Make the Law Constitutional!

Let's Write to Congress (

Dear Representative:

Federal Judge Kathleen Forrest granted a preliminary injunction against those sections of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 which gave Barack Obama power to indefinitely detain and deny Fifth Amendment rights to U.S. citizens (See  Judge Forrest declared the NDAA did not pass Constitutional muster, which ALL laws must pass as the Constitution, which includes all Amendments, is the supreme law of the land. 

It is shocking that Congress passed such an unconstitutional law in the first place, but it is better to have the issue resolved in court today rather than have it be a large loophole for terrorists later.  As a United States Representative in Congress please do your job and go back and remake the NDAA Constitutionally sound, only targeting criminal jihad terrorists who actually engage OR support violent and/or seditious action in the United States.

Please also deal with the unconstitutional power-grab inherent in the President's Executive Order regarding the Defense Production Act by which the President has declared war powers in conflict and in peace time (See  Along with this, President Obama has prepared large FEMA camps and assigned U.S. troops to guard them (See in order to enforce these unconstitutional measures.  Again, please do your job and your oath of office and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and make all these laws Constitutional.

Thank you.

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