Looking Ahead

4063515852?profile=originalHere are pictures of Michael Jordan's home, a far cry from his ancestors’ slave existence.  What a change!  Where did he get money to buy his fine home?  He got it from job holders. Why are America's leaders of industry, who are the producers of jobs, who are the basic creators of wealth, judged greedy capitalists and athletic heroes earning greater incomes not judged greedy?  The American people are not getting the truth from the news media or politicians of the liberal persuasion.    If the establishment beats the liberal drums long enough, for the majority, the truth is totally blocked.  I was not born to follow the lead. You can read about my life in my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, now being published.  It will be available in June at Amazon.  

“Largely peaceful” demonstrations, we are told by the news media—worldwide—by  anarchists, revolutionaries, Muslim terrorists, fascists, and communists, tell of a change.  Astrologers tell of a change of ages, from the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, to the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer, an age of brotherhood, fraternity, and spiritual growth.  Take your choice of who to believe, the press or astrologers. 

The ancient sages of India said, “so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.” The cutting edge of science agrees. Classical physics says the cutting edge of science is trying to smuggle God into physics. Take your choice on who to believe.

I was born Virgo with Aquarius rising. According to astrology, this means I can envision the future.  I believe the cutting edge of science is right and classical physics is wrong. The cutting edge says that although some things about natural law don’t give us physical proof, nevertheless, the proof is in circumstantial evidence.  

Comes a new cosmology. In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography. Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos.

Circumstantial evidence says that anarchists, revolutionaries and such are evidence of the Age of Pisces in its death throes.  It ties with the birth of Christ. Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.  He promised that he would return.  Jesus talked about brotherhood and spiritual growth. He was talking about the Age of Aquarius. A new order is in its dawning, an order that empowers the individual and dethrones authority.  Wake up America! Your nation was born under the sign of Aquarius.











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  • In reading what Wall Street Stock brokers say today about the above mentioned problems, I find that they see the stockmarket going up this year, and America's economy continuing to recover. I've read what financial experts say who make their livings selling economic advice.  They say the opposite. Take your choice.

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