasance. There is proof recorded on every type of media available. Someone made certain that four, helpless and unprotected Americans were killed. Who? Why? We’ve been told where “the buck stops. Tragically, we know where the bullets stopped, too.

Answers for Charles Woods, and the rest of America, better be forthcoming…and soon.”


On October 28, 2012, an article and/or blog post and video revealed that, on October 26, 2012, President Obama was asked directly by a local newscaster whether help was denied when the Benghazi consulate was under attack and he equivocated and refused to answer the question twice, but we now know for a fact that President Obama received three emails that went directly to the White House Situation Room identifying the incident as a terrorist attack in progress and he watched live drone footage of the attack. 

Additionally, it was revealed that former SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were located in the CIA safe house a mile away from where Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans were, begged headquarters to let them help the Ambassador and the other Americans when no help was dispatched and they were told to “stand down” several times. They finally disobeyed this order, doing what Americans do best, which is to risk their lives to protect and serve and they paid the ultimate sacrifice.  What follows is the link to said article and/or blog post and video:


Continue Reading More About This Extremely Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I have also forwarded the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Bingaman’s Office Regarding My Above Email:

“Thank you for your feedback!”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue: 


The real reason behind Benghazigate!




The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I forwarded to Florida U.S. Congressman Allen West today regarding my numerous requests for the conduct of a full-scale investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I sent to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall earlier today.

Letter to Congressman West:

October 28, 2012

The Honorable Allen West

U.S. House of Representatives

1708 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-3026

Fax: 202-225-8398

Dear Congressman West:

I am writing to you again for the purpose of sharing the following excerpts from a letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall earlier today:

Excerpts From Senator Udall’s Letter:

“…On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:

“President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomatJ. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Once Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown, Stevens was appointed ambassador to the new Libya run by Mr. Belhadj and his friends. Not surprisingly, one of the most important priorities for someone in that position would be to try to find and secure the immense amount of armaments that had been cached by the dictator around the country and systematically looted during and after the revolution.

One of the places in Libya most awash with such weapons in the most dangerous of hands is Benghazi. It now appears thatStevens was there — on a particularly risky day, with no security to speak of and despite now copiously documented concerns about his own safety and that of his subordinates — for another priority mission: sending arms recovered from the former regime’s stocks to the “opposition” in Syria. As in Libya, the insurgents are known to include al Qaeda and other Shariah-supremacist groups, including none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

Investigative journalist Aaron Klein has reported that the “consulate in Benghazi” actually was no such thing. He observes that although administration officials have done nothing to correct that oft-repeated characterization of the facility where the murderous attack on Stevens and his colleagues was launched, they call it a “mission.” What Mr. Klein describes as a “shabby, nondescript building” that lacked any “major public security presence” was, according to an unnamed Middle Eastern security official, “routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.”

We know that Stevens‘ last official act was to hold such a meeting with an unidentified “Turkish diplomat.” Presumably, the conversation involved additional arms shipments to al Qaeda and its allies in Syria. It also may have involved getting more jihadi fighters there. After all, Mr. Klein reported last month that, according to sources in Egyptian security, our ambassador was playing a “central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.”

It gets worse. Last week, Center for Security Policy senior fellow and former career CIA officer Clare Lopez observed that there were two large warehouse-type buildings associated with the so-called “consulate” whose purpose has yet to be disclosed. As their contents were raided in the course of the attack, we may never know for sure whether they housed — and were known by the local jihadis to house — arms, perhaps administered by the two former Navy SEALs killed along with Stevens.

What we do know is that the New York Times — one of the most slavishly pro-Obama publications in the country — reported in an Oct. 14 article, “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster.”

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate.”

  • Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (, a columnist for The Washington Times and host of Secure Freedom Radio on WRC-AM (1260).


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi. What follows are pertinent excerpts from said article and/or blog post:

“Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such [a] spectacular fashion that I believe people will go to prison.  This is impeachable.  The president might go to prison for this one,” he said.  “What’s happening in Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering.”

While politicians are known for twisting words into half-truths, Beck added that has never seen an administration persist in such a boldfaced lie when American lives are at stake, or seen a media so content to let it slide.

He continued, going over the newly-released documents that prove the administration was alerted to what was really happening in Libya before spinning a story about a YouTube video:

Now we have [the] beginning of the truth on Benghazi.  Five days into the Benghazi scandal, when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory…I told you that [Ambassador Stevens] was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya, and he was running guns through Turkey into Syria.  And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know, but that’s what happened.  And the White House knew…And while everyone else was arguing about whether it was a videotape or not, we were furthering the story.

Today we have evidence that is staggering.  We now have a memo posted [at] TheBlaze…to the White House two hoursafter the attacks began.  Last night on the TV show I laid it out again…exactly what happened, when.  At 1:00, or 12:54 in the afternoon on September 11, the White House was warned that somebody was watching the Benghazi safe house– and so you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house.  It is not.  It was a CIA safe house.  Now why, in the most dangerous place in one of the most dangerous parts of the world, on Sept. 11…why would he be at a CIA safe house? …We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. [Emphasis added]

Beck reminded that it has been widely reported that President Obama has a close relationship with the Turkish prime minister, before continuing:

An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested.  Now you tell me– why was the Turkish general counsel there?  …Why was it so important on Sept. 11 to go to the most dangerous city, into a CIA safe house?

An hour after he leaves, the fight begins.  We now know that the White House– somebody, the military, somebody, sent a drone.  So there was a live video feed of what was going on.  They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley, and they’re watching it in the Situation Room.  At 5:00 in the afternoon, Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States.  The first email comes at 4:05.  So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the Situation Room and everybody else gets an email saying, ‘Libya, the safe house is under attack.”  [Emphasis added]


Beck proceeded to read several more emails explaining how our personnel in Benghazi were missing and under attack, before he got to one time stamped at 6:07.  According to the memo, Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack and– though he isn’t sure– Beck said it’s possible that Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that we gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.

This is why the White House covered, because our ambassador was killed by [guys] we were running guns to, and we are stillrunning guns today.”

He then read an international report from Russia Today saying U.S. Stinger Missiles are in the hands of Syrian rebels, adding that the New York Times has also reported that we are using the Muslim Brotherhood to arm the rebels in Syria.

Beck concluded the segment:

“This president is on the wrong side.  It is so crystal clear.  You can at this point begin to make a case for treason, but let’s just take it one step at a time.  The President of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.  They lied to you and said, ‘this might be a video, we don’t have all the information, the information is still sketchy, it’s confusing,’…We now have the documents that came into the Situation Room saying, ‘There’s an attack, they’re watching.’  Then, we have the documents that we had a live video feed in the Situation Room, so they could see that there was no protest.  Then there are the documents– and there’s now 13, with this new one– there’s now 13 different documents saying it’s a terrorist attack, and here’s the group that’s doing it.  And they lied to you.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the newly-released emails by saying there was “all sorts of information” coming in at the time.

Watch the entire clip, via TheBlaze TV, below:



On October 28, 2012, an heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:  

“As the catastrophe in Benghazi continues to unravel it becomes ever more obvious that Charles Woods, father of slain, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, is asking a question that is not just personal; it is vital to the entire nation.

Daniel Halper, posting in The Weekly Standard yesterday, related Mr. Woods’ description of what went on as his son’s coffin was delivered stateside from Libya. The return of the four bodies, as you will remember, was employed as a reprehensible photo-op by the president and Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Woods has very clear recollections of the event. Mr. Woods reported that “…she (Mrs. Clinton) did not appear to be one bit sincere—at all. And you know, she mentioned that the thing about we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video. That was the first time I had even heard about anything like that.” More damning still was the “sympathy” the president extended: “When [Obama] came over to our little area at Andrew Air Force Base he kind of just mumbled, you know, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he could not look me in the eye. And it was not a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry, you know, that your son died,’ but it was totally insincere, more of whining type, ‘I’m sorry.’ ”Mr. Woods added that the apathetic handshake the president offered felt like he was shaking hands “with a dead fish”. Mr. Woods has since moved on to radio (interview with Lars Larson) and television (interviews on FOX with Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity) in attempts to get his question public traction. The “mainstream media” is, as usual, providing cover for the administration on this breaking news.

Mr. Woods’ question becomes even more compelling in light of information that has broken since. According to the most recent news, denials of help came from official sources that knew, in real time, that the attacks were terrorist attacks. Right then and there. Despite this C.I.A. requests for assistance were not only refused once but three times. Both the military and C.I.A. were ordered to “stand down”. There was military assistance available a mere hour away. The violation of the diplomatic compound took place over a period of seven hours.  David Petraeus, head of the C.I.A. has released an unequivocal statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.” The C.I.A can only be stopped by the White House.

The scandal is spreading by the second and now engulfs the State Department, the Department of Defense, Mrs. Clinton, Leon Panetta and last but, certainly not least, the president. What we also know is that Mr. Woods’ son, Tyrone, lost his life because he chose to ignore orders and tried to help. Tyrone Wood was not in the diplomatic compound, as his parents had been told; he had been a mile away. He had heard the early gunshots and he and fellow ex- Navy SEAL Chris Doherty rushed to help despite the order to stand down. An unconfirmed source, a former Lt. Colonel who had been a Spec Ops dispatcher during Desert Storm, took a risk by telephoning The Rush Limbaugh Show on Friday. He was nervous but so outraged by the lies he couldn’t stand by and say nothing so he delivered “inside baseball” information. The president irrefutably knew what was happening.  Despite feeble excuses that there was “too much information to wade through quickly”, this caller reports that consulates are rigged to bypass any such information glut. He reported that when a consulate is under attack, their communication warning system is directly linked to the White House and is “faster than instant messaging”. Records are automatically made of such communication. According to the caller, it is the job of the high-ranking individual receiving such messages (always a Lt. Colonel or higher rank) to immediately notify the president that a consulate is under attack. In person. There is an automatic default system in place to send help. The president is not required to give such an order for aid. But an order would be required to override what is already in place.

So, who did make the decision not to save Ty Woods or the other Americans who died under siege? It seems undeniable, no matter how badly one may want to spin a prettier picture, this is malfeasance. There is proof recorded on every type of media available. Someone made certain that four, helpless and unprotected Americans were killed. Who? Why? We’ve been told where “the buck stops. Tragically, we know where the bullets stopped, too.

Answers for Charles Woods, and the rest of America, better be forthcoming…and soon.”


Continue Reading More About This Extremely Disturbing Issue:

End of Excerpts.

For your information, I have also sent the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives and our NM Governor Martinez.

I again would like to mention that I am taking the liberty of sharing the above information with you strictly for informational purposes because I believe that we have something in common, which is that we both served our Country/Republic honorably and truly love it and what it stands for, as do so many other Americans that have not only served, but have made the ultimate sacrifice for it. 

Please feel free to contact me at my email or mailing address should you have any questions regarding what I now believe to be an extremely disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for your continued honorable and unselfish service to our country and rest assured that I will be praying that you retain your set in Congress to continue the fight of taking back our country from those that are hell-bent on destroying it.

God Bless You and God Bless America!


Jake L. Martinez


Response Received From Congressman West Regarding My Email Above:

Congressman Allen West responding to your message

Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:15 PM

From:  "Congressman Allen West" <>

To:  Jake Martinez

Thank you for contacting our Congressional Office. I appreciate hearing from you and having the benefits of your views.

As you may be aware, each day my Congressional Offices receive hundreds of emails from all over the United States. If you received this email, it is because your address indicates that you are not a constituent who resides in our Congressional District in Florida.

As I hope you understand, I have a responsibility each day to respond to the hundreds of letters, emails, and telephone calls our Congressional Offices receive from the constituents who I have the honor to represent. I would suggest that you send a copy of your email to your own Member of Congress. If you are unaware of whom that individual is please see the following website:

I hope you will take a moment to review my website, my Facebook,, and to keep informed on the many issues I am involved with in the United States House of Representatives.

While you are visiting my website, I would ask that you please sign-up for my weekly e-mail updates, which discuss what I am doing on Capitol Hill and in the State of Florida.

I greatly appreciate the time and thought that went into your correspondence to me. Again, thank you for contacting me, and please be sure to send your thoughts to your own Member of the United States House of Representatives.

Very Respectfully,

Allen B. West”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue: 


The real reason behind Benghazigate!




The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my sixteenth letter that I forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez today requesting the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall earlier today, which I believe relate to and/or further support my numerous requests for the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot.

My letter to Senator Udall included the following recent revelations:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up.


On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.


On October 28, 2012, a heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in the Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon.


For your information, I will also be sending a similar letter to NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman.

Letter to Governor Martinez:

October 28, 2012

Dear Governor Martinez:

On October 26, 2012, I wrote to you and shared excerpts with you from a letter that I had forwarded to Senator Udall on that same day, which I believed supported my numerous requests (fifteen in total) for the removal of President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Election Ballot because he is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

I again would be remiss if I didn’t share excerpts from a letter that I sent to Senator Udall today in support of my request for said investigation by both houses of Congress, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you because I believe they relate to and/or further support my numerous requests to have President Obama removed from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:

Excerpts From Senator Udall’s Letter:

“…On October 26, 2012, I wrote my fifteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

For your information and much to my dismay, to date I again have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are revelations that I believe further support said request:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:

“President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomatJ. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Once Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown, Stevens was appointed ambassador to the new Libya run by Mr. Belhadj and his friends. Not surprisingly, one of the most important priorities for someone in that position would be to try to find and secure the immense amount of armaments that had been cached by the dictator around the country and systematically looted during and after the revolution.

One of the places in Libya most awash with such weapons in the most dangerous of hands is Benghazi. It now appears thatStevens was there — on a particularly risky day, with no security to speak of and despite now copiously documented concerns about his own safety and that of his subordinates — for another priority mission: sending arms recovered from the former regime’s stocks to the “opposition” in Syria. As in Libya, the insurgents are known to include al Qaeda and other Shariah-supremacist groups, including none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

Investigative journalist Aaron Klein has reported that the “consulate in Benghazi” actually was no such thing. He observes that although administration officials have done nothing to correct that oft-repeated characterization of the facility where the murderous attack on Stevens and his colleagues was launched, they call it a “mission.” What Mr. Klein describes as a “shabby, nondescript building” that lacked any “major public security presence” was, according to an unnamed Middle Eastern security official, “routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.”

We know that Stevens‘ last official act was to hold such a meeting with an unidentified “Turkish diplomat.” Presumably, the conversation involved additional arms shipments to al Qaeda and its allies in Syria. It also may have involved getting more jihadi fighters there. After all, Mr. Klein reported last month that, according to sources in Egyptian security, our ambassador was playing a “central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.”

It gets worse. Last week, Center for Security Policy senior fellow and former career CIA officer Clare Lopez observed that there were two large warehouse-type buildings associated with the so-called “consulate” whose purpose has yet to be disclosed. As their contents were raided in the course of the attack, we may never know for sure whether they housed — and were known by the local jihadis to house — arms, perhaps administered by the two former Navy SEALs killed along with Stevens.

What we do know is that the New York Times — one of the most slavishly pro-Obama publications in the country — reported in an Oct. 14 article, “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster.”

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate.”

  • Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (, a columnist for The Washington Times and host of Secure Freedom Radio on WRC-AM (1260).


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi. What follows are pertinent excerpts from said article and/or blog post:

“Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such [a] spectacular fashion that I believe people will go to prison.  This is impeachable.  The president might go to prison for this one,” he said.  “What’s happening in Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering.”

While politicians are known for twisting words into half-truths, Beck added that has never seen an administration persist in such a boldfaced lie when American lives are at stake, or seen a media so content to let it slide.

He continued, going over the newly-released documents that prove the administration was alerted to what was really happening in Libya before spinning a story about a YouTube video:

Now we have [the] beginning of the truth on Benghazi.  Five days into the Benghazi scandal, when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory…I told you that [Ambassador Stevens] was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya, and he was running guns through Turkey into Syria.  And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know, but that’s what happened.  And the White House knew…And while everyone else was arguing about whether it was a videotape or not, we were furthering the story.

Today we have evidence that is staggering.  We now have a memo posted [at] TheBlaze…to the White House two hoursafter the attacks began.  Last night on the TV show I laid it out again…exactly what happened, when.  At 1:00, or 12:54 in the afternoon on September 11, the White House was warned that somebody was watching the Benghazi safe house– and so you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house.  It is not.  It was a CIA safe house.  Now why, in the most dangerous place in one of the most dangerous parts of the world, on Sept. 11…why would he be at a CIA safe house? …We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. [Emphasis added]

Beck reminded that it has been widely reported that President Obama has a close relationship with the Turkish prime minister, before continuing:

An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested.  Now you tell me– why was the Turkish general counsel there?  …Why was it so important on Sept. 11 to go to the most dangerous city, into a CIA safe house?

An hour after he leaves, the fight begins.  We now know that the White House– somebody, the military, somebody, sent a drone.  So there was a live video feed of what was going on.  They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley, and they’re watching it in the Situation Room.  At 5:00 in the afternoon, Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States.  The first email comes at 4:05.  So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the Situation Room and everybody else gets an email saying, ‘Libya, the safe house is under attack.”  [Emphasis added]


Beck proceeded to read several more emails explaining how our personnel in Benghazi were missing and under attack, before he got to one time stamped at 6:07.  According to the memo, Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack and– though he isn’t sure– Beck said it’s possible that Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that we gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.

This is why the White House covered, because our ambassador was killed by [guys] we were running guns to, and we are stillrunning guns today.”

He then read an international report from Russia Today saying U.S. Stinger Missiles are in the hands of Syrian rebels, adding that the New York Times has also reported that we are using the Muslim Brotherhood to arm the rebels in Syria.

Beck concluded the segment:

“This president is on the wrong side.  It is so crystal clear.  You can at this point begin to make a case for treason, but let’s just take it one step at a time.  The President of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.  They lied to you and said, ‘this might be a video, we don’t have all the information, the information is still sketchy, it’s confusing,’…We now have the documents that came into the Situation Room saying, ‘There’s an attack, they’re watching.’  Then, we have the documents that we had a live video feed in the Situation Room, so they could see that there was no protest.  Then there are the documents– and there’s now 13, with this new one– there’s now 13 different documents saying it’s a terrorist attack, and here’s the group that’s doing it.  And they lied to you.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the newly-released emails by saying there was “all sorts of information” coming in at the time.

Watch the entire clip, via TheBlaze TV, below:



On October 28, 2012, a heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in the Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:  

“As the catastrophe in Benghazi continues to unravel it becomes ever more obvious that Charles Woods, father of slain, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, is asking a question that is not just personal; it is vital to the entire nation.

Daniel Halper, posting in The Weekly Standard yesterday, related Mr. Woods’ description of what went on as his son’s coffin was delivered stateside from Libya. The return of the four bodies, as you will remember, was employed as a reprehensible photo-op by the president and Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Woods has very clear recollections of the event. Mr. Woods reported that “…she (Mrs. Clinton) did not appear to be one bit sincere—at all. And you know, she mentioned that the thing about we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video. That was the first time I had even heard about anything like that.” More damning still was the “sympathy” the president extended: “When [Obama] came over to our little area at Andrew Air Force Base he kind of just mumbled, you know, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he could not look me in the eye. And it was not a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry, you know, that your son died,’ but it was totally insincere, more of whining type, ‘I’m sorry.’ ”Mr. Woods added that the apathetic handshake the president offered felt like he was shaking hands “with a dead fish”. Mr. Woods has since moved on to radio (interview with Lars Larson) and television (interviews on FOX with Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity) in attempts to get his question public traction. The “mainstream media” is, as usual, providing cover for the administration on this breaking news.

Mr. Woods’ question becomes even more compelling in light of information that has broken since. According to the most recent news, denials of help came from official sources that knew, in real time, that the attacks were terrorist attacks. Right then and there. Despite this C.I.A. requests for assistance were not only refused once but three times. Both the military and C.I.A. were ordered to “stand down”. There was military assistance available a mere hour away. The violation of the diplomatic compound took place over a period of seven hours.  David Petraeus, head of the C.I.A. has released an unequivocal statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.” The C.I.A can only be stopped by the White House.

The scandal is spreading by the second and now engulfs the State Department, the Department of Defense, Mrs. Clinton, Leon Panetta and last but, certainly not least, the president. What we also know is that Mr. Woods’ son, Tyrone, lost his life because he chose to ignore orders and tried to help. Tyrone Wood was not in the diplomatic compound, as his parents had been told; he had been a mile away. He had heard the early gunshots and he and fellow ex- Navy SEAL Chris Doherty rushed to help despite the order to stand down. An unconfirmed source, a former Lt. Colonel who had been a Spec Ops dispatcher during Desert Storm, took a risk by telephoning The Rush Limbaugh Show on Friday. He was nervous but so outraged by the lies he couldn’t stand by and say nothing so he delivered “inside baseball” information. The president irrefutably knew what was happening.  Despite feeble excuses that there was “too much information to wade through quickly”, this caller reports that consulates are rigged to bypass any such information glut. He reported that when a consulate is under attack, their communication warning system is directly linked to the White House and is “faster than instant messaging”. Records are automatically made of such communication. According to the caller, it is the job of the high-ranking individual receiving such messages (always a Lt. Colonel or higher rank) to immediately notify the president that a consulate is under attack. In person. There is an automatic default system in place to send help. The president is not required to give such an order for aid. But an order would be required to override what is already in place.

So, who did make the decision not to save Ty Woods or the other Americans who died under siege? It seems undeniable, no matter how badly one may want to spin a prettier picture, this is malfeasance. There is proof recorded on every type of media available. Someone made certain that four, helpless and unprotected Americans were killed. Who? Why? We’ve been told where “the buck stops. Tragically, we know where the bullets stopped, too.

Answers for Charles Woods, and the rest of America, better be forthcoming…and soon.”


Continue Reading More About This Extremely Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives...….”

End of Excerpts.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions and/or need any additional information from me regarding this extremely disturbing matter.

God Bless You and God Bless America!

Respectfully yours,

Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Governor Martinez’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.


Susana Martinez”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue: 


The real reason behind Benghazigate!




The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my sixteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

I also requested that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I recently shared with him is in fact true.

For your information, I shared the following recent revelations with him that I believe overwhelmingly support said requests:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up.


On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.


On October 28, 2012, a heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in the Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon.


For your information, I will also be forwarding similar letters to NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman and our NM Governor.

Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall:

October 28, 2012

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On October 26, 2012, I wrote my fifteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

For your information and much to my dismay, to date I again have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are revelations that I believe further support said request:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:

“President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomatJ. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Once Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown, Stevens was appointed ambassador to the new Libya run by Mr. Belhadj and his friends. Not surprisingly, one of the most important priorities for someone in that position would be to try to find and secure the immense amount of armaments that had been cached by the dictator around the country and systematically looted during and after the revolution.

One of the places in Libya most awash with such weapons in the most dangerous of hands is Benghazi. It now appears thatStevens was there — on a particularly risky day, with no security to speak of and despite now copiously documented concerns about his own safety and that of his subordinates — for another priority mission: sending arms recovered from the former regime’s stocks to the “opposition” in Syria. As in Libya, the insurgents are known to include al Qaeda and other Shariah-supremacist groups, including none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

Investigative journalist Aaron Klein has reported that the “consulate in Benghazi” actually was no such thing. He observes that although administration officials have done nothing to correct that oft-repeated characterization of the facility where the murderous attack on Stevens and his colleagues was launched, they call it a “mission.” What Mr. Klein describes as a “shabby, nondescript building” that lacked any “major public security presence” was, according to an unnamed Middle Eastern security official, “routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.”

We know that Stevens‘ last official act was to hold such a meeting with an unidentified “Turkish diplomat.” Presumably, the conversation involved additional arms shipments to al Qaeda and its allies in Syria. It also may have involved getting more jihadi fighters there. After all, Mr. Klein reported last month that, according to sources in Egyptian security, our ambassador was playing a “central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.”

It gets worse. Last week, Center for Security Policy senior fellow and former career CIA officer Clare Lopez observed that there were two large warehouse-type buildings associated with the so-called “consulate” whose purpose has yet to be disclosed. As their contents were raided in the course of the attack, we may never know for sure whether they housed — and were known by the local jihadis to house — arms, perhaps administered by the two former Navy SEALs killed along with Stevens.

What we do know is that the New York Times — one of the most slavishly pro-Obama publications in the country — reported in an Oct. 14 article, “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster.”

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate.

  • ”Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (, a columnist for The Washington Times and host of Secure Freedom Radio on WRC-AM (1260).


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi. What follows are pertinent excerpts from said article and/or blog post:

“Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such [a] spectacular fashion that I believe people will go to prison.  This is impeachable.  The president might go to prison for this one,” he said.  “What’s happening in Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering.”

While politicians are known for twisting words into half-truths, Beck added that has never seen an administration persist in such a boldfaced lie when American lives are at stake, or seen a media so content to let it slide.

He continued, going over the newly-released documents that prove the administration was alerted to what was really happening in Libya before spinning a story about a YouTube video:

Now we have [the] beginning of the truth on Benghazi.  Five days into the Benghazi scandal, when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory…I told you that [Ambassador Stevens] was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya, and he was running guns through Turkey into Syria.  And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know, but that’s what happened.  And the White House knew…And while everyone else was arguing about whether it was a videotape or not, we were furthering the story.

Today we have evidence that is staggering.  We now have a memo posted [at] TheBlaze…to the White House two hoursafter the attacks began.  Last night on the TV show I laid it out again…exactly what happened, when.  At 1:00, or 12:54 in the afternoon on September 11, the White House was warned that somebody was watching the Benghazi safe house– and so you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house.  It is not.  It was a CIA safe house.  Now why, in the most dangerous place in one of the most dangerous parts of the world, on Sept. 11…why would he be at a CIA safe house? …We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. [Emphasis added]

Beck reminded that it has been widely reported that President Obama has a close relationship with the Turkish prime minister, before continuing:

An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested.  Now you tell me– why was the Turkish general counsel there?  …Why was it so important on Sept. 11 to go to the most dangerous city, into a CIA safe house?

An hour after he leaves, the fight begins.  We now know that the White House– somebody, the military, somebody, sent a drone.  So there was a live video feed of what was going on.  They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley, and they’re watching it in the Situation Room.  At 5:00 in the afternoon, Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States.  The first email comes at 4:05.  So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the Situation Room and everybody else gets an email saying, ‘Libya, the safe house is under attack.”  [Emphasis added]


Beck proceeded to read several more emails explaining how our personnel in Benghazi were missing and under attack, before he got to one time stamped at 6:07.  According to the memo, Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack and– though he isn’t sure– Beck said it’s possible that Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that we gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.

This is why the White House covered, because our ambassador was killed by [guys] we were running guns to, and we are stillrunning guns today.”

He then read an international report from Russia Today saying U.S. Stinger Missiles are in the hands of Syrian rebels, adding that the New York Times has also reported that we are using the Muslim Brotherhood to arm the rebels in Syria.

Beck concluded the segment:

“This president is on the wrong side.  It is so crystal clear.  You can at this point begin to make a case for treason, but let’s just take it one step at a time.  The President of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.  They lied to you and said, ‘this might be a video, we don’t have all the information, the information is still sketchy, it’s confusing,’…We now have the documents that came into the Situation Room saying, ‘There’s an attack, they’re watching.’  Then, we have the documents that we had a live video feed in the Situation Room, so they could see that there was no protest.  Then there are the documents– and there’s now 13, with this new one– there’s now 13 different documents saying it’s a terrorist attack, and here’s the group that’s doing it.  And they lied to you.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the newly-released emails by saying there was “all sorts of information” coming in at the time.

Watch the entire clip, via TheBlaze TV, below:



On October 28, 2012, a heartbreaking article and/or blog post revealed that Mr. Charles Woods, father of the former SEAL Tyrone Woods that was killed in the Libya terrorist attack, has broken his silence and revealed some extremely disturbing and/or compelling information regarding his meeting with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, when his son’s coffin arrived stateside from Libya.  Mr. Woods is also asking a question that is not just personal, but vital to our nation and the answer to his question needs to be forthcoming soon. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:  

“As the catastrophe in Benghazi continues to unravel it becomes ever more obvious that Charles Woods, father of slain, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, is asking a question that is not just personal; it is vital to the entire nation.

Daniel Halper, posting in The Weekly Standard yesterday, related Mr. Woods’ description of what went on as his son’s coffin was delivered stateside from Libya. The return of the four bodies, as you will remember, was employed as a reprehensible photo-op by the president and Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Woods has very clear recollections of the event. Mr. Woods reported that “…she (Mrs. Clinton) did not appear to be one bit sincere—at all. And you know, she mentioned that the thing about we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video. That was the first time I had even heard about anything like that.” More damning still was the “sympathy” the president extended: “When [Obama] came over to our little area at Andrew Air Force Base he kind of just mumbled, you know, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he could not look me in the eye. And it was not a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry, you know, that your son died,’ but it was totally insincere, more of whining type, ‘I’m sorry.’ ”Mr. Woods added that the apathetic handshake the president offered felt like he was shaking hands “with a dead fish”. Mr. Woods has since moved on to radio (interview with Lars Larson) and television (interviews on FOX with Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity) in attempts to get his question public traction. The “mainstream media” is, as usual, providing cover for the administration on this breaking news.

Mr. Woods’ question becomes even more compelling in light of information that has broken since. According to the most recent news, denials of help came from official sources that knew, in real time, that the attacks were terrorist attacks. Right then and there. Despite this C.I.A. requests for assistance were not only refused once but three times. Both the military and C.I.A. were ordered to “stand down”. There was military assistance available a mere hour away. The violation of the diplomatic compound took place over a period of seven hours.  David Petraeus, head of the C.I.A. has released an unequivocal statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.” The C.I.A can only be stopped by the White House.

The scandal is spreading by the second and now engulfs the State Department, the Department of Defense, Mrs. Clinton, Leon Panetta and last but, certainly not least, the president. What we also know is that Mr. Woods’ son, Tyrone, lost his life because he chose to ignore orders and tried to help. Tyrone Wood was not in the diplomatic compound, as his parents had been told; he had been a mile away. He had heard the early gunshots and he and fellow ex- Navy SEAL Chris Doherty rushed to help despite the order to stand down. An unconfirmed source, a former Lt. Colonel who had been a Spec Ops dispatcher during Desert Storm, took a risk by telephoning The Rush Limbaugh Show on Friday. He was nervous but so outraged by the lies he couldn’t stand by and say nothing so he delivered “inside baseball” information. The president irrefutably knew what was happening.  Despite feeble excuses that there was “too much information to wade through quickly”, this caller reports that consulates are rigged to bypass any such information glut. He reported that when a consulate is under attack, their communication warning system is directly linked to the White House and is “faster than instant messaging”. Records are automatically made of such communication. According to the caller, it is the job of the high-ranking individual receiving such messages (always a Lt. Colonel or higher rank) to immediately notify the president that a consulate is under attack. In person. There is an automatic default system in place to send help. The president is not required to give such an order for aid. But an order would be required to override what is already in place.

So, who did make the decision not to save Ty Woods or the other Americans who died under siege? It seems undeniable, no matter how badly one may want to spin a prettier picture, this is malfeasance. There is proof recorded on every type of media available. Someone made certain that four, helpless and unprotected Americans were killed. Who? Why? We’ve been told where “the buck stops. Tragically, we know where the bullets stopped, too.

Answers for Charles Woods, and the rest of America, better be forthcoming…and soon.”


Continue Reading More About This Extremely Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing matter.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

“Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you’ll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I’ve been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.

Tom Udall”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue: 


The real reason behind Benghazigate!




The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my fourteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

I also requested that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I recently shared with him is in fact true.

For your information, I shared the following recent revelations with him that I believe overwhelmingly support said requests:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many. 


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.


On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up.


On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.


For your information, I will also be sending a similar letter to our other NM U.S. Representatives and our NM Governor.

Letter To Congressman Heinrich:

October 28, 2012

The Honorable Martin T. Heinrich

U.S. House of Representatives

336 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515-3101

Dear Congressman Heinrich:

On October 18, 2012, I wrote my thirteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and much to my dismay, to date I again have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many.  What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


Has Obama’s occupation of the White House been constitutional and/or legal?

Dear Editor:

I’ve just emailed a letter to all the Republican members of the U.S. Senate, which I wanted to share. It points out why the matter of presidential eligibility will not simply disappear with a change of office. A copy is posted below.


Dear Senator,

I am writing concerning the issue of presidential eligibility. The uncertainty our country has demonstrated over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and so eligible to the presidency, is apparent to many. The reluctance of our country’s officers and representatives to deal directly with the matter leads the onlooker to an inevitable conclusion:

It is presumed that when the presidency next changes hands, the matter will fade away.

If the matter were really about Mr. Obama after all, this would probably be true, but to suppose that it is just about him, or that it will fade away, is to misunderstand the issue our country faces.

The matter of presidential eligibility involves the natural right of citizenship, which necessarily affects:

  • Immigration….. the right of the nation to establish and enforce a reasonable immigration policy.
  • Dual citizenship….. the right of the nation to refuse dual allegiances, (or dual citizenship, so called).
  • The right to vote….. full participation only in one’s own government; that right to self-government which naturally attaches to the legal citizens of the nation.
  • Future presidencies….. the right of the nation to require that its highest offices be held only by those whose connection and allegiance to the country has remained undivided.

How will our government be able to act honestly on any of these issues without potentially declaring the Obama presidency a farce? If the rule of law and the oath to support the Constitution is to be maintained in pretense only, the charade will need to be continued for a much longer time and over a much wider range of issues than was perhaps suspected!

Must we really continue to treat our laws with contempt in order to avoid self-reproof? Should our nation remain ensnared to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely not! We should free ourselves from the snare. There is no real loss when a person or nation stops doing wrong in order to do what is right. Partiality in the administration of the law is not a benefit to any nation, but justice brings stability.

Around the country, numerous eligibility cases have been filed which have been tossed out on “lack of standing”, while “official” opinions have been offered in an attempt to dispel the issue. However, the rule of law is not preserved by evasiveness, judicial oaths are not maintained in pretense, and the Constitution cannot be construed so as to be ineffectual.

Even today our government seems unable to address immigration in a reasonable and legal fashion, and by a doubtful construction of birthright citizenship, it causes all foreigners born within our borders to be dual nationals. Can we expect improvement if we are not forthright about such matters?

There is yet another possible consequence of failing to deal with the issue of presidential eligibility.

Uncertainty as to the legality of a presidency causes all legislation passed under that administration to be uncertain. If there are, in fact, any such laws, which are invalid, they remain unenforceable even after a change in office.

Should our state governors, representatives, and judicial officers be placed continually in the position of enforcing and punishing “offences” against federal legislation, which is itself of questionable validity? We have already seen the result of a case involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, (a six month prison sentence, and his questions as to the legitimacy of the Obama presidency unanswered).

It is a treacherous path for all. Such a matter as involves the presidency and affects the entire nation can never really be brushed aside as a mere technicality.

“…No Person except a natural born Citizen… shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

“…This Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land… The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…”

  • The United States Constitution, Articles 2 and 6”


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.  What follows is the article and/or blog that contained the letter in its entirety:  


[Editor’s Note:  The following letter has been mailed to Greta van Susteren, anchor of “On the Record,” which airs weeknights on the Fox News Channel at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.  This article is open access and may be reproduced in full with a link back toThe Post & Email and the author’s name kept intact.]

October 25, 2012

Ms. Greta van Susteren

“On the Record”

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY  10036-8701

Dear Ms. Van Susteren:

In your interview with Donald Trump on October 24, you appeared uncomfortable discussing Donald Trump’s public offer to Barack Obama to give $5,000,000 to a charity of Obama’s choosing if he released his college applications and records as well as passport applications and records to Trump’s satisfaction.

You attempted to make the case that Trump’s offer of $5,000,000 was inadequate because Trump is “a very wealthy man.”   Regardless of how wealthy Trump is, to most people, the amount he offered is more than magnanimous for any cause.

On the webpage featuring your show, Fox News asks “Why are so few news/media organizations covering the Libya/Benghazi/US Consulate Story?”

My question to you and all of the handsomely-paid anchors at Fox News is:  “Why is no news/media organization covering the Obama eligibility/identity story?”

A law enforcement investigation conducted by the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s Office and Cold Case Posse has determinedand announced formally, on two occasions, that the “long-form birth certificate” to which you referred in your interview with Trump is a “computer-generated forgery,” yet you indicated that you are “satisfied” with its release.

To its credit, Fox News reported on the first and second Arpaio press conference online, but still failed to report the revelations on television and claimed that questions about Obama’s birthplace had been “debunked.”  Exactly who debunked them, Ms. van Susteren, when Obama himself claimed that he was born in Kenya before he was born in Hawaii?

Members of the Kenyan Parliament have stated “on the record” that Obama was born in their country.

The posse also found that Obama’s Selective Service registration card is a forgery.  Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo, who reports directly to Obama, will not allow access to the “original” application, if one exists.  Instead, he referred Mike Zullo, the lead investigator, to the FBI, which has also failed to take action on the charges of forgery and fraud put forth by the investigative team.  Numerous graphics and computer experts have gone “on the record,” some staking their reputations, in declaring the “birth certificate” a poor forgery.  Even an “expert” quoted by Fox News at the time said that he was misquotedand could not vouch for the authenticity of the document.

A licensed private investigator has staked her reputation and filed a lawsuit in Ohio on her claim that Obama is using a stolen Social Security number.

So what is Fox News hiding?  Why would you not want to be the first and only mainstream media outlet to report on these findings in the same way in which you are covering the Benghazi cover-up?

While it is unfortunate that most attorneys are not familiar with our founding documents, particularly the U.S. Constitution, to make the assumption that a digital image of a birth certificate already deemed to be a forgery by many qualifies Barack Hussein Obama for the presidency is ludicrous.  Simply being born in the country is not what our Founders intended when they included Section 1, clause 5 in Article II of the Constitution.  They wanted the person holding the office of president and commander-in-chief to have sole allegiance to the United States, which involves the citizenship of the parents, or at least the father. Were you aware that in 1916, Democrat Breckinridge Long, who served under President Woodrow Wilson as Third Assistant Secretary of State, correctly questioned the eligibility of Mr. Charles Evans Hughes because he was born in the United States but to a British-citizen father?

Obama claims to have been born to a foreign-born, non-naturalized father; therefore, it makes no difference where in the world he was born, nor did it make any difference for Mr. Hughes.

Obama’s own statements have conflicted with accepted “facts” about his childhood.  While he originally claimed that his parents were married when he was born, he now says that he was “born to a single mother.”  Moreover, Investigator Zullo has expressed doubt that the life story Obama has made public is accurate, including his birth date.  During an interview in early September, Zullo said that Obama’s memoirDreams From My Father, was written “to give him a cover story for a life that never happened.”  Is this matter not newsworthy?

Is it not worth investigating when a researcher who has published a myriad of articles about Obama states that “There is no Stanley Ann Dunham?”  Why would no one within a large news corporation such as Fox be even the slightest bit curious about such a claim?

hearing took place on October 22 in Indianapolis, IN initiated by Atty. Orly Taitz, of whom I am sure you have heard, during which a Superior Court judge heard testimony from two witnesses specializing in website development and typesetting, respectively, regarding Obama’s alleged long-form birth certificate.  One possesses 57 years of experience, and both declared the image a forgery.

By failing to report on what could be the worst fraud ever perpetrated on the American people, you, too, are complicit in the conspiracy which has kept an unvetted, unqualified person in the White House who now is responsible for the deaths of four State Department employees, including an ambassador, and hundreds, if not thousands, of military members who have been maimed and killed under his watch.  Everything about Obama’s past has been obscured and “fraught with problems,” yet the media is silent or derisive toward the messenger.

Glenn Beck, who some believe Fox wished to “control,” has now uttered the word “treason” in regard to Obama because of reports that the U.S. is arming Islamic insurgents in the Middle East.  Beck is not the first to accuse Obama of treason; it was done by a retired member of the military on March 17, 2009.  Since then, thousands of people have signed petitions, written letters and filed formal complaints of treason against Obama and Eric Holder, but Fox says nothing.

If Obama has presented forged documentation to the American people in order to deceive, is he guilty of treason?

It is not the amount which Trump offered that should gain your attention; it is the obfuscation which Obama has committed and the lack of vetting by “media/news organizations” that is to blame.  You must surely know that the large media companies control the information which reaches the people.  Since 2007, Fox News has failed to verify the “facts” Obama has issued about his life which he himself has now contradicted.  Other networks have also gone out of their way to provide cover for Obama’s questionable birthplace and life story.

As a trained attorney, like Trump, I am surprised that you would not be more circumspect about the image which Obama purported to be his birth certificate.  As a journalist, one would expect you to want to investigate the matter, but instead you have demonized the messenger.  Could it be that you are uncomfortable that the truth is about to become public and Fox News will lose all of its credibility?

While no major “media/news organizations” have followed this story, those of us in the internet community who have worked hard to pursue it will be the ones to break wide open the biggest fraud in all of American history.

Very truly yours,

Sharon Rondeau,

The Post & Email

P.O. Box 195

Stafford Springs, CT  06076


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:

“President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomatJ. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Once Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown, Stevens was appointed ambassador to the new Libya run by Mr. Belhadj and his friends. Not surprisingly, one of the most important priorities for someone in that position would be to try to find and secure the immense amount of armaments that had been cached by the dictator around the country and systematically looted during and after the revolution.

One of the places in Libya most awash with such weapons in the most dangerous of hands is Benghazi. It now appears thatStevens was there — on a particularly risky day, with no security to speak of and despite now copiously documented concerns about his own safety and that of his subordinates — for another priority mission: sending arms recovered from the former regime’s stocks to the “opposition” in Syria. As in Libya, the insurgents are known to include al Qaeda and other Shariah-supremacist groups, including none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

Investigative journalist Aaron Klein has reported that the “consulate in Benghazi” actually was no such thing. He observes that although administration officials have done nothing to correct that oft-repeated characterization of the facility where the murderous attack on Stevens and his colleagues was launched, they call it a “mission.” What Mr. Klein describes as a “shabby, nondescript building” that lacked any “major public security presence” was, according to an unnamed Middle Eastern security official, “routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.”

We know that Stevens‘ last official act was to hold such a meeting with an unidentified “Turkish diplomat.” Presumably, the conversation involved additional arms shipments to al Qaeda and its allies in Syria. It also may have involved getting more jihadi fighters there. After all, Mr. Klein reported last month that, according to sources in Egyptian security, our ambassador was playing a “central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.”

It gets worse. Last week, Center for Security Policy senior fellow and former career CIA officer Clare Lopez observed that there were two large warehouse-type buildings associated with the so-called “consulate” whose purpose has yet to be disclosed. As their contents were raided in the course of the attack, we may never know for sure whether they housed — and were known by the local jihadis to house — arms, perhaps administered by the two former Navy SEALs killed along with Stevens.

What we do know is that the New York Times — one of the most slavishly pro-Obama publications in the country — reported in an Oct. 14 article, “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster.”

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate.”

  • Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (, a columnist for The Washington Times and host of Secure Freedom Radio on WRC-AM (1260).


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

On October 24, 2012, an eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed that there was a live video feed going to the State Department, the Pentagon and the White House Situation Room during the entire course of the Benghazi attack, along with revealing that there were approximately thirteen different documents that were recently uncovered that prove that this administration was alerted that it was in fact a terrorist attack and not a YouTube video as we were led to believe. One of the documents also revealed that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that this administration gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi. What follows are pertinent excerpts from said article and/or blog post:

“Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such [a] spectacular fashion that I believe people will go to prison.  This is impeachable.  The president might go to prison for this one,” he said.  “What’s happening in Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering.”

While politicians are known for twisting words into half-truths, Beck added that has never seen an administration persist in such a boldfaced lie when American lives are at stake, or seen a media so content to let it slide.

He continued, going over the newly-released documents that prove the administration was alerted to what was really happening in Libya before spinning a story about a YouTube video:

Now we have [the] beginning of the truth on Benghazi.  Five days into the Benghazi scandal, when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory…I told you that [Ambassador Stevens] was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya, and he was running guns through Turkey into Syria.  And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know, but that’s what happened.  And the White House knew…And while everyone else was arguing about whether it was a videotape or not, we were furthering the story.

Today we have evidence that is staggering.  We now have a memo posted [at] TheBlaze…to the White House two hoursafter the attacks began.  Last night on the TV show I laid it out again…exactly what happened, when.  At 1:00, or 12:54 in the afternoon on September 11, the White House was warned that somebody was watching the Benghazi safe house– and so you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house.  It is not.  It was a CIA safe house.  Now why, in the most dangerous place in one of the most dangerous parts of the world, on Sept. 11…why would he be at a CIA safe house? …We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. [Emphasis added]

Beck reminded that it has been widely reported that President Obama has a close relationship with the Turkish prime minister, before continuing:

An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested.  Now you tell me– why was the Turkish general counsel there?  …Why was it so important on Sept. 11 to go to the most dangerous city, into a CIA safe house?

An hour after he leaves, the fight begins.  We now know that the White House– somebody, the military, somebody, sent a drone.  So there was a live video feed of what was going on.  They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley, and they’re watching it in the Situation Room.  At 5:00 in the afternoon, Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States.  The first email comes at 4:05.  So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the Situation Room and everybody else gets an email saying, ‘Libya, the safe house is under attack.”  [Emphasis added]


Beck proceeded to read several more emails explaining how our personnel in Benghazi were missing and under attack, before he got to one time stamped at 6:07.  According to the memo, Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack and– though he isn’t sure– Beck said it’s possible that Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that we gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.

This is why the White House covered, because our ambassador was killed by [guys] we were running guns to, and we are stillrunning guns today.”

He then read an international report from Russia Today saying U.S. Stinger Missiles are in the hands of Syrian rebels, adding that the New York Times has also reported that we are using the Muslim Brotherhood to arm the rebels in Syria.

Beck concluded the segment:

“This president is on the wrong side.  It is so crystal clear.  You can at this point begin to make a case for treason, but let’s just take it one step at a time.  The President of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.  They lied to you and said, ‘this might be a video, we don’t have all the information, the information is still sketchy, it’s confusing,’…We now have the documents that came into the Situation Room saying, ‘There’s an attack, they’re watching.’  Then, we have the documents that we had a live video feed in the Situation Room, so they could see that there was no protest.  Then there are the documents– and there’s now 13, with this new one– there’s now 13 different documents saying it’s a terrorist attack, and here’s the group that’s doing it.  And they lied to you.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the newly-released emails by saying there was “all sorts of information” coming in at the time.

Watch the entire clip, via TheBlaze TV, below:



Continue Reading More About This Extremely Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following is an important book in PDF format that contains a general view of the origin and nature of the U.S. Constitution and Government of The United States, along with other eye-opening articles and/or blog posts that reveal that our Constitution currently faces a 'Progressive' threat and that we now live in a post-constitutional country, along with why we now live in a post-constitutional country and are currently experiencing the results of having a post-constitutional President-You Decide:


A General View Of The Origin And Nature Of The Constitution and Government of the United States!-Posted on Citizens For A Constitutional Republic-By Henry Baldwin, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844):


George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011: 


Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:


American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:


The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:




Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution!-Posted on ThruthOut-By John Cusack-On September 1, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:


The post-constitutional president: ‘Obama shows contempt for his oath of office!’-Posted on The Washington Times-ByFrank J. Gaffney Jr.-On October 8, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:



The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


The real reason behind Benghazigate!




Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my thirteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

For your information, I shared the following recent revelations with him that I believe overwhelmingly support said request:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many. 


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta Van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.


On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up.


For your information, I will also be sending a similar letter to NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich.

Letter To Senator Bingaman:

October 27, 2012

The Honorable Jeff Bingaman

United States Senate

703 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3102

Dear Senator Bingaman:

On October 18, 2012, I wrote my thirteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and much to my dismay, to date I again have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many.  What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


Has Obama’s occupation of the White House been constitutional and/or legal?

Dear Editor:

I’ve just emailed a letter to all the Republican members of the U.S. Senate, which I wanted to share. It points out why the matter of presidential eligibility will not simply disappear with a change of office. A copy is posted below.


Dear Senator,

I am writing concerning the issue of presidential eligibility. The uncertainty our country has demonstrated over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and so eligible to the presidency, is apparent to many. The reluctance of our country’s officers and representatives to deal directly with the matter leads the onlooker to an inevitable conclusion:

It is presumed that when the presidency next changes hands, the matter will fade away.

If the matter were really about Mr. Obama after all, this would probably be true, but to suppose that it is just about him, or that it will fade away, is to misunderstand the issue our country faces.

The matter of presidential eligibility involves the natural right of citizenship, which necessarily affects:

  • Immigration….. the right of the nation to establish and enforce a reasonable immigration policy.
  • Dual citizenship….. the right of the nation to refuse dual allegiances, (or dual citizenship, so called).
  • The right to vote….. full participation only in one’s own government; that right to self-government which naturally attaches to the legal citizens of the nation.
  • Future presidencies….. the right of the nation to require that its highest offices be held only by those whose connection and allegiance to the country has remained undivided.

How will our government be able to act honestly on any of these issues without potentially declaring the Obama presidency a farce? If the rule of law and the oath to support the Constitution is to be maintained in pretense only, the charade will need to be continued for a much longer time and over a much wider range of issues than was perhaps suspected!

Must we really continue to treat our laws with contempt in order to avoid self-reproof? Should our nation remain ensnared to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely not! We should free ourselves from the snare. There is no real loss when a person or nation stops doing wrong in order to do what is right. Partiality in the administration of the law is not a benefit to any nation, but justice brings stability.

Around the country, numerous eligibility cases have been filed which have been tossed out on “lack of standing”, while “official” opinions have been offered in an attempt to dispel the issue. However, the rule of law is not preserved by evasiveness, judicial oaths are not maintained in pretense, and the Constitution cannot be construed so as to be ineffectual.

Even today our government seems unable to address immigration in a reasonable and legal fashion, and by a doubtful construction of birthright citizenship, it causes all foreigners born within our borders to be dual nationals. Can we expect improvement if we are not forthright about such matters?

There is yet another possible consequence of failing to deal with the issue of presidential eligibility.

Uncertainty as to the legality of a presidency causes all legislation passed under that administration to be uncertain. If there are, in fact, any such laws, which are invalid, they remain unenforceable even after a change in office.

Should our state governors, representatives, and judicial officers be placed continually in the position of enforcing and punishing “offences” against federal legislation, which is itself of questionable validity? We have already seen the result of a case involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, (a six month prison sentence, and his questions as to the legitimacy of the Obama presidency unanswered).

It is a treacherous path for all. Such a matter as involves the presidency and affects the entire nation can never really be brushed aside as a mere technicality.

“…No Person except a natural born Citizen… shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

“…This Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land… The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…”

  • The United States Constitution, Articles 2 and 6”


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.  What follows is the article and/or blog that contained the letter in its entirety:  


[Editor’s Note:  The following letter has been mailed to Greta van Susteren, anchor of “On the Record,” which airs weeknights on the Fox News Channel at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.  This article is open access and may be reproduced in full with a link back toThe Post & Email and the author’s name kept intact.]

October 25, 2012

Ms. Greta van Susteren

“On the Record”

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY  10036-8701

Dear Ms. Van Susteren:

In your interview with Donald Trump on October 24, you appeared uncomfortable discussing Donald Trump’s public offer to Barack Obama to give $5,000,000 to a charity of Obama’s choosing if he released his college applications and records as well as passport applications and records to Trump’s satisfaction.

You attempted to make the case that Trump’s offer of $5,000,000 was inadequate because Trump is “a very wealthy man.”   Regardless of how wealthy Trump is, to most people, the amount he offered is more than magnanimous for any cause.

On the webpage featuring your show, Fox News asks “Why are so few news/media organizations covering the Libya/Benghazi/US Consulate Story?”

My question to you and all of the handsomely-paid anchors at Fox News is:  “Why is no news/media organization covering the Obama eligibility/identity story?”

A law enforcement investigation conducted by the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s Office and Cold Case Posse has determinedand announced formally, on two occasions, that the “long-form birth certificate” to which you referred in your interview with Trump is a “computer-generated forgery,” yet you indicated that you are “satisfied” with its release.

To its credit, Fox News reported on the first and second Arpaio press conference online, but still failed to report the revelations on television and claimed that questions about Obama’s birthplace had been “debunked.”  Exactly who debunked them, Ms. van Susteren, when Obama himself claimed that he was born in Kenya before he was born in Hawaii?

Members of the Kenyan Parliament have stated “on the record” that Obama was born in their country.

The posse also found that Obama’s Selective Service registration card is a forgery.  Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo, who reports directly to Obama, will not allow access to the “original” application, if one exists.  Instead, he referred Mike Zullo, the lead investigator, to the FBI, which has also failed to take action on the charges of forgery and fraud put forth by the investigative team.  Numerous graphics and computer experts have gone “on the record,” some staking their reputations, in declaring the “birth certificate” a poor forgery.  Even an “expert” quoted by Fox News at the time said that he was misquotedand could not vouch for the authenticity of the document.

A licensed private investigator has staked her reputation and filed a lawsuit in Ohio on her claim that Obama is using a stolen Social Security number.

So what is Fox News hiding?  Why would you not want to be the first and only mainstream media outlet to report on these findings in the same way in which you are covering the Benghazi cover-up?

While it is unfortunate that most attorneys are not familiar with our founding documents, particularly the U.S. Constitution, to make the assumption that a digital image of a birth certificate already deemed to be a forgery by many qualifies Barack Hussein Obama for the presidency is ludicrous.  Simply being born in the country is not what our Founders intended when they included Section 1, clause 5 in Article II of the Constitution.  They wanted the person holding the office of president and commander-in-chief to have sole allegiance to the United States, which involves the citizenship of the parents, or at least the father. Were you aware that in 1916, Democrat Breckinridge Long, who served under President Woodrow Wilson as Third Assistant Secretary of State, correctly questioned the eligibility of Mr. Charles Evans Hughes because he was born in the United States but to a British-citizen father?

Obama claims to have been born to a foreign-born, non-naturalized father; therefore, it makes no difference where in the world he was born, nor did it make any difference for Mr. Hughes.

Obama’s own statements have conflicted with accepted “facts” about his childhood.  While he originally claimed that his parents were married when he was born, he now says that he was “born to a single mother.”  Moreover, Investigator Zullo has expressed doubt that the life story Obama has made public is accurate, including his birth date.  During an interview in early September, Zullo said that Obama’s memoirDreams From My Father, was written “to give him a cover story for a life that never happened.”  Is this matter not newsworthy?

Is it not worth investigating when a researcher who has published a myriad of articles about Obama states that “There is no Stanley Ann Dunham?”  Why would no one within a large news corporation such as Fox be even the slightest bit curious about such a claim?

hearing took place on October 22 in Indianapolis, IN initiated by Atty. Orly Taitz, of whom I am sure you have heard, during which a Superior Court judge heard testimony from two witnesses specializing in website development and typesetting, respectively, regarding Obama’s alleged long-form birth certificate.  One possesses 57 years of experience, and both declared the image a forgery.

By failing to report on what could be the worst fraud ever perpetrated on the American people, you, too, are complicit in the conspiracy which has kept an unvetted, unqualified person in the White House who now is responsible for the deaths of four State Department employees, including an ambassador, and hundreds, if not thousands, of military members who have been maimed and killed under his watch.  Everything about Obama’s past has been obscured and “fraught with problems,” yet the media is silent or derisive toward the messenger.

Glenn Beck, who some believe Fox wished to “control,” has now uttered the word “treason” in regard to Obama because of reports that the U.S. is arming Islamic insurgents in the Middle East.  Beck is not the first to accuse Obama of treason; it was done by a retired member of the military on March 17, 2009.  Since then, thousands of people have signed petitions, written letters and filed formal complaints of treason against Obama and Eric Holder, but Fox says nothing.

If Obama has presented forged documentation to the American people in order to deceive, is he guilty of treason?

It is not the amount which Trump offered that should gain your attention; it is the obfuscation which Obama has committed and the lack of vetting by “media/news organizations” that is to blame.  You must surely know that the large media companies control the information which reaches the people.  Since 2007, Fox News has failed to verify the “facts” Obama has issued about his life which he himself has now contradicted.  Other networks have also gone out of their way to provide cover for Obama’s questionable birthplace and life story.

As a trained attorney, like Trump, I am surprised that you would not be more circumspect about the image which Obama purported to be his birth certificate.  As a journalist, one would expect you to want to investigate the matter, but instead you have demonized the messenger.  Could it be that you are uncomfortable that the truth is about to become public and Fox News will lose all of its credibility?

While no major “media/news organizations” have followed this story, those of us in the internet community who have worked hard to pursue it will be the ones to break wide open the biggest fraud in all of American history.

Very truly yours,

Sharon Rondeau,

The Post & Email

P.O. Box 195

Stafford Springs, CT  06076


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

On October 22, 2012, an eye-opening Washington Times article and/or blog post revealed that the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened in Benghazi, Libya, late on September 11, 2012, that includes a clumsy official cover-up. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:

“President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomatJ. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Once Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown, Stevens was appointed ambassador to the new Libya run by Mr. Belhadj and his friends. Not surprisingly, one of the most important priorities for someone in that position would be to try to find and secure the immense amount of armaments that had been cached by the dictator around the country and systematically looted during and after the revolution.

One of the places in Libya most awash with such weapons in the most dangerous of hands is Benghazi. It now appears thatStevens was there — on a particularly risky day, with no security to speak of and despite now copiously documented concerns about his own safety and that of his subordinates — for another priority mission: sending arms recovered from the former regime’s stocks to the “opposition” in Syria. As in Libya, the insurgents are known to include al Qaeda and other Shariah-supremacist groups, including none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

Investigative journalist Aaron Klein has reported that the “consulate in Benghazi” actually was no such thing. He observes that although administration officials have done nothing to correct that oft-repeated characterization of the facility where the murderous attack on Stevens and his colleagues was launched, they call it a “mission.” What Mr. Klein describes as a “shabby, nondescript building” that lacked any “major public security presence” was, according to an unnamed Middle Eastern security official, “routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.”

We know that Stevens‘ last official act was to hold such a meeting with an unidentified “Turkish diplomat.” Presumably, the conversation involved additional arms shipments to al Qaeda and its allies in Syria. It also may have involved getting more jihadi fighters there. After all, Mr. Klein reported last month that, according to sources in Egyptian security, our ambassador was playing a “central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.”

It gets worse. Last week, Center for Security Policy senior fellow and former career CIA officer Clare Lopez observed that there were two large warehouse-type buildings associated with the so-called “consulate” whose purpose has yet to be disclosed. As their contents were raided in the course of the attack, we may never know for sure whether they housed — and were known by the local jihadis to house — arms, perhaps administered by the two former Navy SEALs killed along with Stevens.

What we do know is that the New York Times — one of the most slavishly pro-Obama publications in the country — reported in an Oct. 14 article, “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster.”

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate.”

  • Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (, a columnist for The Washington Times and host of Secure Freedom Radio on WRC-AM (1260).


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Bingaman’s Office Regarding My Above Email:

“Thank you for your feedback!”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following is an important book in PDF format that contains a general view of the origin and nature of the U.S. Constitution and Government of The United States, along with other eye-opening articles and/or blog posts that reveal that our Constitution currently faces a 'Progressive' threat and that we now live in a post-constitutional country, along with why we now live in a post-constitutional country and are currently experiencing the results of having a post-constitutional President-You Decide:


A General View Of The Origin And Nature Of The Constitution and Government of the United States!-Posted on Citizens For A Constitutional Republic-By Henry Baldwin, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844):


George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011: 


Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:


American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:


The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:




Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution!-Posted on ThruthOut-By John Cusack-On September 1, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:


The post-constitutional president: ‘Obama shows contempt for his oath of office!’-Posted on The Washington Times-ByFrank J. Gaffney Jr.-On October 8, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:



The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

The real reason behind Benghazigate!


Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists and, if so, why?-You Decide:

Posted on The Washington Times-By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.-On October 22, 2012:

“President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.

Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.

The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East. Starting in March 2011, when American diplomatJ. Christopher Stevens was designated the liaison to the “opposition” in Libya, the Obama administration has been arming them, including jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the al Qaeda franchise known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Once Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown, Stevens was appointed ambassador to the new Libya run by Mr. Belhadj and his friends. Not surprisingly, one of the most important priorities for someone in that position would be to try to find and secure the immense amount of armaments that had been cached by the dictator around the country and systematically looted during and after the revolution.

One of the places in Libya most awash with such weapons in the most dangerous of hands is Benghazi. It now appears thatStevens was there — on a particularly risky day, with no security to speak of and despite now copiously documented concerns about his own safety and that of his subordinates — for another priority mission: sending arms recovered from the former regime’s stocks to the “opposition” in Syria. As in Libya, the insurgents are known to include al Qaeda and other Shariah-supremacist groups, including none other than Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Fox News has chronicled how the Al Entisar, a Libyan-flagged vessel carrying 400 tons of cargo, docked on Sept. 6 in the Turkish port of Iskenderun. It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms — including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles — apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.

What cries out for further investigation — and debate in the remaining days of this presidential election — is whether this shipment was part of a larger covert Obama effort to transfer weapons to our enemies that could make the Iran-Contra scandal, to say nothing of Operation Fast and Furious, pale by comparison.

Investigative journalist Aaron Klein has reported that the “consulate in Benghazi” actually was no such thing. He observes that although administration officials have done nothing to correct that oft-repeated characterization of the facility where the murderous attack on Stevens and his colleagues was launched, they call it a “mission.” What Mr. Klein describes as a “shabby, nondescript building” that lacked any “major public security presence” was, according to an unnamed Middle Eastern security official, “routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.”

We know that Stevens‘ last official act was to hold such a meeting with an unidentified “Turkish diplomat.” Presumably, the conversation involved additional arms shipments to al Qaeda and its allies in Syria. It also may have involved getting more jihadi fighters there. After all, Mr. Klein reported last month that, according to sources in Egyptian security, our ambassador was playing a “central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.”

It gets worse. Last week, Center for Security Policy senior fellow and former career CIA officer Clare Lopez observed that there were two large warehouse-type buildings associated with the so-called “consulate” whose purpose has yet to be disclosed. As their contents were raided in the course of the attack, we may never know for sure whether they housed — and were known by the local jihadis to house — arms, perhaps administered by the two former Navy SEALs killed along with Stevens.

What we do know is that the New York Times — one of the most slavishly pro-Obama publications in the country — reported in an Oct. 14 article, “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster.”

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate.”

  • Frank J. Gaffney Jr. is president of the Center for Security Policy (, a columnist for The Washington Times and host of Secure Freedom Radio on WRC-AM (1260).


4063359777?profile=originalNote: I believe that the following articles and/or blog posts and videos give us an insight into why our President may be secretly outsourcing the task of arming Islamic jihadists with ties or affiliations with al Qaeda to Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  These weapons were probably used to kill our Libyan Ambassador, an information officer and two former SEALs and these weapons will more than likely be used to kill more of our own for years to come-You Decide:


1979 ARTICLE TIES ‘OBAMA’S REAL FATHER’ TO SAUDI FINANCIER? ‘Vernon Jarrett was close friend of communist Frank Marshall Davis’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On September 25, 2012:


SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:


Video: Did Arabs Fund Obama At Harvard? (Part 1)-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On September 27, 2012:


Video: Did Arabs Fund Obama At Harvard? (Part 2)-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On September 29, 2012:


Video: Percy Sutton (Malcom X's Lawyer) Says Barack Obama Knows And Was Financed By The Racist-Posted on harvardlawgrad-On October 5, 2008:


Video: Saudis bought Obama 2008 election, Columbia, Harvard degrees and Fox network!-Posted on January 7, 2010:


Video: Barack Obama, religious war in the Middle East, the coming attack on Iran, the Marxist-Islamist alliance, and America in peril!-Posted on America’s Survival TV-By Cliff Kincaid, Jerry Kenney and Rick Wiles, Host of TruNews-On October 18, 2012:


OBAMA FAMILY BUSTED IN SHARIAH SCHEME: ‘Foundation funding training for Saudi-style government!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 10, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNoteThe following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or further support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide: 


BenghaziGate: Two 9/11’s Bring Questions: Has Uncle Sam Joined The Jihad?-Posted on Oath Keepers-On October 26, 2012:


Is the U.S. Arming Islamic Jihadists?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 24, 2012:


Beating Obama on foreign policy!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.-On October 22, 2012:


Obama’s deceit after people died: ‘Deception about Benghazi murders serves Shariah!’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.-On October 1, 2012:


‘Sharia Killed Ambassador Chris Stevens’!-Posted on PJ Media-By Andrew C. McCarthy-On October 26, 2012:


The Omertà Administration: ‘Trust Matters!’-Posted on The Weekly Standard Magazine (November 5, 2012, VOL. 18, NO. 08)-By STEPHEN F. HAYES:


Panetta criticizes ‘Monday-morning quarterbacking’ on Libya attack!-Posted on The Hill-By Jeremy Herb-On October 25, 2012:


Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus!-Posted on The Weekly Standard-By WILLIAM KRISTOL-On October 26, 2012:


OBAMA INCRIMINATED IN BENGHAZI!-Posted on Big Peace-By JOEL B. POLLAK-On October 26, 2012:


White House Tries To Throw The Military Under Bus Over Benghazi!-Posted on Cowboy Byte-On October 28, 2012:


Osama Bin Laden Is Dead. So Are Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty!-Posted on The Weekly Standard-By WILLIAM KRISTOL-On October 26, 2012:




White House caving to Islamic blasphemy agenda: ‘Free speech next target!’- Posted on The Washington Times-By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.-On September 24, 2012:


The post-constitutional president: ‘Obama shows contempt for his oath of office!’-Posted on The Washington Times-ByFrank J. Gaffney Jr.-On October 8, 2012:


Video: Stakelbeck on Terror: Muslim Brotherhood’s Growing Influence!-Posted on September 21, 2011:


Video: Frank Gaffney-Shariah and Civilization Jihad in America!-Posted on securefreedom-On October 24, 2012:


Video: Frank Gaffney-Shariah: Civilization Jihad and the Enemy Within!-Posted on TheAmericanDecency-On October 23, 2012:


Video: Frank Gaffney-The Muslim Brotherhood in America! (10 Parts)-Posted on securefreedom-On April 24, 2012:


Do NOT Tolerate Our Lying Government Any More!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 28, 2012:


FL Grand Jury: OBAMA AND BIDEN: TIME TO INDICT BOTH!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 21, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Middle East Analyst: U.S. Appeases Muslim Brotherhood; Syria in Possession of Missiles!




Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Where Is America Today?


Is History Repeating Itself?


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 27, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 18, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


Freedom Isn’t Free:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!



Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my fifteenth letter that I forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez today requesting the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall earlier today, which I believe relate to and/or further support my numerous requests for the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot.

My letter to Senator Udall included the following recent revelations:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many. 


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.


For your information, I will also be sending a similar letter to NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman and Congressman Martin Heinrich.

Letter to Governor Martinez:

October 26, 2012

Dear Governor Martinez:

On October 18, 2012, I wrote to you and shared excerpts with you from a letter that I had forwarded to Senator Udall on that same day, which I believed supported my numerous requests (fourteen in total) for the removal of President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Election Ballot because he is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

I again would be remiss if I didn’t share excerpts from a letter that I sent to Senator Udall today in support of my request for said investigation by both houses of Congress, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you because I believe they relate to and/or further support my numerous requests to have President Obama removed from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:

Excerpts From Senator Udall’s Letter:

“…On October 18, 2012, I wrote my fourteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many.  What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


Has Obama’s occupation of the White House been constitutional and/or legal?

Dear Editor:

I’ve just emailed a letter to all the Republican members of the U.S. Senate, which I wanted to share. It points out why the matter of presidential eligibility will not simply disappear with a change of office. A copy is posted below.


Dear Senator,

I am writing concerning the issue of presidential eligibility. The uncertainty our country has demonstrated over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and so eligible to the presidency, is apparent to many. The reluctance of our country’s officers and representatives to deal directly with the matter leads the onlooker to an inevitable conclusion:

It is presumed that when the presidency next changes hands, the matter will fade away.

If the matter were really about Mr. Obama after all, this would probably be true, but to suppose that it is just about him, or that it will fade away, is to misunderstand the issue our country faces.

The matter of presidential eligibility involves the natural right of citizenship, which necessarily affects:

  • Immigration….. the right of the nation to establish and enforce a reasonable immigration policy.
  • Dual citizenship….. the right of the nation to refuse dual allegiances, (or dual citizenship, so called).
  • The right to vote….. full participation only in one’s own government; that right to self-government which naturally attaches to the legal citizens of the nation.
  • Future presidencies….. the right of the nation to require that its highest offices be held only by those whose connection and allegiance to the country has remained undivided.

How will our government be able to act honestly on any of these issues without potentially declaring the Obama presidency a farce? If the rule of law and the oath to support the Constitution is to be maintained in pretense only, the charade will need to be continued for a much longer time and over a much wider range of issues than was perhaps suspected!

Must we really continue to treat our laws with contempt in order to avoid self-reproof? Should our nation remain ensnared to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely not! We should free ourselves from the snare. There is no real loss when a person or nation stops doing wrong in order to do what is right. Partiality in the administration of the law is not a benefit to any nation, but justice brings stability.

Around the country, numerous eligibility cases have been filed which have been tossed out on “lack of standing”, while “official” opinions have been offered in an attempt to dispel the issue. However, the rule of law is not preserved by evasiveness, judicial oaths are not maintained in pretense, and the Constitution cannot be construed so as to be ineffectual.

Even today our government seems unable to address immigration in a reasonable and legal fashion, and by a doubtful construction of birthright citizenship, it causes all foreigners born within our borders to be dual nationals. Can we expect improvement if we are not forthright about such matters?

There is yet another possible consequence of failing to deal with the issue of presidential eligibility.

Uncertainty as to the legality of a presidency causes all legislation passed under that administration to be uncertain. If there are, in fact, any such laws, which are invalid, they remain unenforceable even after a change in office.

Should our state governors, representatives, and judicial officers be placed continually in the position of enforcing and punishing “offences” against federal legislation, which is itself of questionable validity? We have already seen the result of a case involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, (a six month prison sentence, and his questions as to the legitimacy of the Obama presidency unanswered).

It is a treacherous path for all. Such a matter as involves the presidency and affects the entire nation can never really be brushed aside as a mere technicality.

“…No Person except a natural born Citizen… shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

“…This Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land… The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…”

  • The United States Constitution, Articles 2 and 6”


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.  What follows is the article and/or blog that contained the letter in its entirety:  


[Editor’s Note:  The following letter has been mailed to Greta van Susteren, anchor of “On the Record,” which airs weeknights on the Fox News Channel at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.  This article is open access and may be reproduced in full with a link back toThe Post & Email and the author’s name kept intact.]

October 25, 2012

Ms. Greta van Susteren

“On the Record”

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY  10036-8701

Dear Ms. van Susteren:

In your interview with Donald Trump on October 24, you appeared uncomfortable discussing Donald Trump’s public offer to Barack Obama to give $5,000,000 to a charity of Obama’s choosing if he released his college applications and records as well as passport applications and records to Trump’s satisfaction.

You attempted to make the case that Trump’s offer of $5,000,000 was inadequate because Trump is “a very wealthy man.”   Regardless of how wealthy Trump is, to most people, the amount he offered is more than magnanimous for any cause.

On the webpage featuring your show, Fox News asks “Why are so few news/media organizations covering the Libya/Benghazi/US Consulate Story?”

My question to you and all of the handsomely-paid anchors at Fox News is:  “Why is no news/media organization covering the Obama eligibility/identity story?”

A law enforcement investigation conducted by the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s Office and Cold Case Posse has determinedand announced formally, on two occasions, that the “long-form birth certificate” to which you referred in your interview with Trump is a “computer-generated forgery,” yet you indicated that you are “satisfied” with its release.

To its credit, Fox News reported on the first and second Arpaio press conference online, but still failed to report the revelations on television and claimed that questions about Obama’s birthplace had been “debunked.”  Exactly who debunked them, Ms. van Susteren, when Obama himself claimed that he was born in Kenya before he was born in Hawaii?

Members of the Kenyan Parliament have stated “on the record” that Obama was born in their country.

The posse also found that Obama’s Selective Service registration card is a forgery.  Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo, who reports directly to Obama, will not allow access to the “original” application, if one exists.  Instead, he referred Mike Zullo, the lead investigator, to the FBI, which has also failed to take action on the charges of forgery and fraud put forth by the investigative team.  Numerous graphics and computer experts have gone “on the record,” some staking their reputations, in declaring the “birth certificate” a poor forgery.  Even an “expert” quoted by Fox News at the time said that he was misquotedand could not vouch for the authenticity of the document.

A licensed private investigator has staked her reputation and filed a lawsuit in Ohio on her claim that Obama is using a stolen Social Security number.

So what is Fox News hiding?  Why would you not want to be the first and only mainstream media outlet to report on these findings in the same way in which you are covering the Benghazi cover-up?

While it is unfortunate that most attorneys are not familiar with our founding documents, particularly the U.S. Constitution, to make the assumption that a digital image of a birth certificate already deemed to be a forgery by many qualifies Barack Hussein Obama for the presidency is ludicrous.  Simply being born in the country is not what our Founders intended when they included Section 1, clause 5 in Article II of the Constitution.  They wanted the person holding the office of president and commander-in-chief to have sole allegiance to the United States, which involves the citizenship of the parents, or at least the father. Were you aware that in 1916, Democrat Breckinridge Long, who served under President Woodrow Wilson as Third Assistant Secretary of State, correctly questioned the eligibility of Mr. Charles Evans Hughes because he was born in the United States but to a British-citizen father?

Obama claims to have been born to a foreign-born, non-naturalized father; therefore, it makes no difference where in the world he was born, nor did it make any difference for Mr. Hughes.

Obama’s own statements have conflicted with accepted “facts” about his childhood.  While he originally claimed that his parents were married when he was born, he now says that he was “born to a single mother.”  Moreover, Investigator Zullo has expressed doubt that the life story Obama has made public is accurate, including his birth date.  During an interview in early September, Zullo said that Obama’s memoirDreams From My Father, was written “to give him a cover story for a life that never happened.”  Is this matter not newsworthy?

Is it not worth investigating when a researcher who has published a myriad of articles about Obama states that “There is no Stanley Ann Dunham?”  Why would no one within a large news corporation such as Fox be even the slightest bit curious about such a claim?

hearing took place on October 22 in Indianapolis, IN initiated by Atty. Orly Taitz, of whom I am sure you have heard, during which a Superior Court judge heard testimony from two witnesses specializing in website development and typesetting, respectively, regarding Obama’s alleged long-form birth certificate.  One possesses 57 years of experience, and both declared the image a forgery.

By failing to report on what could be the worst fraud ever perpetrated on the American people, you, too, are complicit in the conspiracy which has kept an unvetted, unqualified person in the White House who now is responsible for the deaths of four State Department employees, including an ambassador, and hundreds, if not thousands, of military members who have been maimed and killed under his watch.  Everything about Obama’s past has been obscured and “fraught with problems,” yet the media is silent or derisive toward the messenger.

Glenn Beck, who some believe Fox wished to “control,” has now uttered the word “treason” in regard to Obama because of reports that the U.S. is arming Islamic insurgents in the Middle East.  Beck is not the first to accuse Obama of treason; it was done by a retired member of the military on March 17, 2009.  Since then, thousands of people have signed petitions, written letters and filed formal complaints of treason against Obama and Eric Holder, but Fox says nothing.

If Obama has presented forged documentation to the American people in order to deceive, is he guilty of treason?

It is not the amount which Trump offered that should gain your attention; it is the obfuscation which Obama has committed and the lack of vetting by “media/news organizations” that is to blame.  You must surely know that the large media companies control the information which reaches the people.  Since 2007, Fox News has failed to verify the “facts” Obama has issued about his life which he himself has now contradicted.  Other networks have also gone out of their way to provide cover for Obama’s questionable birthplace and life story.

As a trained attorney, like Trump, I am surprised that you would not be more circumspect about the image which Obama purported to be his birth certificate.  As a journalist, one would expect you to want to investigate the matter, but instead you have demonized the messenger.  Could it be that you are uncomfortable that the truth is about to become public and Fox News will lose all of its credibility?

While no major “media/news organizations” have followed this story, those of us in the internet community who have worked hard to pursue it will be the ones to break wide open the biggest fraud in all of American history.

Very truly yours,

Sharon Rondeau,

The Post & Email

P.O. Box 195

Stafford Springs, CT  06076


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives..….”

End of Excerpts.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions and/or need any additional information from me regarding this matter.

Thank you. 

God Bless You and God Bless America!

Respectfully yours,

Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Governor Martinez’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.


Susana Martinez”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following is an important book in PDF format that contains a general view of the origin and nature of the U.S. Constitution and Government of The United States, along with other eye-opening articles and/or blog posts that reveal that our Constitution currently faces a 'Progressive' threat and that we now live in a post-constitutional country-You Decide:


A General View Of The Origin And Nature Of The Constitution and Government of the United States!-Posted on Citizens For A Constitutional Republic-By Henry Baldwin, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844):


George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011: 


Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:


American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:


The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:




Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution!-Posted on ThruthOut-By John Cusack-On September 1, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:



The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my fifteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

For your information, I shared the following recent revelations with him that I believe overwhelmingly support said request:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many. 


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.


For your information, I will also be forwarding similar letters to our other NM U.S. Representatives and our Governor.

Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall:

October 26, 2012

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On October 18, 2012, I wrote my fourteenth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On October 25, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed an eye-opening letter that revealed that the question of President Obama’s legitimacy will not go away with a change of office because of the uncertainty our country has experienced over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and thereby constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, which is apparent to many.  What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


Has Obama’s occupation of the White House been constitutional and/or legal?

Dear Editor:

I’ve just emailed a letter to all the Republican members of the U.S. Senate, which I wanted to share. It points out why the matter of presidential eligibility will not simply disappear with a change of office. A copy is posted below.


Dear Senator,

I am writing concerning the issue of presidential eligibility. The uncertainty our country has demonstrated over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and so eligible to the presidency, is apparent to many. The reluctance of our country’s officers and representatives to deal directly with the matter leads the onlooker to an inevitable conclusion:

It is presumed that when the presidency next changes hands, the matter will fade away.

If the matter were really about Mr. Obama after all, this would probably be true, but to suppose that it is just about him, or that it will fade away, is to misunderstand the issue our country faces.

The matter of presidential eligibility involves the natural right of citizenship, which necessarily affects:

  • Immigration….. the right of the nation to establish and enforce a reasonable immigration policy.
  • Dual citizenship….. the right of the nation to refuse dual allegiances, (or dual citizenship, so called).
  • The right to vote….. full participation only in one’s own government; that right to self-government which naturally attaches to the legal citizens of the nation.
  • Future presidencies….. the right of the nation to require that its highest offices be held only by those whose connection and allegiance to the country has remained undivided.

How will our government be able to act honestly on any of these issues without potentially declaring the Obama presidency a farce? If the rule of law and the oath to support the Constitution is to be maintained in pretense only, the charade will need to be continued for a much longer time and over a much wider range of issues than was perhaps suspected!

Must we really continue to treat our laws with contempt in order to avoid self-reproof? Should our nation remain ensnared to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely not! We should free ourselves from the snare. There is no real loss when a person or nation stops doing wrong in order to do what is right. Partiality in the administration of the law is not a benefit to any nation, but justice brings stability.

Around the country, numerous eligibility cases have been filed which have been tossed out on “lack of standing”, while “official” opinions have been offered in an attempt to dispel the issue. However, the rule of law is not preserved by evasiveness, judicial oaths are not maintained in pretense, and the Constitution cannot be construed so as to be ineffectual.

Even today our government seems unable to address immigration in a reasonable and legal fashion, and by a doubtful construction of birthright citizenship, it causes all foreigners born within our borders to be dual nationals. Can we expect improvement if we are not forthright about such matters?

There is yet another possible consequence of failing to deal with the issue of presidential eligibility.

Uncertainty as to the legality of a presidency causes all legislation passed under that administration to be uncertain. If there are, in fact, any such laws, which are invalid, they remain unenforceable even after a change in office.

Should our state governors, representatives, and judicial officers be placed continually in the position of enforcing and punishing “offences” against federal legislation, which is itself of questionable validity? We have already seen the result of a case involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, (a six month prison sentence, and his questions as to the legitimacy of the Obama presidency unanswered).

It is a treacherous path for all. Such a matter as involves the presidency and affects the entire nation can never really be brushed aside as a mere technicality.

“…No Person except a natural born Citizen… shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

“…This Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land… The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…”

  • The United States Constitution, Articles 2 and 6”


On October 26, 2012, the editor of The Post & Email sent a thought provoking letter to Ms. Greta van Susteren, Author of “On The Record”, which airs weeknights at 10:00 p.m. on the Fox News Channel, asking why no main stream media outlets are covering the Obama eligibility and/or identity story.  What follows is the article and/or blog that contained the letter in its entirety:  


[Editor’s Note:  The following letter has been mailed to Greta van Susteren, anchor of “On the Record,” which airs weeknights on the Fox News Channel at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.  This article is open access and may be reproduced in full with a link back toThe Post & Email and the author’s name kept intact.]

October 25, 2012

Ms. Greta van Susteren

“On the Record”

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY  10036-8701

Dear Ms. van Susteren:

In your interview with Donald Trump on October 24, you appeared uncomfortable discussing Donald Trump’s public offer to Barack Obama to give $5,000,000 to a charity of Obama’s choosing if he released his college applications and records as well as passport applications and records to Trump’s satisfaction.

You attempted to make the case that Trump’s offer of $5,000,000 was inadequate because Trump is “a very wealthy man.”   Regardless of how wealthy Trump is, to most people, the amount he offered is more than magnanimous for any cause.

On the webpage featuring your show, Fox News asks “Why are so few news/media organizations covering the Libya/Benghazi/US Consulate Story?”

My question to you and all of the handsomely-paid anchors at Fox News is:  “Why is no news/media organization covering the Obama eligibility/identity story?”

A law enforcement investigation conducted by the Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff’s Office and Cold Case Posse has determinedand announced formally, on two occasions, that the “long-form birth certificate” to which you referred in your interview with Trump is a “computer-generated forgery,” yet you indicated that you are “satisfied” with its release.

To its credit, Fox News reported on the first and second Arpaio press conference online, but still failed to report the revelations on television and claimed that questions about Obama’s birthplace had been “debunked.”  Exactly who debunked them, Ms. van Susteren, when Obama himself claimed that he was born in Kenya before he was born in Hawaii?

Members of the Kenyan Parliament have stated “on the record” that Obama was born in their country.

The posse also found that Obama’s Selective Service registration card is a forgery.  Selective Service Director Lawrence Romo, who reports directly to Obama, will not allow access to the “original” application, if one exists.  Instead, he referred Mike Zullo, the lead investigator, to the FBI, which has also failed to take action on the charges of forgery and fraud put forth by the investigative team.  Numerous graphics and computer experts have gone “on the record,” some staking their reputations, in declaring the “birth certificate” a poor forgery.  Even an “expert” quoted by Fox News at the time said that he was misquotedand could not vouch for the authenticity of the document.

A licensed private investigator has staked her reputation and filed a lawsuit in Ohio on her claim that Obama is using a stolen Social Security number.

So what is Fox News hiding?  Why would you not want to be the first and only mainstream media outlet to report on these findings in the same way in which you are covering the Benghazi cover-up?

While it is unfortunate that most attorneys are not familiar with our founding documents, particularly the U.S. Constitution, to make the assumption that a digital image of a birth certificate already deemed to be a forgery by many qualifies Barack Hussein Obama for the presidency is ludicrous.  Simply being born in the country is not what our Founders intended when they included Section 1, clause 5 in Article II of the Constitution.  They wanted the person holding the office of president and commander-in-chief to have sole allegiance to the United States, which involves the citizenship of the parents, or at least the father. Were you aware that in 1916, Democrat Breckinridge Long, who served under President Woodrow Wilson as Third Assistant Secretary of State, correctly questioned the eligibility of Mr. Charles Evans Hughes because he was born in the United States but to a British-citizen father?

Obama claims to have been born to a foreign-born, non-naturalized father; therefore, it makes no difference where in the world he was born, nor did it make any difference for Mr. Hughes.

Obama’s own statements have conflicted with accepted “facts” about his childhood.  While he originally claimed that his parents were married when he was born, he now says that he was “born to a single mother.”  Moreover, Investigator Zullo has expressed doubt that the life story Obama has made public is accurate, including his birth date.  During an interview in early September, Zullo said that Obama’s memoirDreams From My Father, was written “to give him a cover story for a life that never happened.”  Is this matter not newsworthy?

Is it not worth investigating when a researcher who has published a myriad of articles about Obama states that “There is no Stanley Ann Dunham?”  Why would no one within a large news corporation such as Fox be even the slightest bit curious about such a claim?

hearing took place on October 22 in Indianapolis, IN initiated by Atty. Orly Taitz, of whom I am sure you have heard, during which a Superior Court judge heard testimony from two witnesses specializing in website development and typesetting, respectively, regarding Obama’s alleged long-form birth certificate.  One possesses 57 years of experience, and both declared the image a forgery.

By failing to report on what could be the worst fraud ever perpetrated on the American people, you, too, are complicit in the conspiracy which has kept an unvetted, unqualified person in the White House who now is responsible for the deaths of four State Department employees, including an ambassador, and hundreds, if not thousands, of military members who have been maimed and killed under his watch.  Everything about Obama’s past has been obscured and “fraught with problems,” yet the media is silent or derisive toward the messenger.

Glenn Beck, who some believe Fox wished to “control,” has now uttered the word “treason” in regard to Obama because of reports that the U.S. is arming Islamic insurgents in the Middle East.  Beck is not the first to accuse Obama of treason; it was done by a retired member of the military on March 17, 2009.  Since then, thousands of people have signed petitions, written letters and filed formal complaints of treason against Obama and Eric Holder, but Fox says nothing.

If Obama has presented forged documentation to the American people in order to deceive, is he guilty of treason?

It is not the amount which Trump offered that should gain your attention; it is the obfuscation which Obama has committed and the lack of vetting by “media/news organizations” that is to blame.  You must surely know that the large media companies control the information which reaches the people.  Since 2007, Fox News has failed to verify the “facts” Obama has issued about his life which he himself has now contradicted.  Other networks have also gone out of their way to provide cover for Obama’s questionable birthplace and life story.

As a trained attorney, like Trump, I am surprised that you would not be more circumspect about the image which Obama purported to be his birth certificate.  As a journalist, one would expect you to want to investigate the matter, but instead you have demonized the messenger.  Could it be that you are uncomfortable that the truth is about to become public and Fox News will lose all of its credibility?

While no major “media/news organizations” have followed this story, those of us in the internet community who have worked hard to pursue it will be the ones to break wide open the biggest fraud in all of American history.

Very truly yours,

Sharon Rondeau,

The Post & Email

P.O. Box 195

Stafford Springs, CT  06076


Continue Reading More About This Disturbing Issue:

Accordingly, I again am hereby respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing matter.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

“Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.

Tom Udall”

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following is an important book in PDF format that contains a general view of the origin and nature of the U.S. Constitution and Government of The United States, along with other eye-opening articles and/or blog posts that reveal that our Constitution currently faces a 'Progressive' threat and that we now live in a post-constitutional country-You Decide:


A General View Of The Origin And Nature Of The Constitution and Government of the United States!-Posted on Citizens For A Constitutional Republic-By Henry Baldwin, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844):


George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011: 


Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:


American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:


The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:




Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution!-Posted on ThruthOut-By John Cusack-On September 1, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:



The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…



Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 25, 2012:


Has Obama’s occupation of the White House been constitutional and/or legal?

Dear Editor:

I’ve just emailed a letter to all the Republican members of the U.S. Senate, which I wanted to share. It points out why the matter of presidential eligibility will not simply disappear with a change of office. A copy is posted below.


Dear Senator,

I am writing concerning the issue of presidential eligibility. The uncertainty our country has demonstrated over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and so eligible to the presidency, is apparent to many. The reluctance of our country’s officers and representatives to deal directly with the matter leads the onlooker to an inevitable conclusion:

It is presumed that when the presidency next changes hands, the matter will fade away.

If the matter were really about Mr. Obama after all, this would probably be true, but to suppose that it is just about him, or that it will fade away, is to misunderstand the issue our country faces.

The matter of presidential eligibility involves the natural right of citizenship, which necessarily affects:

  • Immigration….. the right of the nation to establish and enforce a reasonable immigration policy.
  • Dual citizenship….. the right of the nation to refuse dual allegiances, (or dual citizenship, so called).
  • The right to vote….. full participation only in one’s own government; that right to self-government which naturally attaches to the legal citizens of the nation.
  • Future presidencies….. the right of the nation to require that its highest offices be held only by those whose connection and allegiance to the country has remained undivided.

How will our government be able to act honestly on any of these issues without potentially declaring the Obama presidency a farce? If the rule of law and the oath to support the Constitution is to be maintained in pretense only, the charade will need to be continued for a much longer time and over a much wider range of issues than was perhaps suspected!

Must we really continue to treat our laws with contempt in order to avoid self-reproof? Should our nation remain ensnared to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely not! We should free ourselves from the snare. There is no real loss when a person or nation stops doing wrong in order to do what is right. Partiality in the administration of the law is not a benefit to any nation, but justice brings stability.

Around the country, numerous eligibility cases have been filed which have been tossed out on “lack of standing”, while “official” opinions have been offered in an attempt to dispel the issue. However, the rule of law is not preserved by evasiveness, judicial oaths are not maintained in pretense, and the Constitution cannot be construed so as to be ineffectual.

Even today our government seems unable to address immigration in a reasonable and legal fashion, and by a doubtful construction of birthright citizenship, it causes all foreigners born within our borders to be dual nationals. Can we expect improvement if we are not forthright about such matters?

There is yet another possible consequence of failing to deal with the issue of presidential eligibility.

Uncertainty as to the legality of a presidency causes all legislation passed under that administration to be uncertain. If there are, in fact, any such laws, which are invalid, they remain unenforceable even after a change in office.

Should our state governors, representatives, and judicial officers be placed continually in the position of enforcing and punishing “offences” against federal legislation, which is itself of questionable validity? We have already seen the result of a case involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, (a six month prison sentence, and his questions as to the legitimacy of the Obama presidency unanswered).

It is a treacherous path for all. Such a matter as involves the presidency and affects the entire nation can never really be brushed aside as a mere technicality.

“…No Person except a natural born Citizen… shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

“…This Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land… The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…”

  • The United States Constitution, Articles 2 and 6”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide: 


LIFE AFTER ROMNEY AND THE REPUBLICANS: ‘Exclusive: Larry Klayman tells of citizens grand jury set to hear evidence against Obama!’-Posted on LARRY KLAYMAN-On September 28, 2012:

“The economy is in shambles, war is about to break out in the oil-rich Middle East, our “commander in chief,” Barack Hussein Obama, is AWOL and instead appears mainly on television shows like “The View” – rather than honestly addressing the recent attack that killed an ambassador and three other Americans in Libya, or meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other world leaders at the United Nations’ General Assembly this last week over Iran’s nuclear threats. And through it all, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his party continue to sink like a rock in the political polls.

We could belabor the reasons for this crash and burn, but it would take up an entire tome well beyond the word limit of this column – so just stick a fork into Romney and his hapless and disingenuous band of Republican phonies; they are cooked not just with regard to the November elections, but perhaps for all time. If they cannot politically defeat the “mullah in chief” and his incompetent and corrupt socialist, Jew-, Christian- and white-hating comrades (even classless leftist singer Madonna proudly acknowledged this week that Obama is a “black Muslim”), then what is left of the Grand Old Party? Zip!

We the People faced a similar and far less grave situation in the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the ensuing Revolutionary War. The words of our Founding Fathers in this beautifully crafted Declaration ring even truer today and bring tears to any patriot who loves our nation and wants it to survive.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them …

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. – Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

Last week my column was entitled “Our lying presidents.” The long litany of abuse and dishonesty I wrote about barely scratches the surface of the ills of our governing elite. Capped off by our current so-called president – Obama is not eligible to be president as he is not a natural born citizen – the leaders of the nation have furthered tyranny far worse for the last 50 years (with the brief exception of the Reagan presidency) than anything King George III perpetrated and imposed on the colonies. And at least in colonial times, our economy was booming, the young and soon-to-be-birthed nation had looked to the Judeo-Christian God for wisdom and divine grace, and our leaders were willing to risk their honor, sacred fortunes and lives for freedom.

Mitt Romney and his band of Republicans have and will risk little to nothing to confront the usurper and his tyranny over the American people and Jews and Christians worldwide. They do nothing, articulate no real vision, speak out of both sides of their mouths and mostly dedicate themselves to enrichment at the government trough. That is why in the face of the tyrant Obama and his corrupt Democratic Party, Romney and the Republicans can get no real traction and are destined to lose the November election.

So what do we do then? We do what our Founding Fathers did. First, we rise up legally and exercise our God-given rights to freedom and democracy and use whatever legal means we can to take control of our destiny.

On Oct. 31, 2012, I will be in Ocala, Fla., presenting evidence to a citizens grand jury, chosen in the ordinary course without regard to politics and biases, seeking the indictment of the likes of President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others who have betrayed and terrorized the nation and violated the rule of criminal law. With regard to Obama, not only has he defrauded the American people by being elected president despite his not being a natural born citizen, but he also has compromised, in treasonous fashion, our national security. Once indicted, we will then seek to try him for these crimes. If he refuses to appear at trial, which he surely will, the people will try him in abstentia.

In effect, along with a coterie of other patriots, we will make Ocala in 2012 what Philadelphia was to the colonies in 1776. Please join us in the noble cause, as We the People have been abandoned and scorned by our so-called leaders for far too long. See Now it is our time to risk our fortunes, sacred honor and lives to preserve the nation, using the rights that our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us: the citizens grand jury.

Forget about Mitt Romney and the Republican Party; their game is up. We can save the nation and live without them, so help us God.”



The Birthers Aren’t Going Anywhere!-Posted on YouGov-By Adam Berinsky-On October 1, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following is an important book in PDF format that contains a general view of the origin and nature of the U.S. Constitution and Government of The United States, along with other eye-opening articles and/or blog posts that reveal that our Constitution currently faces a 'Progressive' threat-You Decide:


A General View Of The Origin And Nature Of The Constitution and Government of the United States!-Posted on Citizens For A Constitutional Republic-By Henry Baldwin, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844):


George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011: 


Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:


American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:


The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:




Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution!-Posted on ThruthOut-By John Cusack-On September 1, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Are our troops being set up for failure or worse?-You Decide:

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 24, 2012:


Emails revealed this evening by Fox News agree with many of Denise Simon’s statements and contention that the Obama regime’s explanation of an anti-Islamic video as the reason for violence in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 was a “cover-up” from the beginning.  The group Ansar Al Sharia had taken responsibility early on for the attack, which killed four Americans.

(Oct. 24, 2012) — On October 20, 2012, The Post & Email published the first part of an interview with Denise Simon, a Senior Research Analyst on Domestic and Foreign Policy for Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret.), a well-known Middle East military and Middle East analyst and commentator.

Ms. Simon had written a two-part article on her observations regarding the events of September 11, 2012 which killed Amb. Christopher Stevens and four specialists working for the State Department in tracking Libyan weapons released after the fall ofMuommar Gaddafi.  Simon contends that “Egypt was a massive protest on 9-11-2012; this was a militia attack of Benghazi operators” on the U.S. consulate.

Ms. Simon’s research can be found at Stand Up AmericaPatriots Duty and Gulag Bound.

In part 1 of our interview, Simon stated that Libya has fallen “into the hands of the jihadists” and that Iran could be influencing Libya.  Iran has been named by the United States as “the most active state sponsor of terrorism.”  Simon has also linked the violence in Libya to the civil war in Syria and found that Syria is now in possession of missiles.  She stated in part 1 that it was likely that thousands of weapons hoarded by Gaddafi had found their way to Syria by way of militant groups throughout Libya.  It is estimated that 30,000 people have been killed or are missing as a result of the upheaval there.

Prior to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, rising violence and attempts to attack the compound had not been reported in the U.S. press.

A recent New York Times article claims that the Obama regime has been negotiating with Iran in “secret exchanges” since Obama took office, but in last night’s final presidential debate, when asked by the moderator if the story were accurate, Obama responded that it was “not true.”

The second half of our interview follows.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Obama involved the U.S. in Libya without congressional approval.  Why do you think he wanted Gaddafi removed?

MS. SIMON:  There’s a lot of speculation, and I can’t tell you for sure, except that Gaddafi was stirring the pot when it came to currency manipulation and oil.  He was selling his oil; obviously he had a lot of oil.  He didn’t want currency; he didn’t want Euros; he didn’t want the U.S. dollar; he wanted gold.  People need the oil.  So we needed to assume control of his oil revenues and exports so we could keep the value of the gold in check. The gold is worth $800 today; people are buying oil for the sake of gold, and tomorrow that gold is now worth $1,500.  So that added to Gaddafi’s wealth.

That looks like the single-plan speculation on why we wanted him removed, but I also have a deep sense that one of the other bigger reasons to have him removed was to allow the movement of The Muslim Brotherhood into Libya.  Gaddafi had kept them at bay, as Mubarak had tried to do.  We cannot dismiss that we effectively got Hosni Mubarak out of there as well.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Mubarak had been a U.S. ally, kept terrorism under control and tolerated Israel, had he not?

MS. SIMON:  He was far beyond tolerant.  He was a true protector in a lot of cases of Israel, which had to worry less about Mubarak than Ahmadinejad or any of the mullahs.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Do you think that the U.S. had a part in the Arab Spring, and if so, what role do you think this country played in it?

MS. SIMON:  By ignoring all the threats and the regime changes and not intervening in that regard and supporting a regime change in Libya and Egypt is our hand in the Arab Spring: to hand it over to The Muslim Brotherhood, and to a large extent, to Iran.  Iran is running completely unchecked now in Iraq.  So the poor decisions or lack of a decision on what was going on when it all started in Tunisia and ended up in Tahrir Square is a failure of the United States and the United Nations.  We just found out within the last two weeks that Syria, and this includes the Assad opposition forces have come into a large ownership of missiles.  If we had addressed Syria early on, as in last year, we could have saved that country, but now, we can’t do it.  Now it is completely infiltrated, and the rebels in Syria are angry at the United States because we did nothing to help them. They wanted, and in some cases still do, to be a true friend of the U.S. and the Western world; they don’t want radical Islamists or true Sharia law.  There is a Muslim Brotherhood, but it’s different there than in some of the other countries.  They wanted to be in charge of their own destiny and would have accepted Israel.  But we’ve done nothing, so they have to fold in with somebody for the sake of “We’re going to get our country back and use whoever we can.”

I can’t eliminate the Gulf States, who were very late to this party as well.  They didn’t care about the Syrians, either.  Russia wants Syria; Iran wants Syria.  North Korea wants Syria.  We have all of the countries that don’t like us and they’re all posturing their power and force in Syria on both sides.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Who do you think will end up taking over Syria?  Are we supplying them with anything that you know of?

MS. SIMON:  We’re allegedly told that we are supplying them with “non-lethal” supplies.  After reading through a lot of open-source material, I have a deep sense that we are giving them weapons, but we’re doing it through the Gulf States, meaningQatar; France, Jordan and Turkey.  But the bigger fallout is this:  tens of thousands of people have left Syria.  Where have they gone?  They’ve gone to Lebanon; they’ve gone to Jordan and Turkey.  We found out recently that there are an estimated 30,000 people missing.  Also, Turkey has called for our formal intervention in Syria, which is due to Qaddafi weapons being in fact shipped to Turkey that make their way to Syrian factions, mostly AQ types.

[Editor’s Note:  Fox News and The Washington Post have reported within the last week that “the Obama administration has participated in the creation of an arms pipeline to Al Qaeda in Syria...a “Fast & Furious” program that is running Saudi and Qatari weapons to our terrorist enemies in the Middle East, and Joe Biden lied about it in the [vice-presidential] debate.”]

Jordan is likely to fall under this pressure.  What does this look like in the next 2-3 years?  Do we have to go through nation-building in Syria if Assad is removed?  Do we have to do nation-building in Jordan should it fall?  We are not gaining anything.  The forecast of this is grimmer today for the United States than it was before.

THE POST & EMAIL:  So you do not call the Arab Spring a success?

MS. SIMON:  There is zero success in the Arab Spring:  zero.  Look at the guy who’s taken over Libya:  Magarief.  Gaddafi hated him and tried to have him killed.  He came to the United States and was here for 30 years.  “OK, we’ve made good friends with him; we’ve recognized him.  Gaddafi’s gone, so you can go back into Libya now and handle things.”  But he can’t handle them.  There are numerous militia groups, and he’s bought them.  With the whole thing happening in Benghazi, he’s saying, “We’ll work to get rid of them.  We’ll throw all of these militias out.”  But they haven’t been thrown out.

[Editor’s Note:  A September 13, 2011 article in the UK Daily Mail reported that the interim Libyan government at the time had declared that “Sharia law” would become the basis to “guide the country” after Gaddafi was deposed.]

THE POST & EMAIL:  The Libyan president said that Benghazi was a terrorist attack almost right away while Obama and his regime were blaming an internet video.  He said it was “planned.”

MS. SIMON:  The video was used for damage control and nothing more.  That was a plot.  There are thousands of anti-Muslim videos on the internet.  It’s the cover-up afterward…and the death of four Americans.  I think there’s a deeper, deeper cover-up here, and that’s really the thing that bothers me.  I can’t get to it:  was the cover-up actually that we were going to turn Libya over to The Muslim Brotherhood? Was it the cover-up of who’s working for whom?  Was it the cover-up that nobody is wanting any kind of diplomatic objective on Libya?  That’s where I am.  Why would Hillary take responsibility for the failure of the State Department?  It’s not her style to do that.

[Editor’s Note:  After more than two weeks, the Obama regime admitted that the Benghazi attack was the work of terrorists, which the CIA station chief in Libya had reportedly asserted  within 24 hours of the event.  However, on October 21, the day before the last presidential debate, a new story quoting an unnamed “U.S. intelligence official” was reported by several mainstream media outlets which combined the video and militants but “no planning” as the cause of the attack.  Severaldifferent explanations have been offered since September 11, the day of the attack on the U.S. consulate.

Following the October 10 hearing, the House Oversight Committee released cables sent by U.S. embassy staff in Tripoli, including those signed by the late Amb. Stevens, which indicated rising extremism and danger in Libya over the prior year with requests for increased security.]  Additional documentation was released by the committee late last week.

An individual who escaped from Libya and was traveling to Syria following the September 11 attack in Benghazi has admitted to being a member of “violent extremist networks” and is being held in Turkey.]

THE POST & EMAIL:  I recall that Lt. Col. Andrew Wood testified on October 10 to the House Oversight Committee that between 10,000 and 20,000 manpads had been released once Gaddafi fell and that he was compelled to speak even if it were at his own peril.

MS. SIMON:  That’s because (Rep.) Dennis Kucinich asked the question, and then Col. Wood responded.  Then Eric Nordstrom said that “the Taliban is inside the building.”

THE POST & EMAIL:  What do you think Nordstrom meant by that?

MS. SIMON:  Inside the State Department.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Do you think that Nordstrom was saying that there are people inside the State Department working with The Muslim Brotherhood against the United States?

MS. SIMON:  They are.  They clearly are.  We have three Muslim Brotherhood members working in the White House; there are Muslim Brotherhood inside the State Department; there are Muslim Brotherhood working in the Department of Defense.  There is no denial of that; it is absolutely a fact.  The problem is that it all comes down to Muslim sensibilities.  The other thing that was revealed in that congressional testimony is that we were the last flag standing.  That tells you that everybody else felt that “This isn’t worth our treasure and time; we’re getting out of Libya.”  But the United States said, “No, we’re good; we’re going to stay here,” and we are, in fact, the last flag standing.

The sad part about that is that we didn’t have any true security.  Blue Mountain, the contracting company that was supposed to supply security, did what they were told to do in the letter of the contract.  But it tells us that the people who were assigned by Blue Mountain in Benghazi were nothing more than Wal-Mart greeters.  They had no weapons.  They provided only building maintenance, if you will, and transportation; they were drivers.  They were paid less than $5.00/hour.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Why do you think the State Department agreed to such an arrangement?

MS. SIMON:  Because we don’t want to offend any of the Muslims.  We don’t want to put a flag out there; we don’t want to have armed security people saying to the Libyans or anyone else in the Middle East that “We are offended” and “We feel we are a threat by any outside force.”  So we don’t have the Marines here; we’re not walking around with M-16s and other weapons.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Even though they may have been needed?

MS. SIMON:  There’s no question they were needed.  The entire year’s-worth of events in Libya tells us that they were needed.  Not only did we need Marines’ we probably needed a lot more humans on the ground.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Do you think Amb. Stevens was aware that security was kept “artificially low” purposely?  Might he have thought that there was something strange about his being denied additional security?

MS. SIMON:   Amb. Stevens had a long career working in the Middle East.  He had made some good contacts and good friends.  I think he was particularly chosen to be the ambassador there because of those contacts.  They were good contacts in his world and the Obama world, but they weren’t good contacts for the safety and the trust of the United States having a footprint in the Middle East, certainly in Libya.

I listened to an interview that he had given to some people in the press about a year ago, and he was very up-front, very articulate, very well-versed, very insightful, and very current.  But personally, I think he was on a fool’s mission thinking that they could deal diplomatically with coffee and crumpets at the table and make nice with these people.  Clearly, that is what the Obama administration thinks they can do, and it hasn’t worked.  We’ve extended the olive branch by the tonnage, and it hasn’t gotten us anywhere because this administration is not being honest about what an Islamic Caliphate wants.  They all hate us, and we cannot get by that.  So the rules of engagement, whether it be at the ambassador level or the lower levels, have all been altered up.  Let’s all play “nice-nice.”  He tried that with Ahmadinejad several times, and Ahmadinejad is laughing at us.

THE POST & EMAIL:  In the vice-residential debate, Joe Biden said that Iran is not close to being able to deliver a nuclear weapon…but why does he want to wait?

MS. SIMON:  It’s not only “Why wait?”  It goes much deeper than that.  Joe Biden clearly has not paid any attention to any of the IAEA reports.  They have enough fissure material; they already have enough weaponized systems.  The thing now is having more quantity for more weaponized systems.  Israel would not take all the proactive measures they have taken to stop and slow down Iran if it weren’t an imminent threat, “imminent” meaning days, months or weeks.  Israel wasn’t going to tolerate that same kind of agenda in Syria and Israel bombed their nuclear facility.  They’re just not going to do that.

There are other countries over there that we’re not paying enough attention to, but Israel is.  One is Kuwait, and one is Azerbaijan.  The UAE.  If we do the right thing with theses countries and show force, they will bend and come over to our side.  But right now, that’s not the case.  What Israel is doing certainly is for Israel, but not only for Israel.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Do you think there is anything else underlying the Obama regime’s approach to the Middle East?

MS. SIMON:  If you look at The Muslim Brotherhood history here in the United States, they actually came in to the U.S. in the 1960s and established an office and a presence in Chicago.  If you look at who in Chicago – and you can look at some of the players in the Chicago Commerce Clause – if you look at some of the people and some of the deals that have been cut by Mayor Daley and all of the other people – let’s face it:  Gaddafi had business deals with Louis Farrakhan.  So this tells you that they have some deep loyalty or they are marching to certain orders demanded of them by The Muslim Brotherhood.  I think now at this point, for their own safety, they have to appease every demand of The Muslim Brotherhood, whether they like it or not.  The Arab footprint in Chicago and Illinois is massive; it’s actually much worse than it is in Michigan.  I think there is a very long history of that.

THE POST & EMAIL:  How about Obama’s apparent sympathy with the Muslim world?

MS. SIMON:  Not only is he sympathetic; he is pro-agenda.  There are too many indicators.  When you take out any reference to Islam or the Muslim faith from training materials that the FBI uses; the fact that we have changed the Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan; the fact that Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley was removed from the Joint Forces Staff College for teaching an Islamic course that he didn’t design…that was not his syllabus; that syllabus was there before he got there.  So what has happened is that this entire administration, including Dempsey, including Panetta, including and Hillary and the National Security Council – they have all become overly sensitive, to the point most recently that we bought a $70,000 ad that both Hillary and Obama were in and played it in Pakistan saying that we embrace all faiths and that’s what America was founded on…

THE POST & EMAIL:  Who paid for that?

MS. SIMON:  The taxpayers.  Another thing that is a topic for another day is that this administration continues to support the Palestinians, which is another problem.  I would also submit the name “Samantha Power.”  Samantha Power is completely anti-Israel and works as a senior staff person for the National Security Council.  She was part of the Obama transition team and the Obama 2008 campaign and is still there.  She’s married to Cass Sunstein.

THE POST & EMAIL:  Do you think that Ambassador Stevens and the other three were specifically targeted for murder?

MS. SIMON:  I don’t think that they were targeted, but I think their objective, their mission was what was targeted as well as to get the United States out of Libya.  If you look at how many attacks we have had in Libya just in the last year, it was sending a clear message:  “All you Westerners, including Britain, get out, including the Red Cross.”  I did mention in my piece that Sean Smith – and Hillary was the one who actually pointed this out to me when she gave that talk in front of the four flag-draped caskets – was a gamer.  In the gaming world, after 9/11 and when we decided that we weren’t going to get caught any more in this, he found out at the end of the Clinton administration that there was a massive wall between the FBI and the CIA.  So he had to work not only to take down that wall, but we also had very antiquated systems.  That’s the reason that we ended up with the Patriot Act; that’s the reason that we ended up with a lot of the technology that they had to employ to start scratching this nonsense.  Once the NSA was going to the telecommunications companies and working with them to track all cell phone traffic, email traffic, and text traffic back to the U.S. so we could analyze it, don’t think that our enemies didn’t know that.  So what did they do?  They all altered their communications methods.  They all went back to couriers, carrier pigeons, and thumb drives.  They also would pass out a password and craft an email, but they would never click on the email to send it; it would always sit there in a draft.  So it never flew across the email corridor.  Then, these people could and sign in and go look at that draft.

The other piece is this:  they started using video games because they can say and operate and type and play true jihad going completely unfettered and unchecked in the gaming world.  You can hide documents in those.  So when Hillary said that Sean Smith was a gamer, I knew immediately what he was doing.  Now we have a problem.  In the last two or three years we’ve had a massive problem that we want to address:  cyber security, because we’re in a cyber war.  We have people working in those gaming rooms to find out whatever we can.  We’re in an information vortex; we don’t have enough analysts.  We don’t have enough people connecting all of the dots to come up with a true conclusion and hand it off to the CIA top guy so they can put it in an PED.

THE POST & EMAIL:  But Sean Smith was one of them?

MS. SIMON:  Absolutely.  Going back to your question, I truly believe that the jihadists – the Ansar al-Sharia, the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, the Rahman Brigade – knew that they were being tracked.  So was Amb. Stevens the target?  I don’t think that he was specifically the target; it could have been anyone.  The target was “We don’t want you watching us anymore.  We don’t want you to know where these weapons are going.  We don’t want you to know who of us has these weapons.

THE POST & EMAIL:  “We want you to leave.”

MS. SIMON:  Exactly right.  We were the last people there, and we broadcasted our presence, but we didn’t put any security there.  We did not have enough human intelligence on the ground.  We may have had it in Tripoli, but we didn’t have it in Benghazi.

THE POST & EMAIL:  We may not have it in other parts of the world where Americans are.

MS. SIMON:  We certainly don’t have it in Pakistan.

Editor’s Note:  Ms. Simon told us that she often works ten hours a day for Stand Up America.  “In doing so, I come across a lot of things where I start seeing a pattern and where dots need to be connected.  The real watch-point for me to write the two pieces on Benghazi was when Hillary spoke about Sean Smith being a gamer.  That’s what set me off.  I said, ‘There’s way, way too much to this not to dig in to it,’” she said.  “It’s a bigger thing than just blaming it on a video and having this administration lie to us.  They can lie to us, but what are the lies truly covering up?  I’m just trying to get some clues about what they’re covering up, but I don’t think I’ve hit it all.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following article and/or blog post relates to and/or supports the above article and/or blog post-You Decide: 


Why They Love Usama, Hate Obama, and How Obama Uses the Same Tactic at Home!-Posted on The Lid-By Barry Rubin-On October 7, 2012:

"Why are tens of thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims chanting about how much they love Usama bin Ladin and how much they hate Barack (Hussein) Obama?

Simple. Because bin Ladin was a Muslim and an Arab (for the Arab demonstrators) and thus he was one of their people, someone from their side, whatever tactical disagreements they might have had with him. And Obama isn’t. No amount of groveling, apology, or money will change that fact. Isn’t that clear?

I should quickly add that many Muslims don’t support the Islamists. In elections in Libya and Tunisia, a majority voted for non-Islamist parties. Even in Egypt when the showdown came in the presidential election the Muslim Brotherhood candidate won by only a narrow margin. Most Lebanese don’t support the Islamists (the main force of which is Hizballah, a Shia group). There are, of course, plenty of Islamists and they have lots of sympathizers. They can cite chapter and verse from Islamic holy texts.

Yet that doesn’t make all Muslims supporters of revolutionary Islamism or advocates of Shia totalitarian states, no matter how many times people who are ignorant about Islam and the Middle East run their little rants. Those rants are just as false as the “Islam is a religion of peace” nonsense.

But that’s not my point here. The key element for this article is this:

When solidarity along group lines takes priority and the line is that all of “us” must unite against the “other” no matter what truth, logic, or justice dictates then that means serious trouble.

Well, guess what? That is the line of the Obama Administration and its Newest Left supporters. All African-Americans should support the regime because Obama is black and anyone opposing him is a racist. All “Hispanics” should support the president because he really wants open borders and the turning of all illegal immigrants into citizens, while everyone else is a racist.

All women should support the ruling group and leftist ideology because it wants to give them free birth control and anyone on the other side hates women. And everyone who receives a government check has to support the regime or someone might take away their check. Actually what’s most likely to take away their check is the bankruptcy of the programs due to over-spending.

In other words, the dominant forces in the mass media and academia and the current government and their supporters are tearing America apart by inciting interest groups to hate each other, make war on each other, and give loyalty primarily to their group no questions asked.

And this is precisely the kind of thing that makes Middle Eastern Muslims who even if they were Islamists—like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist groups—hated bin Ladin when he was alive opportunistically turn him into a martyr. The creation of a hysterical mob mentality for political gain is not restricted to the Middle East.”

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest book, Israel: An Introduction, has just been published b... Other recent books include The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). The website of the GLORIA Center  and of his blog, Rubin Reports. His original articles are published at PJMedia.


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following updated blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:  




Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


Arming Our Enemies!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Just Happened!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!




Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?


Federal judge confirms CAIR is Hamas!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


What wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On October 24, 2012:

“It’s no secret that civil rights groups are running short of civil rights issues. The NAACP is outdated as its name and there’s only so much time that it can spend fundraising off its ancient history. The NAACP has drifted so far off its mission that its advocacy programs include promoting gay marriage, fighting obesity and pushing global warming. In ten years the NAACP will be indistinguishable from every other liberal group pushing the same exact causes with the same exact talking points.

The NAACP is so terminally unhip that Obama skipped it this election cycle, passing it up for the Urban League, while sending noted civil rights hero, Joe Biden in his place. The average age of an NAACP member is 58. The average age of an AARP member is 64 making it only slightly older than the NAACP.

The NAACP runs constant deficits and has been shutting down branches. Its membership numbers were a closely guarded secret for a long time. Confidential documents estimated that the group was down to 178,000 in the 1980s. Despite claims otherwise, it’s probably even lower now. With numbers like that the NAACP will stop existing in twenty years and everyone, including its leaders and its allies, know that it’s only a matter of time before its national headquarters at Mt. Hope Drive gives up hope and shuts its doors.

The only reason that anyone in the Democratic Party still pays attention to the NAACP is voter turnout. In the last few years, the NAACP has shamelessly mortgaged its history to vocally defend voter fraud and attack any voter ID measure as the return of the firehoses and colored water fountains. While the NAACP required a photo ID to access its convention, asking as much of the voter was held to be just as bad as segregation, slavery and Spike Lee movies.

The Voter ID argument has cemented the NAACP’s status as a dusty trophy on the back shelf of liberalism. The Urban League is better for fundraising and Sharpton’s National Action Network has the better organization. All that the NAACP is good for is being taken out once a year to denounce any attempt at preventing the “Vote Early, Vote Often” election strategy of Chicago politics.

The NAACP’s most successful president, Walter Francis White, had blue eyes and blond hair. That gave him something in common with the NAACP which exists only because white people recognize the brand and accept its moral authority on completely absurd issues.  And so unsatisfied with just getting the dead to vote, the most recognized and most irrelevant civil rights organization in America turned its attention to helping their murderers vote too.

Taking their case to the United Nations, the NAACP protested that disenfranchising 2 million African-Americans out of 5.3 million felons constituted a crime against humanity. NAACP Senior Vice President for Advocacy Hilary Shelton insisted that disenfranchising felons “prevent those most in need of an advocate from the ability to elect someone who will represent their concerns.” And without the franchise, how will felons register their concerns about the dangers of gun ownership and their noise complaints about excessively loud burglar alarms?

NAACP President Ben Jealous, a man who never misses an opportunity to say something completely incomprehensible in public, kicked off the campaign by proclaiming, “It’s easy to do dirt in the dark.  It’s harder to do dirt in the light.” By that Jealous probably wasn’t referring to the dirt that the murderers, rapists and muggers he’s fighting for did. He meant the dirty deed of taking away their right to vote for Congressmen who would deprive their potential victims of their right to bear arms.

But is any politician out there really as low and dirty as to get down in the mud and compete for the serial rapist vote? There’s no competition because one candidate already has the robber, rapist and mugger vote all wrapped up.

After Governor Charlie Crist enabled felon voting in Florida, Obama ran a “You Can Vote Too” registration drive for the child molester who still hadn’t been told that he could cast his ballot for Hope and Change. With between 250,000 and 500,000 new murderer, robber and rapist votes in play, the bludgeoner ballots probably accounted for Obama’s 200,000 vote win in Florida.

The NAACP has targeted Florida governor Rick Scott for reversing Crist’s Votes-for-Arsonists, and their felon voting campaign is backed by the usual ideal public faces of felons who are now wonderful people and have singlehandedly made the world a better place. Or at least that’s what their bios claim. But felon voting isn’t about letting ideally rehabilitated criminals vote. It’s about letting all criminals vote.

In Ohio, Eletrice Harris, an Obama staff member reminds volunteers to target the criminal vote. “We want to remind you that felons can vote – past felons, current, waiting-to-be-sentenced. We need to get them registered because if they are not incarcerated on November the 6th, they can vote.” It doesn’t matter if they killed in the past, if they’re waiting around to be convicted of a murder of if they’re killing with one hand while voting with the other—Obama wants their votes.

The NAACP is just the front for a voter recruitment drive among the dregs of society, and for once we aren’t talking about lawyers. In Virginia, the Advancement Project is trying to put as many crooks and criminals back in good graces with the voting booth as possible. Like all good things in life, the Advancement Project is backed by George Soros. While professional groups like the Advancement Project do the heavy lifting, the NAACP lends its name to yet another corrupt perversion of its history.

The states that the NAACP is focusing its Get-Out-the-Murderer Vote campaign on just happen to be swing states. There’s Iowa, Florida, Virginia and North Carolina; swing states whose felon voting rights the NAACP happened to take an interest in before the election. This isn’t about voting rights, it’s about voting results. And signing up murderers is the NAACP’s last resort after exhausting the population of local cemeteries where their buried murder victims always vote Democrat.”



Guilford Co. NC Voters Say Ballot Cast for Romney Came up Obama on ...!-Posted on InfoWars-By Adan Salazar, October 24, 2012:


Voting Machines Calibrate Vote for Obama instead of Romney!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 24, 2012:


Obama campaign staffer caught helping activist vote twice!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle-On October 10, 2012:


Voter Fraud Allegations Surface Again in Florida!-Posted on Townhall-By Kevin Glass, Managing Editor, October 5, 2012:


Obama’s Military Voter Suppression Campaign!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On September 12, 2012:’s-military-voter-s...


Half of US Military Bases Around the World Lack Voting Facilities!-Posted on The New Media Journal-By Washington Times-On September 6, 2012:


IS THIS HOW OBAMA WILL STEAL ELECTION? ‘This quiet push would make citizens in dozens of states irrelevant!’-Posted on August 8, 2012:


Obama’s Drive to Disenfranchise Soldiers!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On August 6, 2012:’s-ugly-drive-to-di...


Video: Obama Tries To Disenfranchise Our Troops!-Posted on Big Government-By MIKE FLYNN-On August 2, 2012:


Illegal Aliens CAN Vote, Military CAN’T?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 7, 2012:


(Aug. 7, 2012) — Why is the Obama Campaign trying to disenfranchise military votes and at the same time, trying to make sure that illegal aliens remain on state voter rolls? Why are both political parties pandering for the Latino vote? Can illegal aliens vote now? The answer is yes, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

As Obama’s so-called Department of Justice sues numerous states to block military votes from being counted in the upcoming November election, they are also suing states to keep them from purging known illegal voters from voter registration files.

Just in case you needed iron-clad proof that Obama’s Democrat Party is as anti-American as Stalin’s Russia, this should do it for you. Directing the DOJ to use all of its power to block the vote of men and women who pay with their blood for every right to vote, while at the same time demanding that people not even in the U.S.A. legally, have their votes counted. That should cover any questions you might still have about Obama’s anti-American agenda for change.

And as usual, the good ole ACLU is engaged in protecting the illegal alien vote, but they are nowhere to be found in the fight to protect the military vote. There’s no link for the ACLU defense of the military vote, sorry.

How much more do the American people really need to see?

If you think this is a new strategy from Democrats, think again. Most people remember when Al Gore tried to keep recounting Florida hanging chads until he could defeat George W. Bush in 2000. What they might not remember, is the Gore campaign also tried to disenfranchise the overseas Military vote while counting those hanging chads. They may not remember it because the American press failed to report it and unless you read foreign news publications like the London Telegraph, you wouldn’t know.

In 2004, confirmed traitor John Kerry (D) was under attack from fellow “Swift Boat Vets” and he too, tried to make sure the military vote was squashed in his bid to unseat George W. Bush.

For decades, the Military vote has trended heavily in favor of Republicans with up to 80% of active duty soldiers supporting the Party with a history of supporting them, the Republican Party. Even after Democrat efforts to dismantle or at least weaken the Military, almost 70% have voted Republican in recent elections, Bush 64% – Kerry 15% —- McCain 66% – Obama 25%.

That’s all you need to know when asking why Democrats want to disenfranchise the Military vote. Soldiers don’t vote for anti-American Marxists…

We also know why Democrats pander for the Latino vote, even mandating temporary Amnesty for Illegals from the Oval Office ahead of the election, when members of congress know better than to support Amnesty for Illegals ahead of the election.

But why are Republicans also pandering for the illegal alien vote? Yes, not just the Latino vote, but the illegal alien vote…

YES, Illegal aliens CAN vote in our elections, illegally, of course. But who cares about the law these days?

First, the government refuses to enforce our existing immigration laws, or even allow Border States like Arizona to enforce those laws in their own states.

Second, because our federal government has allowed millions of illegal aliens to take up residence in the United States and the 14th Amendment is interpreted as a fast-track to citizenship via so-called “anchor baby” statutes, many states are issuingdriver’s licenses to illegal aliens so that they can obtain auto insurance.

With a 14th Amendment birth certificate and a photo I.D., such as a driver’s license, they can register to vote.

In addition, Democrat Motor-Voter laws make it possible for illegal voters of all types, illegal aliens, felon voters, dead voters, duplicate voters, etc., to register and vote on the same day, before anyone can even begin to verify the credentials of the newly registered.

According to Democrats, “Republicans want to disenfranchise Democrat voters.” In reality, American taxpayers want to disenfranchise people who are not legally eligible to vote in our elections to begin with.

The only voters Democrats want to disenfranchise are members of our Military, who pay for every American right to vote with their blood. You can’t make up insane stuff like this and you can’t get any more Un-American than this.

Before American taxpayers can even hope to win the November election or save their Constitutional Republic, they will have to secure the integrity of the election itself. To do that, they must address at least four high priority items in every local community and they have very little time to do it.

1.     Make sure that EVERY Military vote is counted in every district

2.    Make sure that NO illegal aliens are voting anywhere in the nation

3.    Make sure that NO unconstitutional candidate ends up on the ballot with Romney

4.    Unify and galvanize voters to remove Obama-Clinton from office at any cost

Unless patriotic Americans engage at their local level to make sure the November election is as legitimate as possible, there is no chance they can defeat the unethical and illegal acts of Democrats in 2012 or any time after.

You can work with and on behalf of the Military at Veteran Defenders of America, and with other American Patriots at The Patriots Union.

Unite with others to fight these evils, or there is no way to win…”


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following websites reveal that George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) — has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros and one of those organizations is Project Vote, which is the voter-mobilization arm of the notoriously corrupt ACORN, whose voter-registration drives and get-out-the-vote initiatives have been marred by massive levels of fraud and corruption, along with President Obama’s ties-You Decide:


I. Guide to the George Soros Network:

II. Project Vote:

III. Obama’s ties with voter fraud!-Posted on Russ Jones, OneNewsNow-On December 1, 2011:

4063359777?profile=originalNote The following websites and article and/or blog post reveal George Soros’s Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and register new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections to Democrats (Progressives) in all 50 states-You Decide:


I. George Soros’s Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!-Posted on

II. Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF)!-Posted on

III. George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On July 1, 2011:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following website and article and/or blog post reveal that George Soros funds Leftist foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye-You Decide:


I. George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and OrganizationsThatDominate Field of Election Laws!-Posted on

II. The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By J. Christian Adams-On August 12, 2011:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following recent blog posts relate to and/or further support the above articles and/or blog posts, websites and videos-You Decide: 

Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


WILL WE THE PEOPLE ALLOW A CRIMINAL SYNDICATE TO STAY IN POWER?-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On October 8, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Alleged Illegal Credit Card Solicitations and Donations To President and Capitol Hill From Un-Secure Overseas Accounts!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 8, 2012:


Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Regarding Alleged Illegal Credit Card Solicitations and Donations To President and Capitol Hill From Un-Secure Overseas Accounts!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 8, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video is extremely appropriate today:



The Fightin Side of Me!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Someone Needs To Be Locked Up!-You Decide:

Posted on The Blaze-By Erica Ritz-On October 24, 2012:

“Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such [a] spectacular fashion that I believe people will go to prison.  This is impeachable.  The president might go to prison for this one,” he said.  “What’s happening in Benghazi is so far beyond lying, it is staggering.”

While politicians are known for twisting words into half truths, Beck added that has never seen an administration persist in such a boldfaced lie when American lives are at stake, or seen a media so content to let it slide.

He continued, going over the newly-released documents that prove the administration was alerted to what was really happening in Libya before spinning a story about a YouTube video:

Now we have [the] beginning of the truth on Benghazi.  Five days into the Benghazi scandal, when no one was saying anything, I presented a theory…I told you that [Ambassador Stevens] was involved in running guns, and he was running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya, and he was running guns through Turkey into Syria.  And whether it was a deal that went bad, I don’t know, but that’s what happened.  And the White House knew…And while everyone else was arguing about whether it was a videotape or not, we were furthering the story.

Today we have evidence that is staggering.  We now have a memo posted [at] TheBlaze…to the White House two hoursafter the attacks began.  Last night on the TV show I laid it out again…exactly what happened, when.  At 1:00, or 12:54 in the afternoon on September 11, the White House was warned that somebody was watching the Benghazi safe house– and so you know, do not let any member of the press get away with calling this an embassy safe house.  It is not.  It was a CIA safe house.  Now why, in the most dangerous place in one of the most dangerous parts of the world, on Sept. 11…why would he be at a CIA safe house? …We now know he was having dinner with the general counsel of Turkey. [Emphasis added]

Beck reminded that it has been widely reported that President Obama has a close relationship with the Turkish prime minister, before continuing:

An hour after that, the Turkish ambassador leaves through the front door and the front gate, unmolested.  Now you tell me– why was the Turkish general counsel there?  …Why was it so important on Sept. 11 to go to the most dangerous city, into a CIA safe house?

An hour after he leaves, the fight begins.  We now know that the White House– somebody, the military, somebody, sent a drone.  So there was a live video feed of what was going on.  They’re watching it in the State Department, they’re watching it at the Pentagon, they’re watching it at Langley, and they’re watching it in the Situation Room.  At 5:00 in the afternoon, Leon Panetta has a meeting with the president of the United States.  The first email comes at 4:05.  So the Secretary of Defense arrives at the White House to have a meeting with the president 55 minutes after the Situation Room and everybody else gets an email saying, ‘Libya, the safe house is under attack.”  [Emphasis added]


Beck proceeded to read several more emails explaining how our personnel in Benghazi were missing and under attack, before he got to one timestamped at 6:07.  According to the memo, Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack and– though he isn’t sure– Beck said it’s possible that Ansar al-Sharia was one of the groups that we gave arms and funding to during the war to overthrow Gaddhafi.

This is why the White House covered, because our ambassador was killed by [guys] we were running guns to, and we are stillrunning guns today.”

He then read an international report from Russia Today saying U.S. Stinger Missiles are in the hands of Syrian rebels, adding that the New York Times has also reported that we are using the Muslim Brotherhood to arm the rebels in Syria.

Beck concluded the segment:

“This president is on the wrong side.  It is so crystal clear.  You can at this point begin to make a case for treason, but let’s just take it one step at a time.  The President of the United States of America, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State have all lied to you.  They lied to you and said, ‘this might be a video, we don’t have all the information, the information is still sketchy, it’s confusing,’…We now have the documents that came into the Situation Room saying, ‘There’s an attack, they’re watching.’  Then, we have the documents that we had a live video feed in the Situation Room, so they could see that there was no protest.  Then there are the documents– and there’s now 13, with this new one– there’s now 13 different documents saying it’s a terrorist attack, and here’s the group that’s doing it.  And they lied to you.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the newly-released emails by saying there was “all sorts of information” coming in at the time.

Watch the entire clip, via TheBlaze TV, below:



4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and or support this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


State Department emails from day of Libya attack show Al Qaeda-tied group on radar!-Posted on Chad Pergram-On October 24, 2012:

“A series of internal State Department emails obtained by Fox News shows that officials reported within hours of last month’s deadly consulate attack in Libya that Al Qaeda-tied group Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility.

The emails provide some of the most detailed information yet about what officials knew in the initial hours after the attack. And it again raises questions about why U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, apparently based on intelligence assessments, would claim five days after the attack that it was a “spontaneous” reaction to protests over an anti-Islam film.

Ansar al-Sharia has been declared by the State Department to be an Al Qaeda-affiliated group. A member of the group suspected of participating in the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi has been arrested and is being held in Tunisia.

The emails obtained by Fox News were sent by the State Department to a variety of national security platforms, whose addresses have been redacted, including the White House Situation Room, the Pentagon, the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence.

Fox News was told that an estimated 300 to 400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. People who received these emails work directly under the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials, Fox News was told.

The timestamps on the emails are all Eastern Time and often include the subheading SBU, which is shorthand for “Sensitive But Unclassified.”

The third email came at 6:07 p.m. ET and was sent to a different email list but still includes the White House Situation Room address and a subject line of “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU).”

“Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli,” the email reads.

Earlier emails did not go into who might have been responsible for the attack.

The first email indicates that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and other personnel were “in the compound safe haven.” Officials later discovered that Stevens and three other Americans had died in the attack.

The first email was sent at 4:05 p.m. ET with the subject line: “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack (SBU).”

“The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack,” the email reads. “Embassy Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.

“The operations Center will provide updates as available.”

The second email came at 4:54 p.m. ET, with a subject line: “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi (SBU)”

“Embassy Tripoli reports the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound has been cleared. A response team is on site attempting to locate COM personnel.”

The emails on the day of the attack further challenge not only the initial statements made by administration officials like Rice about the strike, but also recent claims that they were only basing those statements on the intelligence they had at the time. 

State Department official Patrick Kennedy recently testified to Congress that anyone in Rice’s position would have made the same statements about the attack being spontaneous. 

But the newly uncovered emails clearly state the involvement of a militant group whose agenda is to establish an Islamic state in eastern Libya. 

Despite this, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney backed up Rice on Sept. 18. He said: “Based on information that we—our initial information ... we saw no evidence to back up claims by others that this was a preplanned or premeditated attack; that we saw evidence that it was sparked by the reaction to this video.” Carney went on to say “that is what we know” based on “concrete evidence, not supposition.”



New info about suspect connected to Libya attack!-Posted on October 24, 2012:

“A series of internal State Department emails obtained by Fox News shows that officials reported within hours of last month’s deadly consulate attack in Libya that Al Qaeda-tied group Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility.

The emails provide some of the most detailed information yet about what officials knew in the initial hours after the attack. And it again raises questions about why U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, apparently based on intelligence assessments, would claim five days after the attack that it was a “spontaneous” reaction to protests over an anti-Islam film.

Ansar al-Sharia has been declared by the State Department to be an Al Qaeda-affiliated group. A member of the group suspected of participating in the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi has been arrested and is being held in Tunisia.

The emails obtained by Fox News were sent by the State Department to a variety of national security platforms, whose addresses have been redacted, including the White House Situation Room, the Pentagon, the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence.

Fox News was told that an estimated 300 to 400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. People who received these emails work directly under the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials, Fox News was told.

The timestamps on the emails are all Eastern Time and often include the subheading SBU, which is shorthand for “Sensitive But Unclassified.”

The third email came at 6:07 p.m. ET and was sent to a different email list but still includes the White House Situation Room address and a subject line of “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU).”

“Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli,” the email reads.

Earlier emails did not go into who might have been responsible for the attack.

The first email indicates that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and other personnel were “in the compound safe haven.” Officials later discovered that Stevens and three other Americans had died in the attack.

The first email was sent at 4:05 p.m. ET with the subject line: “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack (SBU).”

“The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack,” the email reads. “Embassy Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.

“The operations Center will provide updates as available.”

The second email came at 4:54 p.m. ET, with a subject line: “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi (SBU)”

“Embassy Tripoli reports the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound has been cleared. A response team is on site attempting to locate COM personnel.”

The emails on the day of the attack further challenge not only the initial statements made by administration officials like Rice about the strike, but also recent claims that they were only basing those statements on the intelligence they had at the time. 

State Department official Patrick Kennedy recently testified to Congress that anyone in Rice’s position would have made the same statements about the attack being spontaneous. 

But the newly uncovered emails clearly state the involvement of a militant group whose agenda is to establish an Islamic state in eastern Libya. 

Despite this, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney backed up Rice on Sept. 18. He said: “Based on information that we—our initial information ... we saw no evidence to back up claims by others that this was a preplanned or premeditated attack; that we saw evidence that it was sparked by the reaction to this video.” Carney went on to say “that is what we know” based on “concrete evidence, not supposition.”



White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails!-Posted on Yahoo! News-By Mark Hosenball | Reuters-On October 23, 2012: 

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the Benghazi assault, which President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials ultimately acknowledged was a “terrorist” attack carried out by militants with suspected links to al Qaeda affiliates or sympathizers.

Administration spokesmen, including White House spokesman Jay Carney, citing an unclassified assessment prepared by the CIA, maintained for days that the attacks likely were a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim film.

[Related: Benghazi suspect held in Tunisia]

While officials did mention the possible involvement of “extremists,” they did not lay blame on any specific militant groups or possible links to al Qaeda or its affiliates until intelligence officials publicly alleged that on September 28.

There were indications that extremists with possible al Qaeda connections were involved, but also evidence that the attacks could have erupted spontaneously, they said, adding that government experts wanted to be cautious about pointing fingers prematurely.

U.S. intelligence officials have emphasized since shortly after the attack that early intelligence reporting about the attack was mixed.

Spokesmen for the White House and State Department had no immediate response to requests for comments on the emails.


The records obtained by Reuters consist of three emails dispatched by the State Department’s Operations Center to multiple government offices, including addresses at the White House, Pentagon, intelligence community and FBI, on the afternoon of September 11.

The first email, timed at 4:05 p.m. Washington time - or 10:05 p.m. Benghazi time, 20-30 minutes after the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission allegedly began - carried the subject line “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack” and the notation “SBU”, meaning “Sensitive But Unclassified.”

The text said the State Department’s regional security office had reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was “under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well.”

[Related: Holiday truce in Syria]

The message continued: “Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four ... personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.”

A second email, headed “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi” and timed 4:54 p.m. Washington time, said that the Embassy in Tripoli had reported that “the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared.” It said a “response team” was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.

A third email, also marked SBU and sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time, carried the subject line: “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack.”

The message reported: “Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”

While some information identifying recipients of this message was redacted from copies of the messages obtained by Reuters, a government source said that one of the addresses to which the message was sent was the White House Situation Room, the president’s secure command post.

Other addressees included intelligence and military units as well as one used by the FBI command center, the source said.

It was not known what other messages were received by agencies in Washington from Libya that day about who might have been behind the attacks.

Intelligence experts caution that initial reports from the scene of any attack or disaster are often inaccurate.

By the morning of September 12, the day after the Benghazi attack, Reuters reported that there were indications that members of both Ansar al-Sharia, a militia based in the Benghazi area, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the North African affiliate of al Qaeda’s faltering central command, may have been involved in organizing the attacks.

One U.S. intelligence official said that during the first classified briefing about Benghazi given to members of Congress, officials “carefully laid out the full range of sparsely available information, relying on the best analysis available at the time.”

The official added, however, that the initial analysis of the attack that was presented to legislators was mixed.

“Briefers said extremists were involved in attacks that appeared spontaneous, there may have been a variety of motivating factors, and possible links to groups such as (al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Ansar al-Sharia) were being looked at closely,” the official said.”




“Is the man the Obama administration appointed on October 4 as key investigator for the terror attacks in Benghazi an Islamist-sympathizer? According to recently published reports, the new chairman of a State Department’s “Accountability Review Board,” which is heading the federal investigation into the Benghazi terror attacks, has been accused of being an “apologist for Islamic terrorism who has a cozy relationship with Iran.”

What’s more, the man in question — former Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering — has documented ties with the controversial group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR, of course, is a documented Muslim Brotherhood affiliate and was named unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trial — the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history.

To make matters worse, Pickering is also co-chairman of the board of George Soros’ International Crisis Group who has ties to other Islamic organizations as well, including the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which has been described as pro-Iran “front group.”

NIAC lost what Matthew Vadum at FrontPageMag describes as ”an important defamation case in federal court last month in which it unsuccessfully argued the group was not a tool of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Pickering, who is a member of NIAC’s advisory board, formerly served as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (1997 to 2000). He was featured in a report “Rise of the Iran Lobby,” by former CIA officer Clare M. Lopez, who was recently featured on the Glenn Beck Program to discuss the motivations behind the terror-attacks on the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi.

Pickering’s Islamic-connections came to light after a report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism was published, exposing what it called the “scores” of established, radical Islamists who met with senior administration officials over the course of hundreds of White House visits.

“Ambassador Pickering’s positions on Iran include calls for bilateral talks without preconditions and a plan for a multinational uranium enrichment consortium in Iran,” Lopez wrote.

As noted by Vadum, Pickering was, as of Tuesday evening, poised to participate in a panel discussion at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on “what role the faith community can play in fighting Islamophobia.”  Along with Pickering, the discussion featured Arab American Institute president James J. Zogby, American Association for Muslim Advancement executive director Daisy Khan, and her husband, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who serves as chairman of the Cordoba Initiative. Vadum characterized Khan and Rauf as “prime movers behind the proposal to build a mosque near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan.” Further, he notes:

Khan is known for her over-the-top attacks on those who question the wisdom of building a Muslim holy site so close to the place where nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in an Islamist attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

Asked in 2010 if America was “Islamophobic,” Khan replied that “It’s not even Islamophobia, it’s beyond Islamophobia — it’s hate of Muslims,” she said.

Meanwhile Soros-funded organizations including the International Crisis Group are tirelessly working to champion the defeat of America’s alleged xenophobic bent and rampant Islamophobia. Perhaps there are no coincidences.”



Obama’s Benghazi Investigator: An Iran Sympathizer!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On October 24, 2012:

“The freshly appointed chairman of a federal investigation into the Benghazi massacre is an apologist for Islamic terrorism who has a cozy relationship with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

And to add insult to injury, at press time Tuesday evening the chairman of this new State Department panel, former Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering, was poised to participate in a panel discussion at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on “what role the faith community can play in fighting Islamophobia.”

The news comes on the heels of a new report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism that found that “scores” of known radical Islamists met with senior Obama administration officials during hundreds of visits to the White House.

Pickering’s appointment as probe chairman was announced in the Federal Register on October 4. The State Department “Accountability Review Board” headed by Pickering is tasked with examining the circumstances surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, information management officer Sean Smith, and security personnel Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

The problem is that Pickering has ties to the pro-Iran Islamist front group known as the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). NIAC lost an important defamation case in federal court last month in which it unsuccessfully argued the group was not a tool of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Pickering is a member of the advisory board of NIAC. He was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 1997 through the end of 2000, according to a 2009 report titled “Rise of the Iran Lobby,” by Clare M. Lopez of the Center for Security Policy. He’s also vice chairman of international consultancy, Hills & Co., and co-chairman of the board of directors of the International Crisis Group (whose executive committee includes George Soros).

“Ambassador Pickering’s positions on Iran include calls for bilateral talks without preconditions and a plan for a multinational uranium enrichment consortium in Iran,” Lopez writes. “Iran has proposed a similar plan to the UN Security Council. Ambassador Pickering advocates a process leading to mutual diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States.”

“U.S. national security policy is being successfully targeted by Jihadist entities hostile to American interests,” she writes. One of these groups, NIAC, is involved in “a de facto partnership” with its better known but more notorious jihadist ally “the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other organizations serving as mouthpieces for the mullahs’ party line.”

This network “includes well-known American diplomats, congressional representatives, figures from academia and the think tank world.” NIAC and its predecessor group, the American-Iranian Council, have long “functioned openly as apologists for the Iranian regime.”

CAIR is an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood and was named by the Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 and 2008 Holy Land Foundation trials.

The panel discussion featured Pickering, Arab American Institute president James J. Zogby, American Association for Muslim Advancement executive director Daisy Khan, and her husband, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, chairman of the Cordoba Initiative.

Khan and Rauf are prime movers behind the proposal to build a mosque near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan.

Khan is known for her over-the-top attacks on those who question the wisdom of building a Muslim holy site so close to the place where nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in an Islamist attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

Asked in 2010 if America was “Islamophobic,” Khan replied that “It’s not even Islamophobia, it’s beyond Islamophobia — it’s hate of Muslims,” she said.

Of course use of the word “Islamophobia” is a tool of intimidation, calculated to silence the so-called Islamophobe.

If one fears Islamist ideology as an irredentist, imperialist, totalitarian force, one is rational. “Phobia” implies that one who fears or is skeptical of the intentions of Muslims is mentally unbalanced. The term is used the same way American leftists use the word “racist” to shut down debate.

While two George Soros-funded nonprofits, the Center for American Progress and Media Matters for America, are working overtime to try to convince Americans that this make-believe mental illness of Islamophobia is a threat to American democracy and pluralism, the embattled Obama administration has been in damage control mode for weeks as the president’s foreign policy aimed at appeasing totalitarian Islamic theocrats collapses. The administration has been sucking up to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a 57-state (56 sovereign states and the Palestinian Authority) group that considers itself the Caliphate reborn.

Americans’ civil rights and political correctness are weapons of infiltration used by our Islamofascist enemies. Just like our Soviet Communist enemies during the Cold War, Islamists are using Americans’ goodness and their sense of fair play, including an aversion to being accused of racial stereotyping, against America.

Hard data do not support claims that Islamophobia exists in the United States.

As Jonathan S. Tobin wrote in Commentary last year: “the notion of a rising wave of hatred against Muslims is unsupported by any statistical research.”

“When you consider that Muslims claim to have about the same number of adherents in this country as Jews and that anti-Jewish crimes have always far outnumbered those committed against Muslims, the media hysteria about Islamophobia is exposed as a big lie. But even if there are fewer Muslims here than their groups claim, the conclusion is unchanged.”

And there is credible evidence that Obama, who told the UN last month that “the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” is sympathetic to Islamists’ increasingly vocal demands for Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws.

So, apparently, is Ambassador Pickering, which makes him unfit to head any probe of what happened last month in Benghazi, Libya.”



Clinton downplays emails implicating Al Qaeda-tied group within hours of Libya strike!-Posted on October 24, 2012:

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pushed back Wednesday on the suggestion that Sept. 11 emails implicating an Al Qaeda-tied group in the Libya consulate attack were proof of terrorist involvement, saying their claims of responsibility on Facebook and Twitter were not “evidence.” 

Though social media was vital in driving—and monitoring—the so-called Arab Spring that overthrew longtime dictators in Libya and other countries, Clinton dismissed it as an unreliable source after a series of internal emails sent by Clinton’s State Department staff surfaced in which officials reported within hours of the attack that militant group Ansar al-Sharia claimed responsibility in Internet postings. 

“Posting something on Facebook is not in and of itself evidence,” Clinton said. “And I think it just underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time and continued for some time to be.” 

She suggested those producing the emails were “cherrypicking” documentation, as the White House noted the organization reportedly had denied responsibility in other settings. 

“I think within a few hours that organization itself claimed that it had not been responsible. Neither should be taken as fact,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. 

But the group is a prime suspect. Indeed, one suspect in custody in Tunisia is a member of Ansar al-Sharia, one lawmaker told Fox News. 

Three Republican senators, in a letter Wednesday to the White House, said they were “disturbed” by the latest email revelations, claiming it “adds to the confusion” about what the administration knew of the attacks.

“In television interviews nearly a week after the events in Benghazi, you yourself even refused to describe it as a terrorist attack, instead emphasizing the role played by a hateful video. This concerted misrepresentation of the facts of the case—facts that, it appears, you and your administration possessed almost as soon as the attack began—is why so many of our constituents are demanding a fuller explanation of why your administration responded as it did,” wrote Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; John McCain, R-Ariz.; and Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H. They called on the president to “address the American people directly” on what happened. 

Though the emails, obtained by Fox News on Tuesday, are just one piece of the puzzle, they reveal some of the most detailed information yet about what officials knew in the initial hours after the attack. And they again raise questions about why U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, apparently based on intelligence assessments, would claim five days after the attack that it was a “spontaneous” reaction to protests over an anti-Islam film. 

Ansar al-Sharia has been declared by the State Department to be an Al Qaeda-affiliated group. A member of the group suspected of participating in the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi has been arrested and is being held in Tunisia. 

The emails obtained by Fox News were sent by the State Department to a variety of national security platforms, whose addresses have been redacted, including the White House Situation Room, the Pentagon, the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence. 

Fox News was told that an estimated 300 to 400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. People who received these emails work directly under the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials, Fox News was told. 

The timestamps on the emails are all Eastern Time and often include the subheading SBU, which is shorthand for “Sensitive But Unclassified.” 

The third email came at 6:07 p.m. ET and was sent to a different email list but still includes the White House Situation Room address and a subject line of “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU).” 

“Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli,” the email reads. 

Earlier emails did not go into who might have been responsible for the attack. 

The first email indicates that U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and other personnel were “in the compound safe haven.” Officials later discovered that Stevens and three other Americans had died in the attack. 

The first email was sent at 4:05 p.m. ET with the subject line: “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack (SBU).” 

“The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack,” the email reads. “Embassy Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support. 

“The operations Center will provide updates as available.” 

The second email came at 4:54 p.m. ET, with a subject line: “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi (SBU)” 

“Embassy Tripoli reports the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound has been cleared. A response team is on site attempting to locate COM personnel.” 

The emails on the day of the attack further challenge not only the initial statements made by administration officials like Rice about the strike, but also recent claims that they were only basing those statements on the intelligence they had at the time. 

State Department official Patrick Kennedy recently testified to Congress that anyone in Rice’s position would have made the same statements about the attack being spontaneous. 

But the newly uncovered emails clearly state the involvement of a militant group whose agenda is to establish an Islamic state in eastern Libya. 

Despite this, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney backed up Rice on Sept. 18. He said: “Based on information that we—our initial information ... we saw no evidence to back up claims by others that this was a preplanned or premeditated attack; that we saw evidence that it was sparked by the reaction to this video.” Carney went on to say “that is what we know” based on “concrete evidence, not supposition.”




“White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Wednesday morning that there was “a variety of information coming in” after the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, responding to emails that show that White House and State Department officials we... that an Al-Qaeda-linked group had taken responsibility.

One of emails, sent two hours after the attack occurred on Sept. 11, said the Ansar al-Sharia group had claimed responsibility for the Libya assault in postings on Facebook and Twitter, Reuters reported.

“There were emails about all sorts of information that was coming available in the aftermath of the attack,” Carney told reporters. “The email you are referring to was an open source email referring to an assertion made on a social media site that everyone in this room has access to and knew about instantaneously.”

Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, were killed in the attack.

“There was a variety of information coming in,” Carney continued. “The whole point of an intelligence community and what they do is to assess strands of information and make judgements about what happened and who was responsible….This is an open source, unclassified email about a posting on a Facebook site. I would also note that within a few hours the organization itself claimed that it had not been responsible. Neither should be taken as fact. That is why there is an investigation.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday also sought to downplay the significance of the emails, particularly with regard to the Facebook claim.

“Posting something on Facebook is not in and of itself evidence and it just underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time and continued for some time to be,” Clinton said. “We will find out what happened we will take whatever measures necessary to fix whatever needs to be fixed and we will bring to justice those who committed these murders.”



Palestinians Fire Dozens of Rockets at Civilian Areas, May Have Used Advanced Libyan Antiaircraft Missile, Too!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By News Editor-On October 24, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following updated blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide: 



Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


Arming Our Enemies!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! (Part 1)


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


The coming chaos from the Obama-Soetoro playbook!




The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?


Federal judge confirms CAIR is Hamas!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Has President Obama Gone Off The Deep End?


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


How Romney Can KO Obama in Monday Debate!-You Decide:

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 19, 2012:


(Oct. 19, 2012) — The final 2012 presidential debate is scheduled for this coming Monday evening and the subject will be Foreign Policy. This is an area where the Obama Administration has failed more miserably than even their domestic and economic disaster.

The Obama campaign is on the verge of free-fall. The latest Gallup poll shows Romney up 52%-45% over Obama, gaining another point following Obama’s improved debate performance. Immediately following this week’s debate, LIVE pollster FrankLuntz interviewed a group of “undecided” voters, most of whom voted for Obama in 2008. Almost all of them switched to Romney after watching Obama’s more aggressive, but still defenseless performance.

Meanwhile, the Internet was raging with threats to assassinate Mitt Romney, all posted by Barack Obama supporters. The Obama campaign was heading into total meltdown. The Secret Service is aware and following the leads on numerous death threats made against Romney by angry Obama supporters.

Front and center on the national news is Benghazi-gate, although the lame-stream press is not quite up to speed with all of the nasty little details. People have to learn the facts online at publications like Breitbart, until the press has no choice but to confront the truth with Obama and Clinton.

Obama’s Foreign Policy trouble begins right here, with the fact that this administration has experienced more high-level security leaks than a kitchen colander, and the fact that every member of the Military, Intelligence community and State Department knows how dangerous these leaks are to both foreign policy and national security. Even most civilians are smart enough to figure this out.

Next are Obama’s insane Rules of Engagement on the field of battle, responsible for more American KIA and WIA in three years than Bush had in all eight years combined. Then, there are the ongoing bold faced lies from this administration about what is actually happening.

First, they said the 9-11-12 attacks on U.S. Embassies were the result of an obscure anti-Islam third rate youtube video. They said that it was not an act of terrorism and had nothing to do with U.S. Foreign Policy, or even with radical Islam.

They told us it wasn’t a planned attack, but rather another organic reaction to a youtube video. They even arrested the film producer, whom we have not seen or heard from since.

Then we all watched terrorists raise the black flag of jihad over our embassies. We watched our Ambassador be raped, murdered and dragged through the streets. We saw the initial attack spread across the Middle East, country after country, embassy after embassy.

Two weeks after the attacks, Obama still didn’t have the FBI on the ground investigating, after all the evidence was long gone. The last time America had an ambassador assassinated was under Jimmy Carter, the last president to project a weak Foreign Policy and a tolerance that borders on an open invitation, for terrorist acts against America.

Eventually, they admit what many of us knew from the start, that the youtube film had nothing to do with it, that it was terrorist groups, it was a planned attack, many of them, and that the very people that Obama and Clinton “liberated” in the Middle East were now attacking their liberators, with U.S. weapons.

The so-called Arab Spring was not organic at all. The entire meltdown of the Middle East is nothing but a community organizing operation run out of the Obama White House and State Department — using old organizing friends like Ayers and Dohrn, on the ground in the Middle East months in advance to stir, fund and arm the uprising that ended with the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of the Middle East.

My Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts support the above statement-You Decide:


You wouldn’t expect George Soros’ tentacles here, or would you? ‘Group promoting ‘peace’ in Middle East tied to Occupy, MoveOn, ACORN, more!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On December 25, 2011:


Another Soros tie to Occupy Wall Street. Envisions ‘New Economic World Order’ no longer dominated by 1 superpower!-Posted on Klein Online-On October 13, 2011:

In short, the Obama Administration is indeed promoting democracy (mob rule by a proletariat) here and abroad. In the Middle East, when you give terrorists the power to elect their own government, it turns out they elect terrorists. Who would have guessed?

American tax dollars were used to ignite the Muslim uprising across the Middle East, then topple numerous Middle Eastern governments, resulting in a totally destabilized region which in the end, is using U.S. funds, technologies and arms to attack American soldiers and Embassies across the region.

It’s hard to imagine a worse Foreign Policy than that, but it does get worse.

Bill Clinton sold nuclear technology to China during the 90s. China and Russia shared that technology with North Korea and now Iran. While the Obama Administration claims that Iran is still a few years from having long range nuclear weapons, the truth is that they most likely have it today, purchased from Russia, China and North Korea.

Iran is again threatening to destroy Israel and the U.S. President is too busy fund raising to meet with Netanyahu, leaving Israel in a position of having to defend itself unilaterally.

Benghazi might be the tipping point, as more and more information drips out into public view. Americans died needlessly, brutally, on Obama’s watch. And the Administration is only worried about who to blame in order to protect Obama.

The Obama Administration is still searching for who to blame, with Obama and Biden acting like they never heard of Benghazibefore, Hillary Clinton trying to take one for the team, then blaming Intel for getting it all wrong, denying that they reduced security at the embassies only to later claim that they did have requests for more security.

In the end, it appears that they all knew there was a significant increasing threat and simply refused to answer calls for better protection only days before the attacks. Despite their efforts to blame their failures upon an obscure youtube film, it is Obama and Clinton who are responsible for the numerous attacks on U.S. Embassies.

Many 2008 Obama supporters are jumping ship and switching to Romney in 2012. Others are panicked and threatening to assassinate Mitt Romney if Obama loses his re-election bid. Both make Obama’s chances of re-election look dismal and that makes Obama very desperate.

Some are floating theories that Obama might open up strikes on Libya or Syria, just to change the headlines.

But if Romney uses all of these facts to tear Obama’s Foreign Policy apart in the last debate, he can knock Obama out of the race and well he should.

Our soldiers don’t take an oath to any politician. They take an oath to the U.S. Constitution and the American people, to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They don’t risk life and limb for wealth redistribution or some Marxist utopian global vision.

They risk life and limb for freedom and liberty. Americans bow to nobody!

Romney must remind the American people of this next Monday night and he must hold Obama accountable for the many disasters he has created. If he does, that will bring about the end of the worst administration in U.S. history.

If he doesn’t, God help America!


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:



“The CIA is indicating that they told Washington the Benghazi attack was militant in nature, rather than spontaneous, within 24 hours of its occurrence. 

According to a report released today, the “CIA station chief in Libya” alerted Washington that the attack was not in response to a video. 

However, media outlets are doing their best to leave Obama a little wiggle room by claiming “it is unclear who, if anyone, saw the cable outside the CIA at that point.” In other words, the station manager sent the alert, but there’s no hard evidence anyone saw the alert in Washington.

Quick question: What does it say about the culture within the Obama administration if, in fact, they ignored or didn’t even look at the CIA alert? 

The CIA station chief did his job and compiled a report within 24 hours based on eye-witness interviews. This is going make it much, much harder for the mainstream media to blame the intelligence community for Benghazi. 



More On Benghazi!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JIM EMERSON-On October 20, 2012:

“The murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans was part of a larger strategy to drive all western influence out of Libya.  An earlier attack on an International Red Cross facility and an RPG attack on the British Ambassador’s vehicle drove the British out of Benghazi. Feeling emboldened, the extremists felt that they could force the Americans to leave. Earlier, probing attacks yielded little results; but the lack of a response from the Americans sent a clear message: the United States or the Libyan government would not respond to future attacks.


Retired Colonel David Hunt properly laid the blame of the death of 4 Americans at Benghazi on Secretary Hillary Clinton and her State Department. He pointed out that it was Hillary Clinton who prohibited the posting of Marines at any diplomatic posts in Libya.  The only security allowed were local, contracted security guards who weren’t allowed to have loaded weapons. It made sense that they would run when the consulate was under attack; they couldn’t fight back. This tragedy is what happens when your policy is based on political correctness.

The most incompetent security official of all time, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb, believed that the consulate had the right amount of security prior to the attack.  She actively opposed any requests for additional security measures despite previous attacks on diplomatic posts.  Col. Hunt compared the mission to a cardboard box, and the people within the compound didn’t have a chance; since the guards weren’t allowed to carry bullets, the facility was an easy target. Seems like Ms. Lamb’s expertise makes her less qualified than a junior mall cop. Americans died because she wanted to be politically correct by maintaining a low profile in Libya.

They knew it was happening:

Testifying before Congress Ms. Lamb said the State Department was aware of the September 11 attack while it was in progress via instant audio and video feeds being provided in real time from communications equipment on the compound in Benghazi. The feed was also provided to operations centers in the Pentagon, Key Military units, Intelligence Agencies, FBI, State Department, and the White House. For six hours, the Administration heard and saw the events as they were happening and did nothing. That is called failure of leadership; Mr. Obama is too busy appearing on the David Letterman and Jon Stewart shows trying to hide his own incompetence.

If it wasn’t for Col. Hunt, this little detail of the Benghazi murders would have never been reported.”



It’s Not Complicated!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 19, 2012:


by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

Is this what our granddaughters will be forced to wear?

(Oct. 19, 2012) — I was watching one of the mundane television “news” shows, and this person said she was “for” Obama, and that got me to thinking that she wasn’t “for anything,“ but, rather, “against everything.”

For instance, we all know that this Obama character has never been vetted as to his legal qualifications to hold the office of president. Everybody knows except Obots, who find it expressly difficult to decipher fake and fraudulent Birth Certificates, and when cornered, answer that, actually, both Birth Certificates were and are legal and the insurmountable evidence to the contrary doesn’t fit into their way of thinking. Don’t bother us with facts, they say, and then retort with the “racist” epitaph, as if calling someone a name can erase the truth.

Another Truth is that our economy is alive and healthy, or would be if Obama and the Fed would leave their nefarious mitts off of it.  The so-called “stimulus” money borrowed from China doesn’t make any sense, especially since China can’t take care of their children who suffer from horrible clefts and have to rely on American doctors to rectify the situation. Something, indeed, is rotten in Denmark.

And rotten is precisely the word.  Why, there’s an election in the Netherlands and all the candidates are Muslim, a fate that we can look forward to. Your granddaughters will all be wearing burqas. Sharia will be the law of the land and our Constitution a fading memory, as will be Christmas and Easter.

I am not responsible for the failure of illegal immigrants to become legal immigrants. It’s not my problem, nor is it yours. And we’re not responsible for the neglect of illegal immigrant parents as to their children becoming legal citizens. So, bottom line? When I say ALL illegal immigrants must be deported, that includes the children of the irresponsible parents. Such a shame and too bad, but the word “illegal” has only one meaning.  You can reform all you want, but you can’t reform breaking the law.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a con.  It’s a privately-owned business that’s out to steal as much from you as they can get away with, and they’re getting away with the kitchen sink by passing today’s debt onto the unborn citizens of our country. The Fed is a shell game and the National Debt is nothing more than fancy bookkeeping, otherwise known far and wide as the “National Fleece.” Our so-called money is nothing but a promissory note that is backed by NOTHING. All of the wealth of America is backed by an empty promise. Abolish the Fed and we take control of our own money; the sooner, the better.  While we’re at it, I’d tell China and the UN to take a hike.

Think about it: do you want control of America or are we to give it away to the 535 crooks in Congress who represent themselves, first, and you and I are at the bottom of their list?

And now, to end on a positive note, buy guns and plenty of ammo because it’s better to go down fighting than to be led to slaughter as a lamb, I’d say. What, you think our enemy is just sitting around playing Parcheesi? I wouldn’t count on it.




Coming Down to the Wire!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 19, 2012:


by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired, ©2012, blogging at Gulf1

(Oct. 19, 2012) — We’ve now had three debates, two by the presidential contenders, and one by the vice presidential contenders, and we should have a fairly good understanding of where each is coming from, and how each considers handling the issues at hand before us.

Most of those touting these elections are making their talking points on the issues immediately at hand, and while they are of extreme importance, it is no less important to take note of how they came to be problems, issues needing resolution, and whether they became problems because of past political action, wrongly taken, or if they are natural to progression in a culture.

We have the most massive “debtor society” ever to exist in history, and we have it solely because the original form of our Nation, our principles and precepts provided for unprecedented growth, productivity, and innovation, moving our Nation forward at a pace no other Nation in history has ever experienced.  At the same time, we have lived in much the same way as previous generations, as if all of this growth has come without any commensurate growth in responsibility.

Our growth has brought two diametrically competing ideologies into direct confrontation, the idea of self-government and sovereign citizenship, and the idea of socialism, and society superseding rights and liberties of the individual.  The personalities and circumstances provide they must play out the confrontation in this election, as there is no room left for both; they exist in conflict with each other.

The founded Nation depends on individual initiative, personal responsibility; assumption by the citizen of the Sovereign Duties which must be fulfilled in every State or Nation if it is not to fall. The limits placed on the federal government keeping local issues entirely in the hands of The States, and The People, respectively, and not subject national debate.

We have the remnants of the “founded Nation” and the substantial portion of our population, which remains in the same or similar circumstances as in the past.  The citizens making up this portion remain of the established mindset.

On the other side are those who stand on the notion our establishment was less than perfect, and progressive ideas must be used to modify and alter our Nation to provide the egalitarian opportunity we see as rightfully that of all citizens.  There can be no doubt our beginning was less than perfect, yet there should be equally no doubt, the necessary alterations were limited and precise, issues of equal application of the law, and consequences of failure to do so.

We know there had to have been active progress from the initial establishment to eliminate inequity, and from this, “progressivism” had its rightful place.  At the same time, we know that most of the principles and precepts we established upon, were time tested, true, and absolutely necessary for egalitarian life.  That our Western, Judeo-Christian culture is based on a “natural order” foundation arrived at by the Greeks, where logic and reason found principles, and these social principles are in the main, exactly the same as those found through religious doctrine derived from Judeo-Christian precept, means we have the best set of tools possible to establish a truly egalitarian society.

Progressive change to bring principle to bear equally, and provide an equal opportunity for all has continued from the start, and while one can always find inequality on outcome, it must be realized at some point, we have made equal opportunity as close as is humanly possible, and at such a point, we must stop, because man is not constantly changing, but is relatively stable, and can be seen as such by our history.

This Nation has the opportunity to “get it right” as no other ever has before, because we have a greater access to the full knowledge of the history of the world, more than at any time in the past; all the failures, and causes, and we also have great cause to stop our current attitude towards change, looking at the world before us, and knowing at the very least, some of what we are confronted with is in direct result of bad planning, poor decisions in the past, and the utter failure to adhere to our principles.

Our world is at a crisis point, one with a common source, an utter failure of principle allowing the whole world’s economy be operated on a “relative base” with no attempt to established any fixed value for the exchange of commodities.  This idea is based on the fact that by logic, it will work as well as any, if every participant is absolutely honest and no participant seeks advantage.

That world does not exist, and our current stance, teetering on the edge serves as proof beyond all doubt, and some Nation is going to choose to take the conservative position, and re-establish on a firm foundation.  The Nation whose people choose this first, will be the first benefactors of security in economics, and will lead while economies are in flux.  We will determine the cost of our fecklessness by how responsibly we act, and how much vigor we put in setting our affairs in order.  We can lead, or as ‘chief debtor’, we can be driven.  We have to choose if we would lead.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote The following recent videos and articles and/or blog posts relate to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:


Video: Muslim Brotherhood Behind Benghazi Attack With Link To Obama!- Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On October 20, 2012:


Video: Obama: If Four Americans Get Killed, It’s Not “Optimal”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On October 20, 2012:


Video: Mother Of “VILE RAT” Killed In Benghazi Attack Speaks Out About Obama & The US State Dept!-Posted on YouTube-By MOXNEWSd0tC0M-On October 10, 2012:


Video: Mother Blames White House Leaks For SEAL Son’s Death!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 9, 2012:


Video: He Said Allahu Akbar-The Attack On Fort Hood!-Posted on FortHoodHeroes-On October 17, 2012:


DICK MORRIS PREDICTS OBAMA-IRAN ‘OCTOBER SURPRISE’: ‘I think they feel that Romney would assist Israel in attacking them’!-Posted on October 20, 2012:


Obama’s Media Allies Struggle To Conceal Red Mentor!-Posted on Western Journalism-By CLIFF KINCAID-On October 20, 2012:


‘CENSORSHIP HAS REACHED SMALL TOWN AMERICA’: ‘Dreams from My Real Father’ proves hot to handle for tiny Midwest city!-Posted on DREW ZAHN-On October 19, 2012:


Video: Obama Must Be Removed From Office!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GABOR ZOLNA-On October 20, 2012:


Code Pink: “We Support the Murder of American Troops.” Michelle Obama “Keep up the Good Work”!-Posted on Soda Head- By safari-On April 5, 2012:


Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’ – Meet ‘Baghdad Barbara,’ ‘Weasel Waxman,’ and ‘Jihad Jodie’-Posted on Big Peace-By Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson-On October 15, 2010:


Video: Former US Navy SEAL Ben Smith addresses the crowd about the threats we face!-Posted on MajorDaveNC-On September 23, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Arming Our Enemies!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’!‘hanoi-jane’/


My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! (Part 1)




Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!

4063359777?profile=originalNoteThe following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I forwarded to Florida U.S. Congressman Allen West today regarding my numerous requests for the conduct of a full-scale investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” is in fact true.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I sent to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich earlier today.

Letter to Congressman West:

October 18, 2012

The Honorable Allen West

U.S. House of Representatives

1708 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-3026

Fax: 202-225-8398

Dear Congressman West:

I am writing to you again for the purpose of sharing the following excerpts from a letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich earlier today:

Excerpts From Congressman Heinrich’s Letter:

“…On October 5, 2012, I wrote my twelfth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


In Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” What does that mean for the U.S. at this time?

(Sep. 26, 2012) — In June 2009, Obama had given a significant speech from Cairo, Egypt to the world’s Muslims entitled “A New Beginning.”  Obama had predicted at the beginning of his 2008 campaign that after his inauguration, “the Muslim world will look at the U.S. differently.”

In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama made the statement that ““I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In February 2011, Obama pressured then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign amid the “Arab Spring” protests which allegedly called for “democracy.”  Obama then supported the Libyan rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi without consulting Congress.  Gaddafi had called Obama “a friend” and “my son“  and was murdered by the rebels.

Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” during the 2008 campaign to a reporter but insists that he is a Christian. His former pastor of 20 years has said that Obama was “steeped in Islam” when arriving at the Trinity United Church of Christ in the 1990s.  Obama claims that Muslims “have suffered the most from “extremism.”  Obama said he “has known Islam on three continents” and refers to the Muslim holy book as “the Holy Koran.”

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in what Libyan officials described aspremeditated, contrary to the statements initially made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Obama himself, all of whom had claimed that a homemade video depicting Islam in a negative light was the catalyst.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, two contract workers and a second diplomat were murdered, and the body of the ambassador was dragged through the streets in the aftermath of his murder and possible torture.  Libyan officials stated that they warned the U.S. three days prior to the attacks, but Stevens and the others were left unprotected.

The White House later sent mixed messages about the cause of the attacks, and the day after the murders were made public, Obama returned to campaigning, saying that it had been “a tough day.”

Unrest and instability have continued in Libya since the Americans were killed.

One year ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann had stated that Obama’s approach to the Middle East had damaged the U.S. by portraying it as weak.  Former presidential candidate John McCain had supported the Arab Spring uprisings, calling them “inspiring” and predicting that they would lead to “freedom and democracy.”  But what  kind of “change” has the Arab Spring brought about in the Middle East?  Who was behind it?

Ties have been illustrated between the Obama regime and The Muslim Brotherhood, and this past July, “an international plot” to overthrow Arab states with Western ties by Islamist organizations” was reported by a top security official in Dubai.  A written plan described as a “roadmap” to conquering Western civilizations was found in Switzerland in 2001 and attributed to The Muslim Brotherhood.  A documentary by Glenn Beck claims that the U.S. government is withholding the information from the American people.

Obama has met with members of The Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, and Muslims hold high-level positions within the Department of Homeland Security.  Some termed such employees “plants.”  It has been reported that the Brotherhood’sgoal is to form a “global Islamic state.”

With the election of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi to the Egyptian presidency in June of this year, mainstream media are acknowledging that the Egyptian government is now “run by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Morsi praisedObama’s embracing of the “Arab Spring” movement as “quick and decisive.”

Islamists have threatened the Coptic Christian community, which numbers 10,000,000 in Egypt, over allegations that a member of the sect had participated in making the video which the Obama regime said was responsible for recent Middle Eastern violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is threatening King Abdullah to either meet their demands to change the form of government or “face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the Egyptian Army, which had been loyal to former President Hosni Mubarak, to cede authority to Morsi after the election, which the Army had been reticent to do.  Morsi now holds full executive power.  His government was slow to condemn violent attacks on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya.  At the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Morsi indicated that the video initially blamed for the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassies was an example of free speech which required “responsibility, especially when it comes with serious implications for international peace and stability.”

The United States gives Egypt $2 billion every year in aid.

Obama insisted that the embassy attacks stemmed from an anti-Islamic video on Tuesday at the United Nations said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama spent at least four years in Indonesia as a child, although it has been reported by at least once source that he actually spent much longer in the “most populous Muslim country,” arriving there at the age two.

Obama straddled the fence by denouncing the anti-Islamic video but claiming to champion free speech when he stated that attempts to limit it become “a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”  However, Obama’s supporters have attempted since the 2008 campaign to do just that:  ridicule, marginalize, disable, and “isolate” the “enemy” using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   Obama’s “Sovereign Citizen” campaign has also targeted anyone questioning his background or “birth certificate,” which has been declared a forgery by a law enforcement investigation.

In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said that the “one organizing principle” in regard to the Middle East uprisings was “Islam.”

On September 22, an interview between Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi and The New York Times was published in which Morsi affirmed that he was “brought up” with The Muslim Brotherhood, which has declared itself an enemy of the United States. During the interview, Morsi said that Egypt would not be “dictated” to by “U.S. rules” and was critical of the United States’ approach to “backing dictators” in the Middle East prior to his election.

Morsi was the first democratically-elected Egyptian leader in the history of the nation.  Since taking office, numerous reports of lynchings and other violence against Christians in Egypt have become public in mainstream publications.  Morsi told The New York Times that “the United States needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.”

Obama had promised to “fundamentally change the United States of America” just days before he was declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

After Morsi’s interview with The New York Times, it was reported that Obama canceled a scheduled meeting with Morsi, allegedly to protect himself from political fallout six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, although the the Times articlestated that a “request” from Morsi to meet with Obama had been quietly “dropped.”

The Muslim Brotherhood has been said to have influenced the U.S. by “insidious Islamist influence inside the Obama administration” which poses a threat to our national security.  Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy maintains that the Muslim Brotherhood advocates the imposition of Sharia Law throughout the Middle East.  An Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney, William C. Killian, was the keynote speaker last month at the opening of a new Islamic Center in Chattanooga, TN.

It has been reported that Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible, and Killian has prosecuted those attempting to defend the Constitution, holding them up as examples to others to refrain from “taking the law into their own hands.”

Upheaval is still occurring in Syria, where today two explosions have killed four security guards close to the army headquarters and as many as 30,000 people have lost their lives due to the violence.

U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and India have been burned and desecrated since the September 11 attacks.  A former Muslim has spoken out and claimed that “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.”

Obama has sent mixed messages to Israel in regard to Iran.  He has said that the U.S. “has Israel’s back“and that the U.S. will not assist Israel if it should strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities to protect itself. Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. to attend the U.N. meeting.

In his “60 Minutes” interview, Obama termed Israel’s concern about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon “noise” and said that he and Netanyahu speak “all the time.”

Iran has said that it could strike Israel if it discovers that Israel has planned an attack. Iranian President and dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, accusing the U.S. of “bullying.”  The U.S. delegation did not attend Ahmadinejad’s speech, claiming that it included “repulsive slurs against Israel.”

Will World War III begin with Obama in charge?”


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called “Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded. What follows is said article and/or blog post: 

SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I have also forwarded the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives….”

End of Excerpts.

I again would like to mention that I am taking the liberty of sharing the above information with you strictly for informational purposes because I believe that we have something in common, which is that we both served our Country/Republic honorably and truly love it and what it stands for, as do so many other Americans that have not only served, but have made the ultimate sacrifice for it. 

Please feel free to contact me at my email or mailing address should you have any questions regarding what I now believe to be an extremely disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for your continued honorable and unselfish service to our country and rest assured that I will be praying that you retain your set in Congress to continue the fight of taking back our country from those that are hell-bent on destroying it.

God Bless You and God Bless America!


Jake L. Martinez


Response Received From Congressman West Regarding My Email Above:

Congressman Allen West responding to your message

Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:37 PM

From:  "Congressman Allen West" <>

To:  Jake Martinez

Thank you for contacting our Congressional Office. I appreciate hearing from you and having the benefits of your views.

As you may be aware, each day my Congressional Offices receive hundreds of emails from all over the United States. If you received this email, it is because your address indicates that you are not a constituent who resides in our Congressional District in Florida.

As I hope you understand, I have a responsibility each day to respond to the hundreds of letters, emails, and telephone calls our Congressional Offices receive from the constituents who I have the honor to represent. I would suggest that you send a copy of your email to your own Member of Congress. If you are unaware of whom that individual is please see the following website:

I hope you will take a moment to review my website, my Facebook,, and to keep informed on the many issues I am involved with in the United States House of Representatives.

While you are visiting my website, I would ask that you please sign-up for my weekly e-mail updates, which discuss what I am doing on Capitol Hill and in the State of Florida.

I greatly appreciate the time and thought that went into your correspondence to me. Again, thank you for contacting me, and please be sure to send your thoughts to your own Member of the United States House of Representatives.

Very Respectfully,

Allen B. West”

4063359777?profile=originalNoteMy following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Arming Our Enemies!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my thirteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

I also requested that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with him is in fact true.

In addition, I have also included the following recent extremely disturbing revelations in my letter to Congressman Heinrich:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information.


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called“Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded.


SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

For your information, I have also forwarded similar letters to our other NM U.S. Representatives and our Governor:

Letter To Congressman Heinrich:

October 18, 2012

The Honorable Martin T. Heinrich

U.S. House of Representatives

336 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515-3101

Dear Congressman Heinrich:

On October 5, 2012, I wrote my twelfth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


In Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” What does that mean for the U.S. at this time?

(Sep. 26, 2012) — In June 2009, Obama had given a significant speech from Cairo, Egypt to the world’s Muslims entitled “A New Beginning.”  Obama had predicted at the beginning of his 2008 campaign that after his inauguration, “the Muslim world will look at the U.S. differently.”

In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama made the statement that ““I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In February 2011, Obama pressured then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign amid the “Arab Spring” protests which allegedly called for “democracy.”  Obama then supported the Libyan rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi without consulting Congress.  Gaddafi had called Obama “a friend” and “my son“  and was murdered by the rebels.

Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” during the 2008 campaign to a reporter but insists that he is a Christian. His former pastor of 20 years has said that Obama was “steeped in Islam” when arriving at the Trinity United Church of Christ in the 1990s.  Obama claims that Muslims “have suffered the most from “extremism.”  Obama said he “has known Islam on three continents” and refers to the Muslim holy book as “the Holy Koran.”

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in what Libyan officials described aspremeditated, contrary to the statements initially made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Obama himself, all of whom had claimed that a homemade video depicting Islam in a negative light was the catalyst.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, two contract workers and a second diplomat were murdered, and the body of the ambassador was dragged through the streets in the aftermath of his murder and possible torture.  Libyan officials stated that they warned the U.S. three days prior to the attacks, but Stevens and the others were left unprotected.

The White House later sent mixed messages about the cause of the attacks, and the day after the murders were made public, Obama returned to campaigning, saying that it had been “a tough day.”

Unrest and instability have continued in Libya since the Americans were killed.

One year ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann had stated that Obama’s approach to the Middle East had damaged the U.S. by portraying it as weak.  Former presidential candidate John McCain had supported the Arab Spring uprisings, calling them “inspiring” and predicting that they would lead to “freedom and democracy.”  But what  kind of “change” has the Arab Spring brought about in the Middle East?  Who was behind it?

Ties have been illustrated between the Obama regime and The Muslim Brotherhood, and this past July, “an international plot” to overthrow Arab states with Western ties by Islamist organizations” was reported by a top security official in Dubai.  A written plan described as a “roadmap” to conquering Western civilizations was found in Switzerland in 2001 and attributed to The Muslim Brotherhood.  A documentary by Glenn Beck claims that the U.S. government is withholding the information from the American people.

Obama has met with members of The Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, and Muslims hold high-level positions within the Department of Homeland Security.  Some termed such employees “plants.”  It has been reported that the Brotherhood’sgoal is to form a “global Islamic state.”

With the election of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi to the Egyptian presidency in June of this year, mainstream media are acknowledging that the Egyptian government is now “run by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Morsi praisedObama’s embracing of the “Arab Spring” movement as “quick and decisive.”

Islamists have threatened the Coptic Christian community, which numbers 10,000,000 in Egypt, over allegations that a member of the sect had participated in making the video which the Obama regime said was responsible for recent Middle Eastern violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is threatening King Abdullah to either meet their demands to change the form of government or “face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the Egyptian Army, which had been loyal to former President Hosni Mubarak, to cede authority to Morsi after the election, which the Army had been reticent to do.  Morsi now holds full executive power.  His government was slow to condemn violent attacks on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya.  At the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Morsi indicated that the video initially blamed for the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassies was an example of free speech which required “responsibility, especially when it comes with serious implications for international peace and stability.”

The United States gives Egypt $2 billion every year in aid.

Obama insisted that the embassy attacks stemmed from an anti-Islamic video on Tuesday at the United Nations said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama spent at least four years in Indonesia as a child, although it has been reported by at least once source that he actually spent much longer in the “most populous Muslim country,” arriving there at the age two.

Obama straddled the fence by denouncing the anti-Islamic video but claiming to champion free speech when he stated that attempts to limit it become “a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”  However, Obama’s supporters have attempted since the 2008 campaign to do just that:  ridicule, marginalize, disable, and “isolate” the “enemy” using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   Obama’s “Sovereign Citizen” campaign has also targeted anyone questioning his background or “birth certificate,” which has been declared a forgery by a law enforcement investigation.

In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said that the “one organizing principle” in regard to the Middle East uprisings was “Islam.”

On September 22, an interview between Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi and The New York Times was published in which Morsi affirmed that he was “brought up” with The Muslim Brotherhood, which has declared itself an enemy of the United States. During the interview, Morsi said that Egypt would not be “dictated” to by “U.S. rules” and was critical of the United States’ approach to “backing dictators” in the Middle East prior to his election.

Morsi was the first democratically-elected Egyptian leader in the history of the nation.  Since taking office, numerous reports of lynchings and other violence against Christians in Egypt have become public in mainstream publications.  Morsi told The New York Times that “the United States needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.”

Obama had promised to “fundamentally change the United States of America” just days before he was declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

After Morsi’s interview with The New York Times, it was reported that Obama canceled a scheduled meeting with Morsi, allegedly to protect himself from political fallout six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, although the the Times articlestated that a “request” from Morsi to meet with Obama had been quietly “dropped.”

The Muslim Brotherhood has been said to have influenced the U.S. by “insidious Islamist influence inside the Obama administration” which poses a threat to our national security.  Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy maintains that the Muslim Brotherhood advocates the imposition of Sharia Law throughout the Middle East.  An Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney, William C. Killian, was the keynote speaker last month at the opening of a new Islamic Center in Chattanooga, TN.

It has been reported that Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible, and Killian has prosecuted those attempting to defend the Constitution, holding them up as examples to others to refrain from “taking the law into their own hands.”

Upheaval is still occurring in Syria, where today two explosions have killed four security guards close to the army headquarters and as many as 30,000 people have lost their lives due to the violence.

U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and India have been burned and desecrated since the September 11 attacks.  A former Muslim has spoken out and claimed that “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.”

Obama has sent mixed messages to Israel in regard to Iran.  He has said that the U.S. “has Israel’s back“and that the U.S. will not assist Israel if it should strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities to protect itself. Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. to attend the U.N. meeting.

In his “60 Minutes” interview, Obama termed Israel’s concern about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon “noise” and said that he and Netanyahu speak “all the time.”

Iran has said that it could strike Israel if it discovers that Israel has planned an attack. Iranian President and dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, accusing the U.S. of “bullying.”  The U.S. delegation did not attend Ahmadinejad’s speech, claiming that it included “repulsive slurs against Israel.”

Will World War III begin with Obama in charge?”


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called “Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded. What follows is said article and/or blog post: 

SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I have also forwarded the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


4063359777?profile=originalNoteMy following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Arming Our Enemies!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my fourteenth letter that I forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez today requesting the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot, which I again am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman earlier today, which I believe relate to and/or further support my numerous requests for the removal of President Obama from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot.

My letter to Senator Bingaman included the following recent extremely disturbing revelations:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information.


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called“Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded.


SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

For your information, I will also be sending a similar letter to NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich.

Letter to Governor Martinez:

October 18, 2012

Dear Governor Martinez:

On October 4, 2012, I wrote to you and shared excerpts with you from a letter that I had forwarded to Senator Udall on that same day, which I believed supported my numerous requests (thirteen in total) for the removal of President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Election Ballot because he is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with him is true.

I would be remiss if I didn’t share excerpts from a letter that I sent to Senator Bingaman earlier today in support of my request for said investigations by both houses of Congress, which I am again taking the liberty of sharing with you because I believe they relate to and/or further support my numerous requests to have President Obama removed from the NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot:

Excerpts From Senator Bingaman’s Letter:

“…On October 5, 2012, I wrote my twelfth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


In Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” What does that mean for the U.S. at this time?

(Sep. 26, 2012) — In June 2009, Obama had given a significant speech from Cairo, Egypt to the world’s Muslims entitled “A New Beginning.”  Obama had predicted at the beginning of his 2008 campaign that after his inauguration, “the Muslim world will look at the U.S. differently.”

In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama made the statement that ““I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In February 2011, Obama pressured then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign amid the “Arab Spring” protests which allegedly called for “democracy.”  Obama then supported the Libyan rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi without consulting Congress.  Gaddafi had called Obama “a friend” and “my son“  and was murdered by the rebels.

Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” during the 2008 campaign to a reporter but insists that he is a Christian. His former pastor of 20 years has said that Obama was “steeped in Islam” when arriving at the Trinity United Church of Christ in the 1990s.  Obama claims that Muslims “have suffered the most from “extremism.”  Obama said he “has known Islam on three continents” and refers to the Muslim holy book as “the Holy Koran.”

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in what Libyan officials described aspremeditated, contrary to the statements initially made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Obama himself, all of whom had claimed that a homemade video depicting Islam in a negative light was the catalyst.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, two contract workers and a second diplomat were murdered, and the body of the ambassador was dragged through the streets in the aftermath of his murder and possible torture.  Libyan officials stated that they warned the U.S. three days prior to the attacks, but Stevens and the others were left unprotected.

The White House later sent mixed messages about the cause of the attacks, and the day after the murders were made public, Obama returned to campaigning, saying that it had been “a tough day.”

Unrest and instability have continued in Libya since the Americans were killed.

One year ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann had stated that Obama’s approach to the Middle East had damaged the U.S. by portraying it as weak.  Former presidential candidate John McCain had supported the Arab Spring uprisings, calling them “inspiring” and predicting that they would lead to “freedom and democracy.”  But what  kind of “change” has the Arab Spring brought about in the Middle East?  Who was behind it?

Ties have been illustrated between the Obama regime and The Muslim Brotherhood, and this past July, “an international plot” to overthrow Arab states with Western ties by Islamist organizations” was reported by a top security official in Dubai.  A written plan described as a “roadmap” to conquering Western civilizations was found in Switzerland in 2001 and attributed to The Muslim Brotherhood.  A documentary by Glenn Beck claims that the U.S. government is withholding the information from the American people.

Obama has met with members of The Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, and Muslims hold high-level positions within the Department of Homeland Security.  Some termed such employees “plants.”  It has been reported that the Brotherhood’sgoal is to form a “global Islamic state.”

With the election of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi to the Egyptian presidency in June of this year, mainstream media are acknowledging that the Egyptian government is now “run by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Morsi praisedObama’s embracing of the “Arab Spring” movement as “quick and decisive.”

Islamists have threatened the Coptic Christian community, which numbers 10,000,000 in Egypt, over allegations that a member of the sect had participated in making the video which the Obama regime said was responsible for recent Middle Eastern violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is threatening King Abdullah to either meet their demands to change the form of government or “face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the Egyptian Army, which had been loyal to former President Hosni Mubarak, to cede authority to Morsi after the election, which the Army had been reticent to do.  Morsi now holds full executive power.  His government was slow to condemn violent attacks on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya.  At the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Morsi indicated that the video initially blamed for the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassies was an example of free speech which required “responsibility, especially when it comes with serious implications for international peace and stability.”

The United States gives Egypt $2 billion every year in aid.

Obama insisted that the embassy attacks stemmed from an anti-Islamic video on Tuesday at the United Nations said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama spent at least four years in Indonesia as a child, although it has been reported by at least once source that he actually spent much longer in the “most populous Muslim country,” arriving there at the age two.

Obama straddled the fence by denouncing the anti-Islamic video but claiming to champion free speech when he stated that attempts to limit it become “a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”  However, Obama’s supporters have attempted since the 2008 campaign to do just that:  ridicule, marginalize, disable, and “isolate” the “enemy” using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   Obama’s “Sovereign Citizen” campaign has also targeted anyone questioning his background or “birth certificate,” which has been declared a forgery by a law enforcement investigation.

In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said that the “one organizing principle” in regard to the Middle East uprisings was “Islam.”

On September 22, an interview between Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi and The New York Times was published in which Morsi affirmed that he was “brought up” with The Muslim Brotherhood, which has declared itself an enemy of the United States. During the interview, Morsi said that Egypt would not be “dictated” to by “U.S. rules” and was critical of the United States’ approach to “backing dictators” in the Middle East prior to his election.

Morsi was the first democratically-elected Egyptian leader in the history of the nation.  Since taking office, numerous reports of lynchings and other violence against Christians in Egypt have become public in mainstream publications.  Morsi told The New York Times that “the United States needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.”

Obama had promised to “fundamentally change the United States of America” just days before he was declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

After Morsi’s interview with The New York Times, it was reported that Obama canceled a scheduled meeting with Morsi, allegedly to protect himself from political fallout six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, although the the Times articlestated that a “request” from Morsi to meet with Obama had been quietly “dropped.”

The Muslim Brotherhood has been said to have influenced the U.S. by “insidious Islamist influence inside the Obama administration” which poses a threat to our national security.  Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy maintains that the Muslim Brotherhood advocates the imposition of Sharia Law throughout the Middle East.  An Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney, William C. Killian, was the keynote speaker last month at the opening of a new Islamic Center in Chattanooga, TN.

It has been reported that Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible, and Killian has prosecuted those attempting to defend the Constitution, holding them up as examples to others to refrain from “taking the law into their own hands.”

Upheaval is still occurring in Syria, where today two explosions have killed four security guards close to the army headquarters and as many as 30,000 people have lost their lives due to the violence.

U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and India have been burned and desecrated since the September 11 attacks.  A former Muslim has spoken out and claimed that “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.”

Obama has sent mixed messages to Israel in regard to Iran.  He has said that the U.S. “has Israel’s back“and that the U.S. will not assist Israel if it should strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities to protect itself. Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. to attend the U.N. meeting.

In his “60 Minutes” interview, Obama termed Israel’s concern about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon “noise” and said that he and Netanyahu speak “all the time.”

Iran has said that it could strike Israel if it discovers that Israel has planned an attack. Iranian President and dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, accusing the U.S. of “bullying.”  The U.S. delegation did not attend Ahmadinejad’s speech, claiming that it included “repulsive slurs against Israel.”

Will World War III begin with Obama in charge?”


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called “Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded. What follows is said article and/or blog post: 

SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.….”

End of Excerpts.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions and/or need any additional information from me regarding this matter.

Thank you. 

God Bless You and God Bless America!

Respectfully yours,

Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Governor Martinez’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.


Susana Martinez”

4063359777?profile=originalNoteMy following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Arming Our Enemies!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a copy of my thirteenth follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse.

I also requested that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with him is in fact true.

Additionally, I shared the following recent revelations that I believe overwhelmingly support said requests:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information.


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called“Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded.


SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

For your information, I will also be sendiong similar letters to NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich and our NM Governor Susana Martinez.

Letter To Senator Bingaman:

October 18, 2012

The Honorable Jeff Bingaman

United States Senate

703 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3102

Dear Senator Bingaman:

On October 5, 2012, I wrote my twelfth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


In Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” What does that mean for the U.S. at this time?

(Sep. 26, 2012) — In June 2009, Obama had given a significant speech from Cairo, Egypt to the world’s Muslims entitled “A New Beginning.”  Obama had predicted at the beginning of his 2008 campaign that after his inauguration, “the Muslim world will look at the U.S. differently.”

In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama made the statement that ““I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In February 2011, Obama pressured then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign amid the “Arab Spring” protests which allegedly called for “democracy.”  Obama then supported the Libyan rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi without consulting Congress.  Gaddafi had called Obama “a friend” and “my son“  and was murdered by the rebels.

Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” during the 2008 campaign to a reporter but insists that he is a Christian. His former pastor of 20 years has said that Obama was “steeped in Islam” when arriving at the Trinity United Church of Christ in the 1990s.  Obama claims that Muslims “have suffered the most from “extremism.”  Obama said he “has known Islam on three continents” and refers to the Muslim holy book as “the Holy Koran.”

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in what Libyan officials described aspremeditated, contrary to the statements initially made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Obama himself, all of whom had claimed that a homemade video depicting Islam in a negative light was the catalyst.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, two contract workers and a second diplomat were murdered, and the body of the ambassador was dragged through the streets in the aftermath of his murder and possible torture.  Libyan officials stated that they warned the U.S. three days prior to the attacks, but Stevens and the others were left unprotected.

The White House later sent mixed messages about the cause of the attacks, and the day after the murders were made public, Obama returned to campaigning, saying that it had been “a tough day.”

Unrest and instability have continued in Libya since the Americans were killed.

One year ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann had stated that Obama’s approach to the Middle East had damaged the U.S. by portraying it as weak.  Former presidential candidate John McCain had supported the Arab Spring uprisings, calling them “inspiring” and predicting that they would lead to “freedom and democracy.”  But what  kind of “change” has the Arab Spring brought about in the Middle East?  Who was behind it?

Ties have been illustrated between the Obama regime and The Muslim Brotherhood, and this past July, “an international plot” to overthrow Arab states with Western ties by Islamist organizations” was reported by a top security official in Dubai.  A written plan described as a “roadmap” to conquering Western civilizations was found in Switzerland in 2001 and attributed to The Muslim Brotherhood.  A documentary by Glenn Beck claims that the U.S. government is withholding the information from the American people.

Obama has met with members of The Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, and Muslims hold high-level positions within the Department of Homeland Security.  Some termed such employees “plants.”  It has been reported that the Brotherhood’sgoal is to form a “global Islamic state.”

With the election of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi to the Egyptian presidency in June of this year, mainstream media are acknowledging that the Egyptian government is now “run by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Morsi praisedObama’s embracing of the “Arab Spring” movement as “quick and decisive.”

Islamists have threatened the Coptic Christian community, which numbers 10,000,000 in Egypt, over allegations that a member of the sect had participated in making the video which the Obama regime said was responsible for recent Middle Eastern violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is threatening King Abdullah to either meet their demands to change the form of government or “face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the Egyptian Army, which had been loyal to former President Hosni Mubarak, to cede authority to Morsi after the election, which the Army had been reticent to do.  Morsi now holds full executive power.  His government was slow to condemn violent attacks on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya.  At the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Morsi indicated that the video initially blamed for the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassies was an example of free speech which required “responsibility, especially when it comes with serious implications for international peace and stability.”

The United States gives Egypt $2 billion every year in aid.

Obama insisted that the embassy attacks stemmed from an anti-Islamic video on Tuesday at the United Nations said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama spent at least four years in Indonesia as a child, although it has been reported by at least once source that he actually spent much longer in the “most populous Muslim country,” arriving there at the age two.

Obama straddled the fence by denouncing the anti-Islamic video but claiming to champion free speech when he stated that attempts to limit it become “a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”  However, Obama’s supporters have attempted since the 2008 campaign to do just that:  ridicule, marginalize, disable, and “isolate” the “enemy” using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   Obama’s “Sovereign Citizen” campaign has also targeted anyone questioning his background or “birth certificate,” which has been declared a forgery by a law enforcement investigation.

In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said that the “one organizing principle” in regard to the Middle East uprisings was “Islam.”

On September 22, an interview between Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi and The New York Times was published in which Morsi affirmed that he was “brought up” with The Muslim Brotherhood, which has declared itself an enemy of the United States. During the interview, Morsi said that Egypt would not be “dictated” to by “U.S. rules” and was critical of the United States’ approach to “backing dictators” in the Middle East prior to his election.

Morsi was the first democratically-elected Egyptian leader in the history of the nation.  Since taking office, numerous reports of lynchings and other violence against Christians in Egypt have become public in mainstream publications.  Morsi told The New York Times that “the United States needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.”

Obama had promised to “fundamentally change the United States of America” just days before he was declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

After Morsi’s interview with The New York Times, it was reported that Obama canceled a scheduled meeting with Morsi, allegedly to protect himself from political fallout six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, although the the Times articlestated that a “request” from Morsi to meet with Obama had been quietly “dropped.”

The Muslim Brotherhood has been said to have influenced the U.S. by “insidious Islamist influence inside the Obama administration” which poses a threat to our national security.  Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy maintains that the Muslim Brotherhood advocates the imposition of Sharia Law throughout the Middle East.  An Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney, William C. Killian, was the keynote speaker last month at the opening of a new Islamic Center in Chattanooga, TN.

It has been reported that Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible, and Killian has prosecuted those attempting to defend the Constitution, holding them up as examples to others to refrain from “taking the law into their own hands.”

Upheaval is still occurring in Syria, where today two explosions have killed four security guards close to the army headquarters and as many as 30,000 people have lost their lives due to the violence.

U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and India have been burned and desecrated since the September 11 attacks.  A former Muslim has spoken out and claimed that “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.”

Obama has sent mixed messages to Israel in regard to Iran.  He has said that the U.S. “has Israel’s back“and that the U.S. will not assist Israel if it should strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities to protect itself. Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. to attend the U.N. meeting.

In his “60 Minutes” interview, Obama termed Israel’s concern about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon “noise” and said that he and Netanyahu speak “all the time.”

Iran has said that it could strike Israel if it discovers that Israel has planned an attack. Iranian President and dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, accusing the U.S. of “bullying.”  The U.S. delegation did not attend Ahmadinejad’s speech, claiming that it included “repulsive slurs against Israel.”

Will World War III begin with Obama in charge?”


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called “Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded. What follows is said article and/or blog post: 

SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I will also be forwarding the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Bingaman’s Office Regarding My Above Email:

“Thank you for your feedback!”

4063359777?profile=originalNoteMy following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Arming Our Enemies!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…