Lois Lerner Asks Judge Hearing Class Action Suit To Seal Records – Protect Her From Americans

lois lerner

Lois Lerner is one of the small circle of people who knows the full scope of her politically motivated crimes and she, the deep state and the Democrats wants to keep it that way. Evidently she was doing some pretty awful stuff to innocent people targeted for not being part of her anti-American Democrat party. Why else would she be asking for protection from the public, for the records of her upcoming testimony to be kept secret and sealed forever.

The former IRS senior executive told a federal court this week that she is fearful of potential death threats if her role in the tea party targeting becomes public. She shouldn’t be worried about the threats, they’re harmless. It’s when someone follows through on their threats or attempts to make good on them that she would have a potentially a serious problem. Perhaps she’s got a point, but she’s too arrogant and cocky for most of us to be inclined to give a rip about her safety or mental wellbeing. She didn’t care about anyone else in her House testimony or when she was making other Americans’ lives a living hell.

Many would take the position that she deserves every bit of discomfort she encounters. Just because she’s an elitist who did favors for Hussein Obama should not entitle her to privileges not enjoyed by the common folks. People who commit crimes are tried in public thousands of times every day. Unless they’re juveniles, the entire proceeding is open to the public. Lerner is certainly not a juvenile and not special in any regard. The separate and unequal secondary justice system she”s benefited from thus far left office in January.

It’s not only Lerner but her partner in crime, Holly Paz, who also participated in the discrimination against Tea Party associated patriots in the abuse of power, who is asking for special protections from the American people. The judge is Michael Barrett, who, unbelievably, is a Bush 43, not an Obama appointee and didn’t attend Yale or Harvard but the University of Cincinnati. Paz and Lerner told him that that they’ve already experienced “harassment and death threats” the last go ’round and they’re afraid it would happen again if their crimes are exposed in trial. They contend that by testifying they could be putting “their lives in serious jeopardy.”

Their attorney argued, “Mss. Lerner and Paz have demonstrated that the public dissemination of their deposition testimony would expose them and their families to harassment and a credible risk of violence and physical harm.” They provided the judge with supporting evidence of the supposed threats. They claim that the threats they’ve already received contained “graphic, profane and disturbing language” that they said has caused them embarrassment. Lerner and Pazy caused the nation embarrassment and considerable harm to their victims. It’s exactly what they deserve, for starters. Maybe for once a judge will rule intelligently and deny their request to hide underneath his robe. The victims are doing their best to nudge the judge in that direction.

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